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山东大学:《神经生物学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)痛和阵痛 Pain and pain relief

◼ 概述 ◼ 痛觉的解剖生理基础 ◼ 痛觉调制 ◼ 几种常见的疼痛研究动物模型 ◼ 疼痛的治疗

痛 和镇痛 APain and pain relief l 神经生物学研究所 于卉 Pain and pain relief 神经生物学研究所 于卉

痛和镇痛 概述 痛觉的解剖生理基础 痛觉调制 痛觉刺激与反射 ■几种常见的疼痛研究动物模型 ■疼痛的治疗

痛和镇痛 ◼ 概述 ◼ 痛觉的解剖生理基础 ◼ 痛觉调制 ◼ 几种常见的疼痛研究动物模型 ◼ 疼痛的治疗

概述 Introduction ☆疼痛的概念 Concepts of pain Pain: pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage 疼痛是由实际造成或有可能造成组织损伤的各种 刺激引起的一种不愉快的感觉,常伴有痛苦的心 理、情绪的感受。 包括痛感觉痛反应

概述 Introduction ❖疼痛的概念 Concepts of pain Pain: pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage 疼痛是由实际造成或有可能造成组织损伤的各种 刺激引起的一种不愉快的感觉,常伴有痛苦的心 理、情绪的感受。 包括痛感觉和痛反应

概述 Introduction 特点:具有“经验”属性和 情绪色彩 分类:时程:急性痛、慢性痛 性质:刺痛、灼痛、酸痛、胀痛、绞痛 痛觉过敏 Hyperalgesia和痛觉超敏 Allodynia

概述 Introduction ◼ 特点:具有“经验”属性和 情绪色彩 ◼ 分类:时程:急性痛、慢性痛 性质:刺痛、灼痛、酸痛、胀痛、绞痛 ◼ 痛觉过敏Hyperalgesia和痛觉超敏Allodynia

Definitions Hyperalgesia: increased pa ain in response to a painfulstimulus Allodynia: pain in response to an innocuous stimulus 100 hyperalgesia insult 40 allodynia normal innocuous noxIouS From F. Cervero stimulus intensity

Definitions ◼ Hyperalgesia: increased pain in response to a painful stimulus ◼ Allodynia: pain in response to an innocuous stimulus

痛觉的解剖生理基础 感受器和传入神经纤维 ■疼痛信号在脊髓中的传递 ■疼痛信号由脊髓传递入脑

◼ 感受器和传入神经纤维 ◼ 疼痛信号在脊髓中的传递 ◼ 疼痛信号由脊髓传递入脑 痛觉的解剖生理基础

感受器和传入神经纤维 FIRSTSTEP--Transduction the conversion of the energy from a noxious thermal, mechanical, or chemical stimulus into electrical energy(nerve impulses By one of the somatic sensory receptors called nociceptor伤害性感受器) ■高阈机械痛感受器(IM及多觉型痛感受器(PNN a Present in most body tissues, including skin, bone muscle, most internal organs, blood vessels, and the heart but not in the brain

感受器和传入神经纤维 ◼ FIRST STEP-----Transduction: the conversion of the energy from a noxious thermal, mechanical, or chemical stimulus into electrical energy (nerve impulses) ◼ By one of the somatic sensory receptors called (伤害性感受器) ◼ 高阈机械痛感受器(HTM)及多觉型痛感受器(PMN) ◼ Present in most body tissues, including skin, bone, muscle, most internal organs, blood vessels, and the heart, but not in the brain. nociceptors

Nociceptors are the free endings of (primary afferent) nerve fibers distributed throughout the periphery. A Nociceptor types Thermal Mechanical Polymodal Silent A8 fibers X C fiber

Nociceptors are the free endings of (primary afferent) nerve fibers distributed throughout the periphery

Hairy skin Glabrous skin Merkel's梅克尔触盘 disk Epidermis Epidermal- dermal border Free nerve ending Dermis Meissner corpuscle迈斯纳小体 Hair follicle eceptor Pacinian 环层小体 corpuscle Ruffini's ending

环层小体 迈斯纳小体 梅克尔触盘

Adequate Stimulation y Temperature(>50℃or<1℃) y Mechanical damage:强机械刺激,针尖刺敏感 y! Chemicals(released from damaged tissue)

Adequate Stimulation Temperature (>50℃ or <1 ℃) Mechanical damage:强机械刺激,针尖刺敏感 Chemicals (released from damaged tissue)
