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同济大学:《眼科学》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)葡萄膜炎 Disease of the Uvea

Uveitis Tumor Congenital lesions Retrogression

Disease of the Uvea Dept. Ophthalmology Dr.Ding Xu 上海市第十人民医院 同停大学附属第十人民医院 SHANGHAI TENTH PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL TENTH PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL OF TONGJI UNIVERSITY

Disease of the Uvea Dept. Ophthalmology Dr. Ding Xu

上海市第十人民医院 同冷+季附属第十人民医院 上直肌 Superior rectus muscle 玻璃体Vitreous body 前房Anterior chamber 后房posterior chamber 角膜cornea 瞳孔Pupil 晶状体lens 视神经乳头 Optic disk 晶状体悬韧带Zonula 睫状体Ciliary body 呢图网☑ 下直肌 us muscle

上海市第十人民医院 同冷十季用属第十人民医院 Disease of the uvea n Uveitis n Tumor n Congenital lesions n Retrogression

Disease of the uvea n Uveitis n Tumor n Congenital lesions n Retrogression

上海市第十人民医院 风冷季用属第十人民医院 These are signs of anterior uveitis, except A ciliary congestion B anterior chamber cells C anterior chamber flare D papilledema or macular edema E retinal vasculitis

These are signs of anterior uveitis, except A ciliary congestion B anterior chamber cells C anterior chamber flare D papilledema or macular edema E retinal vasculitis

海市第十人民医院 同冷+季用属第十人民医院 Which is not correct for the diagnosis of acute anterior uveitis A ciliary congestion,KP,anterior chamber flare B mydriasis,posterior synechia of the iris C sore eye,photophbia,tearing D BRT.ESR can help diagnosis E history of arthralgia or jonts swollen

Which is not correct for the diagnosis of acute anterior uveitis A ciliary congestion, KP, anterior chamber flare B mydriasis, posterior synechia of the iris C sore eye, photophbia, tearing D BRT、ESR can help diagnosis E history of arthralgia or jonts swollen

上海市第十人民医院 风哈修用属第十人民医院 Which one is not the manifestation of Behcet's disease A headache,tinnitus B oral ulcers C genital ulcers D arthritis E skin changes

Which one is not the manifestation of Behçet’s disease A headache, tinnitus B oral ulcers C genital ulcers D arthritis E skin changes

上海市第十人父医院 同会+季用属第十人民医院 The manifestation of VKH syndrome are A history of headache,tinnitus,dysacusis B sunset glow fundus or Dalen-Fuchs nodules C blurry vision and papillitis D complicated cataract or secondary glaucoma E all of the above

The manifestation of VKH syndrome are A history of headache, tinnitus, dysacusis B sunset glow fundus or Dalen-Fuchs nodules C blurry vision and papillitis D complicated cataract or secondary glaucoma E all of the above

上海市第十人民医院 同冷大修用国切十人民医院 Which one is not correct for ARN syndrome? A always caused by bacteria B retinal necrosis initially affecting the peripheral retina C occlusive vasculopathy D may develop a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment due to retinal atrophy E intense vitritis

Which one is not correct for ARN syndrome? A always caused by bacteria B retinal necrosis initially affecting the peripheral retina C occlusive vasculopathy D may develop a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment due to retinal atrophy E intense vitritis

上海市第十人父医院 同会+季用属第十人民医院 Uveitis n The manifestation and treatment of acute anterior uveitis n The features of several special uveitis

Uveitis n The manifestation and treatment of acute anterior uveitis n The features of several special uveitis

上海市第十人民医院 风哈修用属第十人民医院 Etiology n Infectious bacteria,fungus,virus,parasite, rickettsia n Autoimmunity n Trauma and physical chemical damage n Immunogenetics n Tumor n Medicaments Rifabutin、Cidofovir、 Sulfonamides

Etiology n Infectious bacteria, fungus, virus, parasite, rickettsia n Autoimmunity n Trauma and physical chemical damage n Immunogenetics n Tumor n Medicaments Rifabutin、Cidofovir、 Sulfonamides
