
训练成为独立思考的科学家 共识与“偏见” 韩珉
训练成为独立思考的科学家 - 共识与“偏见” 韩珉

Why do give such a talk? As an over-achiever, I appreciate more about the good training I have received Getting old, and on the down slope in the career, I am more interested in talking A class at Fudan Medical school
Why do give such a talk? - As an over-achiever, I appreciate more about the good training I have received. - Getting old, and on the down slope in the career, I am more interested in talking. -A class at Fudan Medical School

训练自己尽早成为一个全面的科学家 读研究生时做学问的方法决定了你将来科学生涯的基调 正确的训练将帮助你在竞争好的博土后或者其他职位时 优势更加明显 只有以正确的方式进行研究才能感到科学的乐趣
训练自己尽早成为一个全面的科学家 - 读研究生时做学问的方法决定了你将来科学生涯的基调 - 正确的训练将帮助你在竞争好的博士后或者其他职位时 优势更加明显 - 只有以正确的方式进行研究才能感到科学的乐趣

训练的目标是什么? 正确的科学道德 思考科学问题和解决方法的能力 合理利用时间高效完成各种任务的能力 阅读和分析文献的能力 口头表达和确立观点的能力 撰写研究论文和综述的能力 与他人交流合作的能力 和同事愉快相处的能力
训练的目标是什么? - 正确的科学道德 - 思考科学问题和解决方法的能力 - 合理利用时间高效完成各种任务的能力 - 阅读和分析文献的能力 - 口头表达和确立观点的能力 - 撰写研究论文和综述的能力 - 与他人交流合作的能力 - 和同事愉快相处的能力

如何评价学生 推荐信和电话交谈 发表的论文 对科研兴趣的自我表述/面试
如何评价学生 - 推荐信和电话交谈 - 发表的论文 - 对科研兴趣的自我表述/面试

How do NIh panels evaluate postdoctoral fellowship applicants? Confidential letters by the advisor and other professors Ranking following aspects(1-5) Research Ability and potential Write and verbal communications Perseverance in Pursuing Goals Self-reliance and Independence Laboratory Skills and techniques Originality Accuracy Scientific Background Familiarity with Research Literature Ability to Organize Scientific Data
How do NIH panels evaluate postdoctoral fellowship applicants? Confidential letters by the advisor and other professors Ranking following aspects (1-5): - Research Ability and Potential - Write and Verbal Communications - Perseverance in Pursuing Goals - Self-reliance and Independence - Laboratory Skills and techniques - Originality - Accuracy - Scientific Background - Familiarity with Research Literature - Ability to Organize Scientific Data

Example of the evaluation of a good student OM3 N: C92s-o1 deparment er Hawn sad Human samosa this Public Hea tn Service ME aF APP ANT ANat Smt m为 Reference Natonal Research Sarvice Awan P代 eOsD aroN用N器Lnor Resd wsyuchona on加e) Univetsity af California. Berkeley Compare t'e aod nant wm chor ndid ns df snlr ran u ermrende sth wttn wu haww ban ssaodshed Use te hond mrad adre Mo* ewsr bioo rae x finsLer knew m a n afd"A"I no aeddesbk 1-Dutulandlwg camara t he bat eka n a errt da u mewah weeny tuspar 5%) 7-Excallent-irper H b 2a, 4- Geod TAwang时一md341 1- arr dead LAtos Awaran一u24% Uem hige tbee a back ink AUG 5 2002 L woman and Vatal Commrkators U Pena wane i Pursin Goes 7 Adoring Badkgrunc Rmany win FenanntBoouro NA□ Chical PromclorGh I wow L abit se Omai Swete Dst 团 arney Suls and Taang.m,w Denite you wasocukn wth h attert. Carman on ho aton tora, irdang ch areas m anprcriak, wenying the stench am aoa. s nu shula tw tu n awning te socam scud a werth career. (Le canute pegu as nuassuryJ Please ne+e:工c-… ly remember oNE.h闩2yn 热十工 4ve reared a wRSA cand∥ I'r Tom Jieren/
Example of the evaluation of a good student

Example of the evaluation of a weaker student QuickTime?and a TIFF (Uncompressed decompressor are needed to see this picture
Example of the evaluation of a weaker student QuickTime?and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture

What are the pre-requisites to be a successful graduate student? High GPA? Great gre score? Wealth of your family? Type of undergraduate college? Fudan vs others Rao Yis argument
What are the pre-requisites to be a successful graduate student? • High GPA? • Great GRE score? • Wealth of your family? • Type of undergraduate college? – Fudan vs others? – Rao Yi’s argument

More about your college grades Good grades in high school and college are far from sufficient. In fact, they are not even necessary. There are other important traits
More about your college grades • Good grades in high school and college are far from sufficient. In fact, they are not even necessary. There are other important traits
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