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Into Chinese: Into English: 1.Ascending aorta 1.肝总动脉 2.Maxillary artery 2.胆囊动脉 3.Thoracoacromial artery 3.乙状结肠动脉 4.Parietal branch 4.闭孔动脉 5.Celiac trunk 5.腘动脉

Into English: 1.肝总动脉 2.胆囊动脉 3.乙状结肠动脉 4.闭孔动脉 5.腘动脉 Into Chinese: 1. Ascending aorta 2. Maxillary artery 3. Thoracoacromial artery 4. Parietal branch 5. Celiac trunk

Into Chinese: 1.Ascending aorta升主动脉 2.Maxillary artery上颌动脉 3.Thoracoacromial artery胸肩峰动脉 4.Parietal branch壁支 5.Celiac trunk腹腔干或腹腔动脉 Into English: 1.肝总动脉Common hepatic artery 2.胆囊动脉Cystic artery 3.乙状结肠动脉Sigmoid artery 4.闭孔动脉Obturator artery 5.腘动脉Popliteal artery

Into Chinese: 1. Ascending aorta 升主动脉 2. Maxillary artery 上颌动脉 3. Thoracoacromial artery 胸肩峰动脉 4. Parietal branch 壁支 5. Celiac trunk 腹腔干或腹腔动脉 Into English: 1.肝总动脉 Common hepatic artery 2.胆囊动脉 Cystic artery 3.乙状结肠动脉 Sigmoid artery 4.闭孔动脉 Obturator artery 5.腘动脉 Popliteal artery

Copy Right-Hongqi ZH Contents today Fudan University External jugular -Internal jugular 1.General description Subclavian Superior vena cava Intercostal 2.The veins of pulmonary Hepatic venacava Median cubital. circulation Radial Median antebrachial 3.The veins of systemic nternal aac Digtal circulation Great saphenous 1 Superior vena cava system Popliteal 2 Inferior vena cava system Small saphenous Anterior tibial hepatic portal vein. Dorsal venous arch Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Departm

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Contents today 1. General description 2. The veins of pulmonary circulation 3. The veins of systemic circulation ① Superior vena cava system ② Inferior vena cava system hepatic portal vein

Copy General introduction of the veins 1.They are vessel which return blood back to atrium导血回心的血管 2. No pulsation无搏动,with much metabolic material,dark red color 3. With thin wall,less elasticity&large irregular cavity壁薄腔大弹性小 -Valve Tunica intima ·Endothelium Subendothelial layer Internal elastic lamina artery Tunica media External elastic lamina Tunica externa vein Lumen umen Artery Vein Capillary network Endothelial cells ((bL Capillary atomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1. They are vessel which return blood back to atrium 导血回心的血管 2. No pulsation 无搏动 ,with much metabolic material, dark red color 3. With thin wall, less elasticity & large irregular cavity 壁薄腔大弹性小 General introduction of the veins

Copy General introduction of the veins 4. With venous valve静脉瓣mainly in lower limb,rich anastomose吻合丰富. Vein Valves Vein Proximal Proximal valve valve open closed Contracted Relaxed skeletal skeletal muscles muscles Dista closed Blood flowing Healthy valve to heart prevents reverse blood flow (a)Contracted skeletal muscles (b)Relaxed skeletal muscles Copy epartment ity

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 4. With venous valve 静脉瓣 mainly in lower limb, rich anastomose 吻合丰富. General introduction of the veins

Copy General introduction of the veins 5.Special vein:sinuses of dura matert硬脑膜静脉窦;diploic veins板障静脉 6.Veins usually fellow arteries,ymphatic vessels and nerves伴行t性。在 上肢和小腿是一条动脉伴行两条静脉。 7.Artery-branch;vein-tributary)属支.Variance变异common. oa vin Diploic veins板障静脉 硬脑膜静脉窦; Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 5. Special vein: sinuses of dura mater硬脑膜静脉窦; diploic veins 板障静脉. 6. Veins usually fellow arteries, lymphatic vessels and nerves 伴行性。在 上肢和小腿是一条动脉伴行两条静脉。 7. Artery - branch; vein-tributary属支. Variance 变异 common. General introduction of the veins Diploic veins 板障静脉 硬脑膜静脉窦;

Copy F Arteries and veins of whole body 8.Superficial(subcutaneous皮下)vein,&deep(accompanied)伴行vein. Right common carotid Right subclavian Lett common carotid Extemal jugula -Internal jugular Brachiocephalic trun Left subclavian Axillary Aortic arch- Pulmonary trunk Superior vena cava Brachial Ascending aorta Descending aorta Basilic Diaphragm Celiac trunk Renal Hepatic Brachial Median cubital Gonadal Gonadal Radial Radial Lumbar Inienor mesenten Ulnar. Common iliac Median antebrachial Intemal ifac Uinar External iliac arches Popliteal Posterior tibial Anterior tibial Small saphenou Dorsalis pedis Plantar venous arch Plantar arch C0pyy3兴-, ment Dorsa venous arch-

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Arteries and veins of whole body 8. Superficial (subcutaneous 皮下) vein, & deep (accompanied) 伴行 vein

Copy General introduction of the veins 9.3 system:Cardiac vein,systemic pulmonary circulatory v. 1O.Drainage factors回流因素:valve,aspiration of heart,negative pressure, muscle contraction. 11.The clinic临床:Superficial vein usually are used for the puncture静脉穿刺 12.Common disease:Thrombosis,phlebitis,varicose veins,leg ulcers,etc. Ulcer Thrombosis varicose veins Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 9. 3 system:Cardiac vein, systemic & pulmonary circulatory v. 10. Drainage factors 回流因素: valve, aspiration of heart, negative pressure, muscle contraction. 11. The clinic 临床: Superficial vein usually are used for the puncture 静脉穿刺 12. Common disease: Thrombosis, phlebitis, varicose veins, leg ulcers, etc. General introduction of the veins Ulcer Thrombosis varicose veins

Copy Right- n University Cardiac venous system 1-Great cardiac vein 2-Middle cardiac vein 3-Small cardiac vein Coronary sinus Right atrium 2 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Cardiac venous system 1-Great cardiac vein 2-Middle cardiac vein 3-Small cardiac vein Coronary sinus Right atrium 1 2 3

Copy Ri versity Vein of pulmonary circulation -pulmonary vein Four pulmonary vein:two for each side Carry oxygenated blood to left atrium Coronary I sinus Great cardiac vein Posterior vein of left ventricle Middle cardiac Small cardiac vein vein Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Vein of pulmonary circulation -pulmonary vein Four pulmonary vein: two for each side Carry oxygenated blood to left atrium
