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四川大学:《内分泌生理学 Endocrine Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Introduction、Neuroendocrinology(袁东智)

◼ Introduction ◼ Neuroendocrinology ◼ Functions of other endocrine glands • Thyroid hormone • Regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism • Insulin • Glucocorticoid • Catecholamine

opIcs Introduction Neuroendocrinology Functions of other endocrine glands Thyroid hormone Regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism Insulin Glucocorticoid Catecholamine

Topics ◼ Introduction ◼ Neuroendocrinology ◼ Functions of other endocrine glands • Thyroid hormone • Regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism • Insulin • Glucocorticoid • Catecholamine

Part 1 Introduction 1. Empirical endocrinology ·BC2000 Castration 1543 Vesalius.,“ pituata”→“ pituitary” 1835 Graves disease ·1855 Claud bernard,“ endocrine” Addison's disease 1889 Brown- Squard,“ Brown- Sequard elixir

• BC2000 Castration • 1543 Vesalius, “pituata” → “pituitary” • 1835 Graves disease • 1855 Claud Bernard, “endocrine” Addison's disease • 1889 Brown-Squard, “ Brown-Séquard Elixir” Part 1 Introduction 1. Empirical endocrinology

2. experimental endocrinology 1902 Bayliss Starling and bayliss Starling, secretin 1905 Hard. hormone° Earnest Henry Starling Sir William Mad dock Bayliss Died 2nd May Born 2nd May

• 1905 Hardy, “hormone” • 1902 Bayliss & Starling, “secretin” 2. experimental endocrinology

3. neuroendocrinology Neurons synthesizing HYPOTHALAMUS posterior pituitary horn ·1928 Ernest Sharrer Neurons synthesizing rophic hormones neurosecretion, neuroendocrine 1949 Bargmann 1955 Harris 1960 Yalow. Berson Portal vessels cells radio-immunoassay, RIA + Artery Axon terminals 1977 Guillemin、 Schally of hypothalamic neurons POSTERIOR Nobel prize PITUITARY ANTERIOR Vein PITUITARY

• 1928 Ernest Sharrer neurosecretion, neuroendocrine • 1949 Bargmann • 1955 Harris • 1960 Yalow, Berson radio-immunoassay, RIA •1977 Guillemin、Schally Nobel Prize 3. neuroendocrinology

4 neuroendocrine-immune network 应激刺激等 ·1977 Besedovskyn 可感知刺激 枢神经系统 神经内分泌途径 肾上腺、性腺 和甲状腺激素 促营养激素 B细胞 病 内分泌系统 激素 免疫因乙免疫系统」刺 T细胞 ⊙ 激 细胞因子 胸腺激素 Did you find common features呀子 噬细胞 免疫细胞分泌的 蛋白质和肽类激素 of these three systems? 抗原等制敌

4. neuroendocrine-immune network • 1977’ Besedovskyn Did you find common features of these three systems?

General Principles Contrast the terms endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine Detine the terms hormone, target cell, and receptor. Compare and contrast hormone actions exerted via plasma membrane receptors with those mediated via intracellular receptors Understand the role of hormone-binding proteins Understand the feedback control mechanisms of hormone secretion Explain the effects of secretion, degradation, and excretion on plasma hormone concentrations Understand the basis of hormone measurements and their interpretation

• Contrast the terms endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine. • Define the terms hormone, target cell, and receptor. • Compare and contrast hormone actions exerted via plasma membrane receptors with those mediated via intracellular receptors. • Understand the role of hormone-binding proteins. • Understand the feedback control mechanisms of hormone secretion. • Explain the effects of secretion, degradation, and excretion on plasma hormone concentrations. • Understand the basis of hormone measurements and their interpretation. General Principles

Endocrine glands Releasing hormones GHRH, CRH. TRH, GnRH Pituitary gland Growth hormone bitory hormone somatostatin, dopamine Prolactin ACTH MSH vasopressin oxytocin TSH. FSH. LH Thyroid gla droid gla Adrenal glands Cortisol Aldosterone Epinephrine Pancreas Ovaries Copynght c The McGraw-Ht If Companies, Inc. AI nights reserved

Endocrine glands

I. Definition endocrine(内分泌) endocrine gland(内分泌腺) endocrine system(内分泌系统) hormone(激素) Discussion Which concept/ concepts are not clear to you?

Ⅰ.Definition • endocrine(内分泌 ) • endocrine gland (内分泌腺) • endocrine system (内分泌系统) • hormone(激素) • Discussion: Which concept/concepts are not clear to you?

I. Definition 内分泌( endocrine)是内分泌腺或内分泌细胞 将所产生的生物活性物质—激素,直接释放到 体液中发挥作用的一种功能。 内分泌腺又称无管腺 汗液 毛细血管 内分泌 导管 细胞 汗腺 激素 分子 血流

导管 汗腺 汗液 激素 分子 内分泌 细胞 毛细血管 血流 Ⅰ.Definition • 内分泌(endocrine )是内分泌腺或内分泌细胞 将所产生的生物活性物质——激素,直接释放到 体液中发挥作用的一种功能 。 • 内分泌腺又称无管腺

EndocrineⅤ s Exocrine Classic endocrine gland Transport mode

• Endocrine V.S Exocrine • Classic endocrine gland • Transport mode
