《呼吸生理学 Respiratory physiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 5 Respiration Section I Ventilation

Chapter 5 Respiration When you can not breath, nothing else matters Slogan of the American Lung Association
2 Chapter 5 Respiration When you can not breath, nothing else matters Slogan of the American Lung Association

Respiration is the process bywhich the body takes in and utilizes oxygen(O2) and gets rid of carbon dioxide( co2)
3 Respiration is the process by which the body takes in and utilizes oxygen (O2 ) and gets rid of carbon dioxide (CO2 )

An Overview of Key steps in respiration Pulmonary ventilation O, tra Gas diffusion diffusion Lungs Tissues CO2 transpor
4 An Overview of Key Steps in Respiration

Respiration can be divided into four major functional events Ventilation movement of air into and out of lungs Gas exchange between air in lungs and blood Tb ransport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the ood Internal respiration: Gas exchange between the blood and tissues
5 Respiration can be divided into four major functional events • Ventilation: Movement of air into and out of lungs • Gas exchange between air in lungs and blood • Transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood • Internal respiration: Gas exchange between the blood and tissues

Respiratory System Functions Gas exchange: Oxygen enters blood and carbo leaves Regulation of blood pH: Altered by changing blood carbon dioxide levels Voice production: Movement of air past vocal folds makes sound and speech Olfaction Smell occurs when airborne molecules drawn into nasal cavity Protection: Against microorganisms by preventing entry and removing them Metabolism: Synthesize and metabolize different compounds(Nonrespiratory Function of the Lung)6
6 Respiratory System Functions • Gas exchange: Oxygen enters blood and carbon dioxide leaves • Regulation of blood pH: Altered by changing blood carbon dioxide levels • Voice production: Movement of air past vocal folds makes sound and speech • Olfaction: Smell occurs when airborne molecules drawn into nasal cavity • Protection: Against microorganisms by preventing entry and removing them • Metabolism: Synthesize and metabolize different compounds (Nonrespiratory Function of the Lung)


Ventilation Occurs because the thoracic cavity changes volume Insipiration uses external intercostals and dlaphragm Expiration is passive at rest, but uses internal intercostals and abdominals during severe respiratory load Breathing rate is 10-20 breaths/minute at rest 40-45 at maximum exercise in adults 8
8 • Occurs because the thoracic cavity changes volume • Insipiration uses external intercostals and diaphragm • Expiration is passive at rest, but uses internal intercostals and abdominals during severe respiratory load • Breathing rate is 10-20 breaths / minute at rest, 40 - 45 at maximum exercise in adults Ventilation

Thoracic Walls and Muscles of respiration Copynight e The McGraw-Hill Companies. inc Permission requred for re End of expiration Sternocleido End of mastoid inspiration Scalene Labored breathing Additional muscles Muscles Pectoralis Clavicle contract, causing of minor additional expansion Inspira- (cut) of the thorax tion External inter. Internal costals inter- costals Muscles Di phragr Ab expiration dominal uscles Diaphrag Quiet breathing: relaxed The external Ab intercostal dominal muscles contract, muscles elevating the relax ribs and moving the sternum The diaphragm contracts, increasing the superior-inferior b dimension of the thoracic cavity
9 Thoracic Walls and Muscles of Respiration

Thoracic Volume eThe MoGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Pemission required for reproduction or display Vertebra Sternum Lateral Anterior Increase Increase in volume in volume Sternum
10 Thoracic Volume

Copyright e The McGraw-Hill Companies. inc Permission required for reproduction or display Parietal pleura Pleura Pleural cavity Visceral pleura ng Esophagus (in posterior mediastinum) Right Right primary lung Vertebra Root bronchus Left lung of Right pul lung 1 monary artery Parietal pleura at Pleural cavity hilum Right pul monary vein Visceral pleura Pulmonary trunk Fibrous Heart pericardium Visceral pericardium (b) Anterior mediastinum-p Parietal pericardium ernum Pericardial cavity
11 Pleura
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