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《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Official PPT of Organic Chemistry 6th LG Wade by Prentice Hall,L. G. Wade, Jr.)Chapter 02 Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules

《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Official PPT of Organic Chemistry 6th LG Wade by Prentice Hall,L. G. Wade, Jr.)Chapter 02 Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules

Organic Chemistry,6th Edition L.G.Wade,Jr. Chapter 2 Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules Jo Blackburn Richland College,Dallas,TX Dallas County Community College District ©2006,Prentice Hall

Chapter 2 Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules Organic Chemistry, 6th Edition L. G. Wade, Jr. Jo Blackburn Richland College, Dallas, TX Dallas County Community College District © 2006, Prentice Hall

Wave Properties of Electrons Standing wave vibrates in fixed location. Wave function,y,mathematical description of size,shape,orientation. Amplitude may be positive or negative. Node:amplitude is zero. nodal plane nucleus represented by nucleus wave function > (instantaneous picture) nodal plane

Chapter 2 2 Wave Properties of Electrons • Standing wave vibrates in fixed location. • Wave function, , mathematical description of size, shape, orientation. • Amplitude may be positive or negative. • Node: amplitude is zero. =>

Wave Interactions Linear combination of atomic orbitals >on different atoms produce molecular orbitals >on the same atom give hybrid orbitals. Conservation of orbitals. Waves that are in phase add together. Amplitude increases. Waves that are out of phase cancel out. Chapter 2 3

Chapter 2 3 Wave Interactions • Linear combination of atomic orbitals ➢on different atoms produce molecular orbitals ➢on the same atom give hybrid orbitals. • Conservation of orbitals. • Waves that are in phase add together. Amplitude increases. • Waves that are out of phase cancel out. =>

Bonding Region Electrons are close to both nuclei. bonding region ●入 electrons in this region nucleus 1 attract both nuclei nucleus 2 and mask the positive charges from repelling each other > Copyright2005 Pearson Prentice Hall.Inc

Chapter 2 4 Bonding Region • Electrons are close to both nuclei. =>

Sigma Bonding Electron density lies between the nuclei. A bond may be formed by s-s,p-p,s-p, or hybridized orbital overlaps. The bonding MO is lower in energy than the original atomic orbitals. The antibonding MO is higher in energy than the atomic orbitals. => Chapter 2 5

Chapter 2 5 Sigma Bonding • Electron density lies between the nuclei. • A bond may be formed by s-s, p-p, s-p, or hybridized orbital overlaps. • The bonding MO is lower in energy than the original atomic orbitals. • The antibonding MO is higher in energy than the atomic orbitals. =>

Bonding Molecular Orbital Two hydrogens,1s constructive overlap Constructive Interaction:The two Is orbitals are in phase and have the same sign add bonding molecular orbital represented by: => σ-bonding MO 6 Copyright2005 Pearson Prentice Hall,Inc

Chapter 2 6 Bonding Molecular Orbital Two hydrogens, 1s constructive overlap =>

Anti-Bonding Molecular Orbital Two hydrogens,destructive overlap. Destructive interaction:The twe 1s orbitals are out of phase. anubonding molecular orbital represented by: => node antibonding MO 7 Pearson Prentice Hall,Inc

Chapter 2 7 Anti-Bonding Molecular Orbital Two hydrogens, destructive overlap. =>

H2:s-s overlap node antibonding 0* energy atomic orbital atomic orbital bonding 三> molecular orbital Copyright 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall,Inc. 8

Chapter 2 8 H2 : s-s overlap =>

Cl2:p-p overlap Constructive overlap along the same axis forms a sigma bond. Px Px o bonding MO Copyright 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall,Inc. => Chapter 2 9

Chapter 2 9 Cl2 : p-p overlap => Constructive overlap along the same axis forms a sigma bond

HCI:s-p overlap Question:What is the predicted shape for the bonding MO and the antibonding MO of the HCI molecule? o bonding MO node => Px (-)s o*antibonding MO 10 Copyright 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall.Inc

Chapter 2 10 HCl: s-p overlap Question: What is the predicted shape for the bonding MO and the antibonding MO of the HCl molecule? =>
