山东大学医学院:《人体解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)生殖系统 The Reproductive System

The Reproductive System 生殖糸统 山东大学医学院解剖教研室 李振华
The Reproductive System 生殖系统 山东大学医学院 解剖教研室 李振华

The Reproductive System Composition Internal genital organ内生殖器 o Gonads生殖腺( sex glands) manufacture the sex cells an secrete the sex hormones a Genita| ducts生殖管道 transport the sex cells from the site of production into site fertilization a Accessory glands附属腺 secrete the fluid External genital organ外生殖器
The Reproductive System Composition ◼ Internal genital organ 内生殖器 ❑ Gonads 生殖腺 (sex glands) -manufacture the sex cells an secrete the sex hormones. ❑ Genital ducts 生殖管道 -transport the sex cells from the site of production into site fertilization ❑ Accessory glands 附属腺 -secrete the fluid ◼ External genital organ 外生殖器

Male Reprodutive System 男性生殖糸统
Male Reprodutive System 男性生殖系统

Male Reproductive System Male internal genital organs ■ Gonad- testis睾丸 Genital ducts a Epididymis附睾 a ductus deferens输精管 口 Ejaculatory duct射精管 a Male urethra男尿道 ■ Accessory glands a Seminal vesicle精囊 a Prostate前列腺 口 Bulbourethral gland尿道球腺 Male external genital organs Scrotum阴囊 Penis阴茎
Male Reproductive System Male internal genital organs ◼ Gonad –testis 睾丸 ◼ Genital ducts ❑ Epididymis 附睾 ❑ Ductus deferens 输精管 ❑ Ejaculatory duct 射精管 ❑ Male urethra 男尿道 ◼ Accessory glands ❑ Seminal vesicle 精囊 ❑ Prostate 前列腺 ❑ Bulbourethral gland 尿道球腺 Male external genital organs ◼ Scrotum 阴囊 ◼ Penis 阴茎

Male internal genital organs
Male internal genital organs

Gonad- testis睾丸 General features Paired, smooth, ovoid male reproductive organ, slightly flattened anteroposteriorly Located in scrotum Produces sperm and secretes androgens
Gonad – testis 睾丸 General features ◼ Paired, smooth, ovoid male reproductive organ, slightly flattened anteroposteriorly ◼ Located in scrotum ◼ Produces sperm and secretes androgens

Gonad- testis睾丸 Structures of testis Tunica albuginea白膜: a tough fibrous coat Septula testis睾丸小隔: numerous fibrous into the gland Lobules of testis睾丸小叶: contain the contorted sem iniferous tubules精曲小管 Striaght seminiferous tubules精直小管 Rete testis睾丸网 Efferent ductules of testis睾丸输出小管 open into the head of the epididymis
Gonad – testis 睾丸 Structures of testis ◼ Tunica albuginea 白膜: a tough fibrous coat ◼ Septula testis 睾丸小隔: numerous fibrous into the gland ◼ Lobules of testis 睾丸小叶: contain the contorted seminiferous tubules 精曲小管 ◼ Striaght seminiferous tubules 精直小管 ◼ Rete testis 睾丸网 ◼ Efferent ductules of testis 睾丸输出小管 open into the head of the epididymis

Testis Seminiferous tubules
Testis Seminiferous tubules

Epididymis附睾 Comma-shaped, with head body and tail of epididymis Located on superior extremity and posterolateral aspect of testis Contains tortuous canal that extends from testis to ductus deferens in spermatic cord Function -the site of accumulation and storage of sperm
Epididymis 附睾 ◼ Comma-shaped, with head, body and tail of epididymis ◼ Located on superior extremity and posterolateral aspect of testis ◼ Contains tortuous canal that extends from testis to ductus deferens in spermatic cord ◼ Function – the site of accumulation and storage of sperm

Ductus deferens輪精管 a thick-walled muscular tube approximately 45 cm in length It transports sperm form epididymis to ejaculatory duct
Ductus deferens 输精管 ◼ A thick-walled muscular tube approximately 45 cm in length. ◼ It transports sperm form epididymis to ejaculatory duct
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