同济大学:《眼科学》课程电子教案(PPT课件讲稿)角膜病总论 Corneal disease

Corneal disease Dr.JUN ZOU Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital 2016-3-9
Corneal disease Dr. JUN ZOU Shanghai Tenth People's Hospital 2016-3-9

General Functions 1.cornea and sclera make up the external wall 2.important refraction substance:+43D 3/4 of the total refractive power 3.no blood vessel→ Transparent cornea Immune privilege
General • Functions 1.cornea and sclera make up the external wall 2.important refraction substance:+43D, 3/4 of the total refractive power 3.no blood vessel Immune privilege Transparent cornea

角限中央厚 度052mm 角限 角膜前曲卡 平径7.8mm 角膜周 边厚度 醇房 0.65 角飘后曲率 水径68m国 红钢

Epithelium Basal cells Bowman membrane Stroma Descemet membrane Endothelium
Epithelium Basal cells Bowman membrane Stroma Descemet membrane Endothelium

Keratitis Etiology 1.infectivity:bacteria、fungi、virus、 amoeba 2.endogenetic: 3.spread:
Keratitis • Etiology 1.infectivity : bacteria、fungi、virus、 amoeba 2. endogenetic: 3. spread:

Pathological change causative agent→infiltration,一 transparent corneal ulcer →descemetocele corneal perforation nebula macula+corneal scar corneal fistula leucoma Adhesiveness keratoleukoma panophthalmitis glaucoma corneal staphyloma atrophia bulbi (眼球萎缩)
Pathological change • causative agent infiltration transparent corneal ulcer descemetocele corneal perforation nebula macula corneal scar corneal fistula leucoma Adhesiveness keratoleukoma glaucoma corneal staphyloma panophthalmitis atrophia bulbi (眼球萎缩)

Corneal ulcer 1.Epithelial defects 2.Ulcer hypopyon 3.Descemetocele
1.Epithelial defects 2.Ulcer & hypopyon 3.Descemetocele Corneal ulcer

☒ Iris prolapse
Iris prolapse

Corneal infiltration 忠思黑网
Corneal infiltration

Corneal perforation ☒ Ontine Joumal of Ophthalmologywwonjophcom
Corneal perforation
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