肯定大学 University of Kent at Canterbury:人工免疫系统 An Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems

An Introduction to artificial Immune systems ES2001 Cambridge. December 2001. Dr. Jonathan Timmis Computing Laborator University of Kent at Canterbury CT2 NE UK J'Timmis@ukc ac uk httpwww.cs.ukcac.uk/people/staff/jt6
An Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems Dr. Jonathan Timmis Computing Laboratory University of Kent at Canterbury CT2 7NF. UK. J.Timmis@ukc.ac.uk http:/www.cs.ukc.ac.uk/people/staff/jt6 ES2001 Cambridge. December 2001

Overview of tutorial x What are we going to do? ※ First half: ◆ Describe what is an aIs o Why bother with the immune system? o Be familiar with relevant immunology x Second half e Appreciation of were AIs are used o Be familiar with the building blocks of AIs 煤 Resources
Overview of Tutorial What are we going to do?: First Half: Describe what is an AIS Why bother with the immune system? Be familiar with relevant immunology Second Half: Appreciation of were AIS are used Be familiar with the building blocks of AIS Resources

Immune metaphors Other areas Idea! Idea Immune System Artificial Immune Systems
Immune metaphors Immune System Idea! Idea ‘ Other areas Artificial Immune Systems

Why the Immune system? 紫 Recognition ◆ Anomaly detection Noise tolerance 兴 robustness 煤 Feature extraction 兴 Diversity xx Reinforcement learning ※ Memory 紫 Distributed 类 Multi-layered xk Adaptive
Why the Immune System? Recognition Anomaly detection Noise tolerance Robustness Feature extraction Diversity Reinforcement learning Memory Distributed Multi-layered Adaptive

Artificial Immune Systems →------1-- x AIS are computational systems inspired by theoretical immunology and observed Immune functions, principles and models, which are applied to complex problem domains(de castro Timmis, 2001)
Artificial Immune Systems AIS are computational systems inspired by theoretical immunology and observed immune functions, principles and models, which are applied to complex problem domains (de Castro & Timmis, 2001)

Some history x Developed from the field of theoretical immunology in the mid 1980s Suggested we might look at the Is *- Bersini first use of immune algos to solve problems x Forrest et al -Computer Security mid 1990s x Hunt et al, mid 1990s- machine learning
Some History Developed from the field of theoretical immunology in the mid 1980’s. Suggested we ‘might look’ at the IS 1990 – Bersini first use of immune algos to solve problems Forrest et al – Computer Security mid 1990’s Hunt et al, mid 1990’s – Machine learning

Scope faIS ---1-1--1--4--4--4---- a Fault and anomaly detection x Data Mining(machine learning, Pattern recognition ※ Agent based systems 煤 Scheduling 兴 Autonomous control 紫 Optimisation xK Robotics xk Security of information systems
Scope of AIS Fault and anomaly detection Data Mining (machine learning, Pattern recognition) Agent based systems Scheduling Autonomous control Optimisation Robotics Security of information systems

Part I- Basic Immunology
Part I – Basic Immunology

Role of the Immune system x Protect our bodies from infection x Primary immune response e Launch a response to invading pathogens xk Secondary immune response Remember past encounters Faster response the second time around
Role of the Immune System Protect our bodies from infection Primary immune response Launch a response to invading pathogens Secondary immune response Remember past encounters Faster response the second time around

How does it work? --→--4--4--1--1-1--1-1--1---4 MHC protein Antigen APC Peptide ) T-cell B-cell CV) (v) Activated T-cell °。° ynphokines o Activated B-cell (plasma ce) c多 区
How does it work?
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