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Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Into Chinese: Into English: 1.Angiology 1.肺循环 2.interventricular groove 2.心室 3.Fossa ovalis 3.心包 4.Myocardium 4.窦房结 5.Mitrial valve 5.上腔静脉 复且大学张红旗Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 复旦大学张红旗-Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University Into English: 1.肺循环 2.心室 3.心包 4.窦房结 5.上腔静脉 Into Chinese: 1. Angiology 2. interventricular groove 3. Fossa ovalis 4. Myocardium 5. Mitrial valve

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Into Chinese: 1.Angiology脉管学 2.interventricular groove室间沟 3.Fossa ovalis卵圆窝 4.Myocardium心肌 5.Mitral complex二尖瓣 Into English: 1.肺循环Pulmonary circulation 2.心室Ventricle 3.心包Pericardium 4.窦房结Sinuatrial sinus 5.上腔静脉Superior vena cava 复且大学张红旗Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 复旦大学张红旗-Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University Into Chinese: 1. Angiology 脉管学 2. interventricular groove 室间沟 3. Fossa ovalis 卵圆窝 4. Myocardium 心肌 5. Mitral complex 二尖瓣 Into English: 1. 肺循环 Pulmonary circulation 2. 心室 Ventricle 3. 心包 Pericardium 4. 窦房结 Sinuatrial sinus 5. 上腔静脉 Superior vena cava

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHA Contents Anatomy-Fudan University 1.General description to the artery 2.The arteries of the heart and the neck 3.The arteries of the thorax 4.The arteries of the abdomen 5.The arteries of the pelvis 6.The arteries of lower limbs 7.Common stopping bleeding position 8.The arteries and the clinic 9.Some angiography photoes 复日大学张红旗Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 复旦大学张红旗-Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University Contents 1. General description to the artery 2. The arteries of the heart and the neck 3. The arteries of the thorax 4. The arteries of the abdomen 5. The arteries of the pelvis 6. The arteries of lower limbs 7. Common stopping bleeding position 8. The arteries and the clinic 9.Some angiography photoes

Copy Righ Key points about the arteries 1.The name of arterial trunk 2.The origin of arterial trunk 3.The boundary of the artery 4.The boundary of neighbouring arteries 5.The stopping bleeding position 6.The supplied area or organs 7.The clinic significance 8.Main English words of main arteries(neck) 复且大学张红旗Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 复旦大学张红旗-Hongqi Zhang-Fudan University Key points about the arteries 1.The name of arterial trunk 2.The origin of arterial trunk 3.The boundary of the artery 4.The boundary of neighbouring arteries 5.The stopping bleeding position 6.The supplied area or organs 7.The clinic significance 8.Main English words of main arteries (neck)

Cop) General introduction to the artery ersity Artery originate from ventricles and that carry blood depart from the heart. Structurally with thick wall a small cavity compared to the vein,rich in O2 nutrition,bright red color,pulsation felt on the body surface According to the diameter:three kinds:large,medium-sized small artery, functionally:large small circulation mainly. After injury:bleeding is quick,pressing may stop bleeding,after lose the blood,blood perfusion is needed. Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University General introduction to the artery ◆Artery originate from ventricles and that carry blood depart from the heart. ◆Structurally with thick wall & a small cavity compared to the vein, rich in O2 & nutrition, bright red color, pulsation 搏动 felt on the body surface. ◆According to the diameter: three kinds: large, medium-sized & small artery, functionally: large & small circulation mainly. ◆After injury: bleeding is quick, pressing may stop bleeding, after lose the blood, blood perfusion is needed

Artery carry blood from heart to organs tissues External carotid Internal carotid. Aight common carotid Left common carotid Brachiocephalic- Aortic arch- Left subclaviar Brachial Left coronary Hepatic Heart Renal- Left gastric Superior mesenteric Splenic Ovarian -Radial Uinar Abdominal aorta- Inferior mesenter Right common iliac Deep palmar ar Intemnal iliac- Superficial paim External iliac Digital Femoral Middle sacral Deep femoral- Popliteal- Anterior tibial- Peroneal- Posterior tibial Dorsalis pedis Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Depa

