人工免疫系统(PPT讲稿)Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems(AIS)

Introduction to artificial Immune Systems (AIS) NISANTOS BIc2005: International Symposium on Bio-Inspired Computing Johor, My, 5-7 September 2005 Dr Leandro nunes de castro Nunes @unisantos. br Catholic University of Santos-UniSantos/ Brazil x UNISANTOS Universidade Catolica de Santos
Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) BIC 2005: International Symposium on Bio-Inspired Computing Johor, MY, 5-7 September 2005 Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro lnunes@unisantos.br Catholic University of Santos - UniSantos/Brazil

Outline Introduction to the Immune System Artificial Immune Systems A Framework to design artificial Immune Systems(AIs) Representation Schemes Affinity measures Immune algorithms a Discussion and main trends BIC 2005-Introduction to artificial Immune Systems- Dr Leandro Nunes de Castro
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 2 ◼ Introduction to the Immune System ◼ Artificial Immune Systems ◼ A Framework to Design Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) ◼ Representation Schemes ◼ Affinity Measures ◼ Immune Algorithms ◼ Discussion and Main Trends Outline

NISANTOS Part工 Brief Introduction to the immune system
Part I Brief Introduction to the Immune System

Brief introduction to the Immune System: Outline Fundamentals and main components Anatomy Innate Immune system a Adaptive Immune System Pattern Recognition in the immune system Basic immune recognition and Activation Clonal selection and Affinity Maturation Self /Nonself Discrimination Immune Network Theory Danger Theory BIC 2005-Introduction to artificial Immune Systems- Dr Leandro Nunes de Castro
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 4 Brief Introduction to the Immune System: Outline ◼ Fundamentals and Main Components ◼ Anatomy ◼ Innate Immune System ◼ Adaptive Immune System ◼ Pattern Recognition in the Immune System ◼ Basic Immune Recognition and Activation ◼ Clonal Selection and Affinity Maturation ◼ Self/Nonself Discrimination ◼ Immune Network Theory ◼ Danger Theory

The Immune System I) Fundamentals Immunology is the study of the defense mechanisms that confer resistance against diseases (Klein 1990) The immune system (is) is the one responsible to protect us against the attack from external microorganisms (tizard 1995) Several defense mechanisms in different levels, some are redundant The is is adaptable(presents learning and memory Microorganisms that might cause diseases (pathogen ): viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites Antigen any molecule that can stimulate the is BIC 2005-Introduction to artificial Immune Systems- Dr Leandro Nunes de Castro 5
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 5 The Immune System (I) ◼ Fundamentals: ◼ Immunology is the study of the defense mechanisms that confer resistance against diseases (Klein, 1990) ◼ The immune system (IS) is the one responsible to protect us against the attack from external microorganisms (Tizard, 1995) ◼ Several defense mechanisms in different levels; some are redundant ◼ The IS is adaptable (presents learning and memory) ◼ Microorganisms that might cause diseases (pathogen): viruses, fungi, bacteria and parasites ◼ Antigen: any molecule that can stimulate the IS

The Immune Systen(工) Immunity Innate Adaptative Granulocytes Macrophages Lymphocytes a Innate immune system B-cells T-cells immediately available for combat Adaptive immune system antibody(ab production specific to a determined infectious agent BIC 2005-Introduction to artificial Immune Systems- Dr Leandro Nunes de Castro
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 6 ◼ Innate immune system: ◼ immediately available for combat ◼ Adaptive immune system: ◼ antibody (Ab) production specific to a determined infectious agent The Immune System (II) Granulocytes Macrophages Innate B-cells T-cells Lymphocytes Adaptative Immunity

The Immune System(IIf) Anatomy Primary lymphoid Secondary lymphoid organs organs Tonsils and adenoids Thymus Spleen Peyer's patches Appendi Bone marrow Lymph nodes Lymphatic vessels BIC 2005- Introduction to Artificial Immune SysteHnIs-Df Leandrb Nunes de castro
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 7 ◼ Anatomy The Immune System (III) Lymphatic vessels Lymph nodes Thymus Spleen Tonsils and adenoids Bone marrow Appendix Peyer’s patches Primary lymphoid organs Secondary lymphoid organs

The Immune System (Iv All living beings present a type of defense mechanism Innate Immune System first line of defense controls bacterial infections regulates adaptive immunity composed mainly of phagocytes and the complement system PAMPs and prrs BIC 2005-Introduction to artificial Immune Systems- Dr Leandro Nunes de Castro 8
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 8 ◼ All living beings present a type of defense mechanism ◼ Innate Immune System ◼ first line of defense ◼ controls bacterial infections ◼ regulates adaptive immunity ◼ composed mainly of phagocytes and the complement system ◼ PAMPs and PRRs The Immune System (IV)

The Immune System (v) Adaptive immune system vertebrates have an adaptive immune system that confers resistance against future infections by the same or similar antigens lymphocytes carry antigen receptors on their surfaces. These receptors are specific to a given antigen is capable of fine-tuning the cell receptors of the selected cells to the selective antigens is regulated and down regulated by the innate immunity BIC 2005-Introduction to artificial Immune Systems- Dr Leandro Nunes de Castro
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 9 ◼ Adaptive Immune System ◼ vertebrates have an adaptive immune system that confers resistance against future infections by the same or similar antigens ◼ lymphocytes carry antigen receptors on their surfaces. ◼ These receptors are specific to a given antigen ◼ is capable of fine-tuning the cell receptors of the selected cells to the selective antigens ◼ is regulated and down regulated by the innate immunity The Immune System (V)

The Immune System (VI) Pattern Recognition B-cell bcR or antibody B-cell Receptors(Ab) Epitopes Anti B-cel BIC 2005-Introduction to artificial Immune Systems- Dr Leandro Nunes de Castro 10
BIC 2005 - Introduction to Artificial Immune Systems - Dr. Leandro Nunes de Castro 10 ◼ Pattern Recognition: B-cell The Immune System (VI) B-cell BCR or Antibody Epitopes B-cell Receptors (Ab) Antigen
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