四川大学华西医院:Sjögren Syndrome and Spondyloarthritis(PPT讲稿)

举院 12 Sjogren Syndrome and I Spondyloarthritis Hui lin Department of rheumato logy
1 Sjögren Syndrome and Spondyloarthritis Hui Lin Department of Rheumatology

举院 12 Sjogren Syndrome sicca syndrome autoimmune exocrinopathy autoimmune epithelitis
Sjögren Syndrome 2 sicca syndrome autoimmune exocrinopathy autoimmune epithelitis

K SJogren Syndrome 12 hypofunction of the salivary and lacrimal glands multisystem autoimmune disease Prevalence rate 0.1%-4.6% Male/female 1/9 Peak ages 40-50 years old
Sjögren Syndrome 3 ⚫hypofunction of the salivary and lacrimal glands ⚫multisystem autoimmune disease Prevalence rate 0.1%~4.6% Male/female 1/9 Peak ages 40~50 years old

K SJogren Syndrome 12 dry Rampant mouth tooth parotid gland enlargement eyes
Sjögren Syndrome 4 dry mouth dry eyes Rampant tooth parotid gland enlargement

举院 眼 12 耳 口腔和咽吃 甲状腺 肺脏 皮肤 胃和胰腺 肝脏 肾脏 阴道 肌肉 关节

K SJogren Syndrome 12 systemic chronic inflammatory disorder lymphocytic infiltrates in exocrine organs ● autoantibodies
Sjögren Syndrome 6 ⚫systemic chronic inflammatory disorder ⚫lymphocytic infiltrates in exocrine organs ⚫autoantibodies

A SJogren Syndrome 12 CD3+ CD21+ Tcells B cells
Sjögren Syndrome 7 CD3+ T cells CD21+ B cells

K SJogren Syndrome 12 1 homogeneous pattern speckled pattern
Sjögren Syndrome 8 homogeneous pattern speckled pattern

ta Pathogenesis of Ss L-1 lL·6 M MHC ClassⅡl TNF 0 CD80/86 Serous acini lL·1 ▲FAs L23 FASL BAFF ICAM-1 MMP-9 Activated epithelial cell Membrane blebbing Nuclear colla ptosis-induced Apoptotic body T cell o° Mucous acini Macrophya A ge(O
Pathogenesis of SS 9

ta Pathogenesis of Ss H2o Cytokines/proteases.---- AOP5 Ca2 IP Cholinesterase→ G Protein MR3 Endoplasmic retculum B□P3 receptor Plasma cell Basal membrane
Pathogenesis of SS 10
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