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Artery carry blood from heart to organs & tissues

Copy Basic rules of arterial distribution External carotid Internal carotid、 Right common carotid ◆Symmetry basically基本对称 Left common carotid Brachiocephalic. Aortic arch -Left subclavian in neck limbs 1~2 arterial Pulmonary. Axillary -Brachial trunks each region区域动脉干 Celiac Left coronary Hepatic -Heart Renal ◆In the trunk: Left gastric Superior mesenteric. Splenic Radial Parietal branch壁支 Ovarian Uinar bdominal aorta Inferior mese Visceral one脏支 nt common iliac Deep paln Internal iliac- Superficial Segmental aa.节段性动脉 Extemal iliac- Digital Femoral Middle sacral Commonly followed with vein. Deep femoral nerve,lymphatic vessel to form Popliteal- neurovascular bundle伴行性 Anterior tibial- Peroneal Posterior tiblal- Dorsalis p Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Departm

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Basic rules of arterial distribution ◆Symmetry basically 基本对称 in neck & limbs 1~2 arterial trunks each region 区域动脉干 ◆In the trunk: Parietal branch 壁支 Visceral one 脏支 Segmental aa. 节段性动脉 ◆Commonly followed with vein. nerve, lymphatic vessel to form neurovascular bundle 伴行性

Cop) Basic rule of arterial distribution iversity In the deep shelter place run on flexor surfaces安全性 ◆Arrive in the target organ短距离 in shortest routine In shortest distance ◆in some region to form vascular arch血管号 The diameter related to size function of the organ to supply.直径与器官大小和功能相关 Copy Right-Honggi ZHANG-Department of Anatc Form vascular arch

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University ◆In the deep & shelter place run on flexor surfaces 安全性 ◆Arrive in the target organ 短距离 in shortest routine ◆in some region to form vascular arch 血管弓 ◆The diameter related to size & function of the organ to supply.直径与器官大小和功能相关 Basic rule of arterial distribution In shortest distance Form vascular arch

Denomination of the artery命名原则 ◆Location:所在位置:such as mesenteric artery,facial artery ◆Target organ所营养器官:renal artery,hepatic artery If there are more than one arteries in one organ, sup.,inf.,artery of the thyroid,superficial or deep branch,accessory renal artery.上,下动脉或副动脉 In the limbs,the name is correspond with the name of bone,such as;ulnar artery,femoral artery,arterial trunk number equal to number of limb bone ◆Generally综合:thoracic part of aorta.right pulmonary artery, left gastric a,sup.mesenteric a.superficial palmar arch. Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University ◆Location: 所在位置:such as mesenteric artery, facial artery ◆Target organ 所营养器官: renal artery, hepatic artery ◆If there are more than one arteries in one organ, sup.,inf., artery of the thyroid, superficial or deep branch, accessory renal artery. 上,下动脉或副动脉 ◆In the limbs, the name is correspond with the name of bone, such as; ulnar artery, femoral artery, arterial trunk number equal to number of limb bone ◆Generally 综合: thoracic part of aorta. right pulmonary artery, left gastric a, sup. mesenteric a. superficial palmar arch. Denomination of the artery 命名原则

Copy Righ Arterial distribution diagram niversity intestine Visceral Aorta branch 脏支 Parietal Branch Kidney 壁支 卫段性壁支 Spinal cord脊髓 Accessory a.副动脉 Arterial distribution diagram of the trunk Radiation?辐射型Longitudinal Entering from Longitudinal Transverse (spinal cord)Muscle纵行hilum门(kidney,(ureter) Cupy Rigit-nongyi ZnANG-Deparnent uI Miatolly-Fuuanl L. (intestine)横行

Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Accessory a.副动脉 Radiation辐射型 (spinal cord) Longitudinal Muscle 纵行 Entering from hilum 门 (kidney) Longitudinal (ureter) Transverse (intestine) 横行 Arterial distribution diagram of the trunk Arterial distribution diagram Visceral branch 脏支 intestine Parietal Branch 壁支 Kidney Aorta Spinal cord 脊髓
