
English words quiz Into Chinese: Into English: 1.Medial adduction 1.矢状面 2.Maxilla 2.翼点 3.Infrasternal angle 3.骨密质 4.Hyperostosis 4.前☒ 5.Intervertebral foramen 5.蝶骨
Into English: 1. 矢状面 2. 翼点 3. 骨密质 4. 前囟 5. 蝶骨 Into Chinese: 1. Medial adduction 2. Maxilla 3. Infrasternal angle 4. Hyperostosis 5. Intervertebral foramen English words quiz

Into Chinese: 1.Medial adduction内收 2.Maxilla上颌骨 3.Infrasternal angle胸骨下角 4.Hyperostosis骨质增生 5.Intervertebral foramen椎间孔 Into English: 1.矢状面sagittal plane 2.翼点pterion 3.骨密质compact bone 4.前☒anterior fontanelle 5.蝶骨sphenoid
Into English: 1. 矢状面 sagittal plane 2. 翼点 pterion 3. 骨密质 compact bone 4. 前囟 anterior fontanelle 5. 蝶骨 sphenoid Into Chinese: 1. Medial adduction 内收 2. Maxilla 上颌骨 3. Infrasternal angle 胸骨下角 4. Hyperostosis 骨质增生 5. Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔

f An The bones of upper limb their articulations The upper limb is characterized by considerable mobility and is adapted for grasping manipulation. 一般是上下肢骨和关节比较学习 Hands of patient with gout痛风 Copy Right-Honggi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University The bones of upper limb & their articulations The upper limb is characterized by considerable mobility and is adapted for grasping & manipulation. 一般是上下肢骨和关节比较学习 Hands of patient with gout痛风

Copy Right- Bone of the upper limb-64 niversity Shoulder (1/2 pectoral girdle) Bones of Shoulder girdle上肢带骨 Clavicle Acromioclavicular joint 1.Clavicle锁骨1 Glenohumeral 2. Scapula肩胛骨1 (shoulder) joint Humerus Arm- Bones of free upper limb游离骨 Scapula 1.Humerus肱骨1 Elbow Elbow joint 腕八掌五指十四 Radius- 2. Ulna尺骨1 、Proximal 肩锁肱尺桡各二 Forearm- radioulnar joint 3. Radius桡骨1 Radiocarpal Distal (wrist)joint radioulnar joint 4. Carpal bones腕骨8 Wrist- -Carpus Metacarpus 5. Metacarpal bones掌骨5 Hand Phalanges Carpo metacarpal/ 6.Phalangeal bones指骨14 joint Metacarpo- Interphalangeal joints phalangeal joints Anterior yiew.-.-. epartment of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 1. Humerus 肱骨 1 2. Ulna 尺骨1 3. Radius 桡骨1 4. Carpal bones 腕骨 8 5. Metacarpal bones 掌骨 5 6. Phalangeal bones 指骨 14 Bones of Shoulder girdle上肢带骨 1. Clavicle 锁骨 1 2. Scapula 肩胛骨1 Bones of free upper limb 游离骨 Bone of the upper limb-64 腕八掌五指十四 肩锁肱尺桡各一

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHA Clavicle锁骨 my-Fudan University Fracture of S-shaped long bone the clavicle 1 shaft 2 ends Medial 2/3 convex forward Sternal end Anterior Shaft Lateral 1/3 convex backward Acromial end Sternal end medially Posterior Sternal facet Superior surface Acromial end laterally (articular surface) Conoid tubercle Superior surface Posterior Inferior surface Trapezoid Impression for Anterior Subclavian line costoclavicular groove Acromial facet ligament (articular surface) Inferior surface f Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University S-shaped long bone 1 shaft & 2 ends Medial 2/3 convex forward Lateral 1/3 convex backward Sternal end medially Acromial end laterally Superior surface Inferior surface Fracture of the clavicle Clavicle 锁骨

