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同济大学:《眼科学》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)视觉系统 Visual Organ

同济大学:《眼科学》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)视觉系统 Visual Organ

Visual Organ EYE For MBBS,Class of 2012

Visual Organ For MBBS, Class of 2012 EYE

Learning Objectives: Learn the coats of eyeball:structure and function Learn the contents of eyeball:structure,function; Learn the circulation of aqueous humor Understand the lacrimal apparatus Know eyelid Know extraocular muscles and eye movement; Know the distribution of retinal blood vessel

Learning Objectives: Learn the coats of eyeball: structure and function Learn the contents of eyeball: structure, function; Learn the circulation of aqueous humor Understand the lacrimal apparatus Know eyelid Know extraocular muscles and eye movement; Know the distribution of retinal blood vessel

Externa Elas Media Sensory system: Sense organ afferent nerve cerebral cortex Sense organs:sense receptor assistant apparatus Sense receptors:sensory units collecting information

Sensory system: Sense organ + afferent nerve + cerebral cortex Sense organs: sense receptor + assistant apparatus Sense receptors: sensory units collecting information

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic iris ciliary body globe retina choroid Eye contents:caqueous humor lens vitreous accessory structures (assistant apparatus)

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic iris ciliary body globe retina choroid contents: aqueous humor lens vitreous accessory structures (assistant apparatus) Eye

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic ciris ciliary body globe retina choroid Eye contents:aqueous humor lens vitreous accessory structures (assistant apparatus)

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic iris ciliary body globe retina choroid contents: aqueous humor lens vitreous accessory structures (assistant apparatus) Eye

Ora serrata Hyaloid canal Central artery of Central retina vein of ryry retina Zonular fibers -Limbus CN II(optic) Scleral venous sinus Lens Capsule of lens Iris Optic disc Cornea -Pupil Fovea centralis Sphincter pupillae Dilator pupillae Vitreous chamber (posterior cavity) Retina Anterior chamber Choroid Posterior chamber Anterior cavity Sclera

Cornea an avascular structure -rich in free endings of sensory nerves Zeiss

Cornea – an avascular structure – rich in free endings of sensory nerves

Cornea an avascular structure rich in free endings of sensory nerves corneal epithelium anterior limiting lamina corneal stroma posterior limitinglamina corneal endothelium

Cornea – an avascular structure – rich in free endings of sensory nerves corneal epithelium anterior limiting lamina corneal stroma posterior limiting lamina corneal endothelium

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic c iris ciliary body globe retia choroid Eye contents:aqueous humor lens vitreous accessory structures (assistant apparatus)

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic iris ciliary body globe retina choroid contents: aqueous humor lens vitreous accessory structures (assistant apparatus) Eye

Iris Ciliary muscle Ciliary process -Zonula - Sc anterior surface iris stoma posterior surface ity) outer epithelium inner epithelium 96 dilator pupillae muscle sphincter pupillae muscle

Iris anterior surface iris stoma posterior surface outer epithelium inner epithelium dilator pupillae muscle sphincter pupillae muscle
