山东大学:心肝(PPT课件讲稿)The Heart 血管 Angiology


Angiology Composition Cardiovascular system Lymphatic system
Angiology Composition ◼ Cardiovascular system ◼ Lymphatic system

The cardiovascular system Organization Heart aA muscle pump to maintain the flow of blood a Consist of four chambers(right and left atria, right and left ventricles) Artery(a) carry blood away from the heart eins( v) carry blood back to the heart Capillary microscopic vessels, the area of exchange between blood and tissue fluid
The cardiovascular system Organization ◼ Heart ❑ A muscle pump to maintain the flow of blood ❑ Consist of four chambers (right and left atria, right and left ventricles) ◼ Artery (a.) carry blood away from the heart ◼ Veins ( v.) carry blood back to the heart ◼ Capillary microscopic vessels, the area of exchange between blood and tissue fluid

The cardiovascular system Blood circulation Systemic circulation left ventricle→→ aorta and its branches→ capillaries of body-superior and inferior vena cava right atrium Pulmonary circulation right ventricle-pulmonary a→ capillaries of lung→ pulmonary V. - left atrium
The cardiovascular system Blood circulation ◼ Systemic circulation left ventricle→aorta and its branches→capillaries of body→superior and inferior vena cava→right atrium ◼ Pulmonary circulation right ventricle→pulmonary a.→capillaries of lung → pulmonary v. →left atrium

The cardiovascular system Vascular anastomosis Anastomosis between a Anastomosis between v Arteriolovenular anastomosis Collate al vessel collat cIrcaea
The cardiovascular system Vascular anastomosis ◼ Anastomosis between a. ◼ Anastomosis between v. ◼ Arteriolovenular anastomosis ◼ Collateral vessels ◼ Collateral circulation

The HeartH
The Heart

The heart Position Lies within the pericardium in middle mediastinum Behind the body of sternum and coastal cartilages 2 to 6 In front of thoracic vertebrae 5 to 8 a third of it lies to the right of median plan and 2/3 to the left
The heart Position ◼ Lies within the pericardium in middle mediastinum ◼ Behind the body of sternum and coastal cartilages 2 to 6 ◼ In front of thoracic vertebrae 5 to 8 ◼ A third of it lies to the right of median plan and 2/3 to the left

Surfaces of the heart
Surfaces of the heart

Surfaces of the heart Pyramidal in shape, somewhat larger than a closed fist One apex One base Two surface Three borders Four sulcuses
Surfaces of the heart ◼ Pyramidal in shape, somewhat larger than a closed fist ◼ One apex ◼ One base ◼ Two surface ◼ Three borders ◼ Four sulcuses

Cardiac apex Formed by left ventricle Directed downwards. forward and to the left Lies at the level of the fifth left intercostal space, 1-2 cm medial to the left midclavicular line(9cm from the midline
◼ Formed by left ventricle ◼ Directed downwards, forward, and to the left ◼ Lies at the level of the fifth left intercostal space, 1~2 cm medial to the left midclavicular line (9cm from the midline) Cardiac apex
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