同济大学:《病理学》课程教学资源(教案讲义)Chapter 14 女性生殖系统和乳房疾病 THE DISEASE OF FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM AND BREAST
CHAPTER 14 THE DISEASE OF FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM AND BREAST JIANG,WENXIA Department of Pathology Tongji University School of Medicine
CHAPTER 14 THE DISEASE OF FEMALE GENITAL SYSTEM AND BREAST JIANG, WENXIA Department of Pathology Tongji University School of Medicine
Chronic cervicitis,carcinoma of cervix, functional bleeding of uterus and tumor of ovaries are the common diseases of this system. Diseases or neoplasms of placent are also included in this system. Since the diseases of breast almost exclusively affect women may also be included
Chronic cervicitis, carcinoma of cervix, functional bleeding of uterus and tumor of ovaries are the common diseases of this system. Diseases or neoplasms of placent are also included in this system. Since the diseases of breast almost exclusively affect women may also be included
Uterus Endocervix Columnar epithelium junction at exocervix Squamous cells Development of AT BIRTH ↓ the cervical Endocervix Exocervix transiformation Ectropion with exposed columnar zone epithelium IN THE YOUNG ADULT ↓ Exocervix with columnar ju original site "Transformation zone" with regrowth of squamous epithelium IN THE ADULT Figure 19-5 ◆ Schematic of the development of the cervical transformation zone
Development of the cervical transiformation zone
L Section I The Disease of Cervix l.Chronic Cervicitis It occurs invariably in multiparous women,more in the married than in the single
Section I The Disease of Cervix I. Chronic Cervicitis It occurs invariably in multiparous women, more in the married than in the single
Chronic cervicitis is predisposed by Trauma during childbirth Sexual activity Gynecological instrumentation Alkalinity of cervical mucus (normally the low pH of vagina is maintained by virtus of lactic acid producing bacilli.)
Chronic cervicitis is predisposed by Trauma during childbirth Sexual activity Gynecological instrumentation Alkalinity of cervical mucus (normally the low pH of vagina is maintained by virtus of lactic acid producing bacilli.)
Pathogen It is generally caused by streptococcus, colibacillus,staphlococcus The special pathogens are chlamydia trachomatis,neisseria gonorrhoeae,human papillary virus (HPV)and herpes simplex,etc. Above the special pathogens may be caused by sexual route
Pathogen It is generally caused by streptococcus, colibacillus, staphlococcus The special pathogens are chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, human papillary virus (HPV) and herpes simplex, etc. ( Above the special pathogens may be caused by sexual route )
Pathological Changes According to clinical and pathologic features,chronic cervicitis is divided into three types
Pathological Changes According to clinical and pathologic features, chronic cervicitis is divided into three types
1.Cervical Erosion Generally it is pseudo erosion:The covering squamous epithelium is almost always replaced by the columnar epithelium of the endocervix. Less commonly it also is actual erosion Squamous cell metaplasia of columnar epithelium and gland. The stroma is infiltrated by lymphocyte and plasma cells
1. Cervical Erosion Generally it is pseudo erosion: The covering squamous epithelium is almost always replaced by the columnar epithelium of the endocervix. Less commonly it also is actual erosion Squamous cell metaplasia of columnar epithelium and gland. The stroma is infiltrated by lymphocyte and plasma cells
Cervical erosion Cervix Vaginal wall View of cervix through a speculum 含
2.Nabothian Cyst 0.1-0.5cm in diameter Over secretion of mucus and poor drainage of mucus,then cyst formation 3.Cervical Polyp Formed by proliferation and protrusing of the endocervical tissue
2. Nabothian Cyst 0.1-0.5cm in diameter Over secretion of mucus and poor drainage of mucus, then cyst formation 3. Cervical Polyp Formed by proliferation and protrusing of the endocervical tissue
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