
上海医学院细胞与遗传医学系 左伋
试管婴儿与生殖工程 上海医学院 细胞与遗传医学系 左 伋

INFERTILITY o Infertility is defined as no ongoing pregnancy after 9-12 months of sexual activity without contraception. There is no distinction between not using contraception and"trying"to conceive
INFERTILITY Infertility is defined as no ongoing pregnancy after 9-12 months of sexual activity without contraception. There is no distinction between not using contraception and "trying" to conceive

STATISTICS .In 1995.15% of women of childbearing age had ever sought infertility advice, that includes medical advice. tests. drugs surgery or assisted reproductive technologies (ART)
STATISTICS In 1995, 15% of women of childbearing age had ever sought infertility advice, that includes medical advice, tests, drugs surgery or assisted reproductive technologies (ART)

Infertility among Married Women, by Education Level .8.5% of women without high school or equivalent Xve.8.1% of women with just high school or the equivalent .6.6% of those who have some college, but no bachelors 56%of women with bachelor's or higher
Infertility among Married Women, by Education Level 8.5% of women without high school or equivalent 8.1% of women with just high school or the equivalent 6.6% of those who have some college, but no bachelor's 5.6% of women with bachelor's or higher

Infertile Couples +7. 1%or about 2.1 million of married couples were infertile in 1995 2.3 million were infertile in 1988 and 2.4 A in 1982
Infertile Couples 7.1% or about 2.1 million of married couples were infertile in 1995. 2.3 million were infertile in 1988, and 2.4 in 1982

.6.1 million or 10% of married couples in 1995 had impaired fecundity(either infertile or had problems conceiving or A carrying a child to term
6.1 million or 10% of married couples in 1995 had impaired fecundity (either infertile or had problems conceiving or carrying a child to term.)

Infertility by Race 7% of Hispanic women are infertile &S+6.4% of white women are infertile .10.5% of black women are infertile + 13.6%of other groups are infertile
Infertility by Race 7% of Hispanic women are infertile 6.4% of white women are infertile 10.5% of black women are infertile 13.6% of other groups are infertile

The causes of infertility 10 Male Factor: Sperm production and sperm quality 10 Ovulation: Egg production, egg quality and preparation of the uterine lining for implantation 10 Passage: The joining of sperm and egg in the Fallopian tubes and transport of the fertilized egg into the uterus
The causes of infertility Male Factor: Sperm production and sperm quality. Ovulation: Egg production, egg quality and preparation of the uterine lining for implantation. Passage: The joining of sperm and egg in the Fallopian tubes and transport of the fertilized egg into the uterus

o Factors causing infertility Tubal factor: 31% Endometriosis:14% Uterine factor: 1% Male factor: 18 类 aN Other factors:18% Unexplained: 15%0
Factors causing infertility Tubal factor: 31% Endometriosis: 14% Uterine Factor: 1% Male Factor: 18% Other factors: 18% Unexplained: 15%

The National Institutes of health found that from 1938 to 1996. sperm counts in the United States have fallen annually about 1.5%o European countries have fallen at twice that rate
The National Institutes of Health found that from 1938 to 1996, sperm counts in the United States have fallen annually about 1.5%. European countries have fallen at twice that rate
- 医学遗传学课件(17-20)_蛋白组讲座(蛋白质组学及其在医学研究中的应用).ppt
- 复旦大学上海医学院:《医学遗传学 Medical Genetics》精品课程PPT教学课件_产前诊断的医学遗传学基础 basis of medical Genetics for prenantal diagnosis(绪论).ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(17-20)_20遗传咨询.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(17-20)_19遗传病的治疗.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(17-20)_18遗传疾病的诊断.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(17-20)_17出生缺陷.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_16遗传与肿瘤发生.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_15免疫缺陷.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_14畸变染色体引起的疾病.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_13线粒体与疾病.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_12多基因遗传疾病.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_11单基因遗传病(2).ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_10单基因遗传病(1).ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(9-16)_09人类染色体畸变.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(1-8)_08人类染色体.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(1-8)_07基因变异的群体行为.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(1-8)_06线粒体疾病的遗传.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(1-8)_05疾病的多基因遗传.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(1-8)_04疾病的单基因遗传.ppt
- 医学遗传学课件(1-8)_03基因突变.ppt
- 糖尿病并发症.ppt
- 糖尿病的运动治疗.ppt
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_医学遗传学专业英文词汇.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_01章 绪论.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_02章 人类基因.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_03章 基因突变.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_04章 突变基因的分子细胞生物学效应.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_05章 单基因疾病的遗传.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_06章 疾病的多基因遗传.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_07章 线粒体疾病的遗传.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_08章 基因突变的群体行为.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_09章 人类染色体.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_10章 染色体畸变.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_11章 单基因遗传病.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_12章 多基因遗传病.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_13章 线粒体疾病.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_14章 染色体畸变引起的疾病.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_15章 免疫缺陷.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_16章 遗传与肿瘤发生.doc
- 医学遗传学教案及习题_17章 先天畸形.doc