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHA Clavicle锁骨 my-Fudan University 锁骨俗称"美人骨","为$状弯曲的细长骨,位于皮下,为颈与胸两部的分界,是上 肢与躯干间唯一的骨性联系,维持肩关节在正常位置,增加上肢的活动范围和提高 劳动效能。分布至上肢的大血管和神经均在锁骨中段后方通过。 分新与作春: (1)锁骨,亦作领骨属特例长骨,因没骨精腔:其 外1/4属扁骨。(2)体内206块骨,锁骨最先出现(还第五周。(3)锁骨是膜内成骨,发生于皮 肤深面的组织,可称皮骨,内侧端有骨骺,为软骨内成骨,骺与体融合在所有骨中最晚(25 岁完成意合。(4)锁骨的骨化中心有两个,分别形成内侧34长骨与外1/4扁骨。(5)锁骨常被 锁骨上神经穿过。(6)锁骨浅面覆盖的颈阔肌和皮肤,活动度大。(7)颈阔肌与锁骨下肌是锁 骨骨折后的保护装置。(8)胸锁乳突肌与背阔肌上提、胸大肌与三角肌下掣,锁骨成为动态肌 附若点。(9)区分左、右:粗圆端在内、扁平端在外:滑面在上,糙面在下:内23凸向前、 外/3凹向前。(10)右侧锁骨通常比左侧锁骨短而强壮:双侧锁骨可以先天性缺胡。()锁骨 骨折后,伤者的头颈部保护性转向伤侧一一看若骨折的锁骨!(12)善奔跑类动物没有锁骨或很 小,善飞钢、李肥挖掘类动物锁骨发达,灵长类为雪。 神经科拉前消 Copy Right-Honggi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University 锁骨俗称"美人骨","为S状弯曲的细长骨,位于皮下,为颈与胸两部的分界,是上 肢与躯干间唯一的骨性联系,维持肩关节在正常位置,增加上肢的活动范围和提高 劳动效能。分布至上肢的大血管和神经均在锁骨中段后方通过。 Clavicle 锁骨

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHA Scapula肩胛骨 my-Fudan University A broad triangular flat bone,Lie on posterolateral aspect of the thorax, Overlying the 2nd-7th ribs,3 angles,3 borders,2 surfaces,1spine. 肩峰 喙突肩胛切迹上缘 盂上结节 Acromion肩峰 Coracoid process喙突 Scapular notch肩胛切迹 Sup.border.上缘 冈上窝 肩胛冈 Sup.angle上角 Supraglenoid tubercle盂上结节 肩胛下窝 Glenoid cavity关节盂 冈下窝 盂下结节 Lat.border外侧缘 Infraglenoid tubercle盂下结节 外侧缘 Lat.border外侧缘 、内侧缘 Scapular spine肩胛冈 Supraspnial fossa冈上窝 lnf.scapular fossa肩胛下离 Med.border内侧缘 下角 后面 前面 Sup.angle上角 lnf.angle下角 Ant.surface nt-Honggi ZHANG-Departmen or Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University A broad triangular flat bone,Lie on posterolateral aspect of the thorax, Overlying the 2nd -7 th ribs,3 angles, 3 borders, 2 surfaces,1spine. Scapula 肩胛骨 Ant. surface Acromion 肩峰 Coracoid process 喙突 Scapular notch 肩胛切迹 Sup.border上缘 Sup.angle上角 Supraglenoid tubercle 盂上结节 Glenoid cavity 关节盂 Lat.border 外侧缘 Infraglenoid tubercle 盂下结节 Lat.border外侧缘 Scapular spine 肩胛冈 Supraspnial fossa 冈上窝 Inf.scapular fossa 肩胛下窝 Med.border 内侧缘 Sup.angle 上角 Inf.angle下角

