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同济大学:《眼科学》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)眼组织学 Histology of the Eye

Learn the histology of the wall of the eyeball. Learn the histology of refractive system. Learn the histology of vestibulocochlear organ.

Histology of the Eye For MBBS,Class of 2013

Histology of the Eye For MBBS, Class of 2013

Externa Elasti Media Sense organs:sense receptor assistant apparatus Sense receptors:sensory units collecting information Special sense:taste,smell,seeing,hearing and feeling

Sense organs: sense receptor + assistant apparatus Sense receptors: sensory units collecting information Special sense: taste, smell, seeing, hearing and feeling

Objectives: Learn the histology of the wall of the eyeball Learn the histology of refractive system. Learn the histology of vestibulocochlear organ

Objectives: Learn the histology of the wall of the eyeball. Learn the histology of refractive system. Learn the histology of vestibulocochlear organ

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic ciris ciliary body globe retina(RPE choroid neural Eye lens system (refraction) accessory structures (assistant apparatus)

fibrous tunic cornea sclera wall vascular tunic iris ciliary body globe retina RPE choroid neural lens system (refraction) accessory structures (assistant apparatus) Eye

Cornea 一 an avascular structure rich in free endings of sensory nerves consist of 5 layers: Free endings corneal epithelium anterior limiting lamina corneal stroma posterior limiting lamina corneal endothelium

Cornea – an avascular structure – rich in free endings of sensory nerves – consist of 5 layers: corneal epithelium anterior limiting lamina corneal stroma posterior limiting lamina corneal endothelium

胶原板层 成纤维 細胞 Zeiss

Sclera 脉络膜 Chorold 色素上皮细胞 Pigment epithelial cell 巩膜 Sclera 胶原纤维 Collagen fiber


Corneal limbus Sinus venosus sclerae Trabecular meshwork: trabecula 巩膜 trabecular space 小梁网 小梁问隙 巩膜

Corneal limbus Sinus venosus sclerae Trabecular meshwork: trabecula trabecular space

vascular tunica 小梁网梳状制带] Reticulum trabeculare [Lig.pectinatum] 巩膜静脉窦 角膜 虹膜角膜角 Sinus venosus sclerae Cornea Angulus iridocornealis 眼球前房 眼球后房 Camera anterior bulbi Camera posterior bulbi. 经线纤维 睫状肌 Fibrae meridionales 暗孔括约肌 M.ciliaris M.sphincter pupillae 环纤维 障孔开大肌 Fibrae circulares M.dilator pupillae 巩胶 品状体核 Nucleus lentis Sclera 睫状小带 脉络膜 Zonula ciliaris Choro idea 品状体皮质 Cortex lentis

vascular tunica
