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《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Organic Chemistry,5th Edition,L. G. Wade, Jr.,Prentice Hall)Chapter 01 Introduction and Review

《有机化学》课程PPT教学课件(Organic Chemistry,5th Edition,L. G. Wade, Jr.,Prentice Hall)Chapter 01 Introduction and Review

Organic Chemistry,5th Edition L.G.Wade,Jr. Chapter 1 Introduction and Review Jo Blackburn Richland College,Dallas,TX Dallas County Community College District ©2003,Prentice Hall

Chapter 1 Introduction and Review Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition L. G. Wade, Jr. Jo Blackburn Richland College, Dallas, TX Dallas County Community College District © 2003, Prentice Hall

Definitions ·Old:“derived from living organisms” ·New:“chemistry of carbon compounds” From inorganic to organic,Wohler,1828 NH"OCN heat、 6s-8-N urea > Chapter 1 2

Chapter 1 2 Definitions • Old: “derived from living organisms” • New: “chemistry of carbon compounds” • From inorganic to organic, Wöhler, 1828 heat NH4 + OCN - H2 N C NH2 O urea =>

Atomic Structure protons,neutrons,and electrons ·isotopes C 14 二> Chapter 1 3

Chapter 1 3 Atomic Structure • protons, neutrons, and electrons • isotopes C 12 6 6 C 14 =>

Atomic Orbitals electron density node node electron distance from distance distance from the from the density the nucleus nucleus nucleus node nucleus nucleus node nodal plane 2s orbital (spherical) 2p orbital Chapter 1

Chapter 1 4 Atomic Orbitals 2s orbital (spherical) 2p orbital =>

Electronic Configurations ·Aufbau principle: Relative orbital energies Place electrons in 个2p.个2p,-2p lowest energy orbital first. energy 个¥2s ·Hund's rule: Equal energy orbitals are half- 以1s filled,then filled. => Chapter 1 5

Chapter 1 5 Electronic Configurations • Aufbau principle: Place electrons in lowest energy orbital first. • Hund’s rule: Equal energy orbitals are half￾filled, then filled.    => 

Table 1-1 TABLE I-I Electronic Configurations of the Elements of the First and Second Rows Element Configuration Valence Electrons H 1 1 He 1s2 2 Li 1s22 1 Be 1w22x2 2 B 1s22s22p 3 C 1s2222p2 4 N 122p2p2p 5 0 1s22x22p22n2p 6 F 1s22s22p222p 7 Ne 1s2s2p:2p2p Chapter 1 6

Chapter 1 6 Table 1-1 =>

Bond Formation lonic bonding:electrons are transferred. Covalent bonding:electron pair is shared. H○H CE Nat :Cl nonpolar polar ionic bond covalent bond covalent bond => Chapter 1 7

Chapter 1 7 Bond Formation • Ionic bonding: electrons are transferred. • Covalent bonding: electron pair is shared. =>

Lewis Structures ·Bonding electrons Nonbonding electrons or lone pairs H H-C-0-H H Satisfy the octet rule! => Chapter 1 8

Chapter 1 8 Lewis Structures • Bonding electrons • Nonbonding electrons or lone pairs Satisfy the octet rule! => C H H H O H

Multiple Bonding he心 H:C:::C:H or or CC- H-c-; H一C三C一H ethylene formaldehyde acetylene > Chapter 1 9

Chapter 1 9 Multiple Bonding =>

Dipole Moment Amount of electrical charge x bond length. Charge separation shown by electrostatic potential map(EPM). Red indicates a partially negative region and blue indicates a partially positive region. HC-CH => Chapter 1 10

Chapter 1 10 Dipole Moment • Amount of electrical charge x bond length. • Charge separation shown by electrostatic potential map (EPM). • Red indicates a partially negative region and blue indicates a partially positive region. C C H H H H =>