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHA Scapula肩胛骨 my-Fudan University A broad triangular flat bone,Lie on posterolateral aspect of the thorax, Overlying the 2nd-7th ribs,3 angles,3 borders,2 surfaces &1 spine. Superior angle Facet for clavicle Supraspinous fossa Suprascapular notch Coracoid process Acromion Acromion Acromion Acromial Coracoid Crest of spine angle process Head of scapula Lateral Medial angle Glenoid cavity Neck of scapula border Spine of scapula Lateral Deltoid tubercle of spine border Subscapular foss (A) Costal surface Posterior surface (B)Posterior surface -Clavicle(suspending strut) Acromioclavicular(AC)joint -Acromioclavicular joint Supraglenoid Clavicle tubercle Coracoclavicular Acromion- ligament Coracoclavicular ligament Supraspinous Coracoid fossa process Head of humerus Spine Glenoid cavity Infraglenoid Glenohumeral joint Infraspinous tubercle Scapular fossa Scapula mass Lateral border of scapula Inferior angle (C)Posterior view (D)Lateral view
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University A broad triangular flat bone,Lie on posterolateral aspect of the thorax, Overlying the 2nd -7 th ribs,3 angles, 3 borders, 2 surfaces & 1 spine. Scapula 肩胛骨

Copy Right-Hongqi ZHA Humerus肱骨 my-Fudan University Long bone,1 body and two ends Head of humerus肱骨头 Anatomical neck解剖颈 肱骨头 Surgical neck外科颈 大结节 解剖颈 小结节 Greater tubercles大结节 外科颈“ 一结节间沟 Crest of greater Tubercle大结节嵴 大结节嵴 小结节嵴 Lesser tubercles小结节 Crest of lesser tubercle小结节嵴 Intertubercular sulcus结节间沟 Sulcus for radial nerve.桡神经沟 桡神经沟- 一肱骨体 三角肌粗隆 Shaft of humerus肱骨体 Detoid tuberosity三角肌粗隆 Lat.epicondyle外上髁 Capitulum of humerus肱骨小头 Trochlea of humerus肱骨滑车 鹰嘴窝 冠突窝 Coronoid fossa冠突窝 外上髁、 内上髁 桡窝 Radial fossa桡窝 肱骨滑车 -尺神经沟 肱骨小头 Med.epicondyle内上髁 后面 前面 to,Sulcus for ulnar n.尺神经沟
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Humerus 肱 骨 Head of humerus 肱骨头 Anatomical neck 解剖颈 Surgical neck 外科颈 Greater tubercles 大结节 Crest of greater Tubercle 大结节嵴 Lesser tubercles 小结节 Crest of lesser tubercle 小结节嵴 Intertubercular sulcus 结节间沟 Sulcus for radial nerve.桡神经沟 Shaft of humerus 肱骨体 Detoid tuberosity 三角肌粗隆 Lat. epicondyle 外上髁 Capitulum of humerus 肱骨小头 Trochlea of humerus 肱骨滑车 Coronoid fossa 冠突窝 Radial fossa 桡窝 Med. epicondyle 内上髁 Sulcus for ulnar n.尺神经沟 Long bone,1 body and two ends

Copy Right- UIna and radius尺骨与桡骨 University 桡骨头 鹰嘴 一滑车切迹 Head of radius桡骨头 冠突 一环状关节面 Olecranon尺骨鹰嘴 桡切迹 Trochlear notch滑车切迹 桡骨粗隆- 尺骨粗隆 桡骨粗隆 Coronoid process冠突 Radial notch of ulna桡骨切迹 Articular circumference环状关节面 Radial tuberosity桡骨粗隆 Ulnar tuberosity尺骨粗隆 Ulnar notch尺骨切迹 Styloid process桡骨茎突 尺切迹 -尺骨茎突 -桡骨茎突Head of ulnar.尺骨头 后面 前面 Copy Right-Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University
Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Copy Right- Hongqi ZHANG-Department of Anatomy-Fudan University Ulna and radius 尺骨与桡骨 Head of radius 桡骨头 Olecranon 尺骨鹰嘴 Trochlear notch 滑车切迹 Coronoid process 冠突 Radial notch of ulna 桡骨切迹 Articular circumference 环状关节面 Radial tuberosity 桡骨粗隆 Ulnar tuberosity 尺骨粗隆 Ulnar notch 尺骨切迹 Styloid process 桡骨茎突 Head of ulnar 尺骨头
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