《病理生理学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)Chapter 11 缺血 - 再灌注损伤 Ischemia-reperfusion injury

Chapter 1l Ischemia reperfusion injury Zhao mingyao BMC.ZZU
Chapter 11 Ischemiareperfusion injury Zhao Mingyao BMC.ZZU

Brief history Simple phenomenon 1955, Sewell ligated coronary artery of dog restore blood flow after deligation What ha appened
• 1955, Sewell ligated coronary artery of dog, restore blood flow after deligation. • What happened ? Brief history Simple phenomenon

Clinical Shock. dic Bypass surgery Fibrinolytic therapy Cardiopulmonary operation Organ transplantation Coronary Bypass surgery
Clinical: • Shock , DIC • Bypass surgery • Fibrinolytic therapy • Cardiopulmonary operation • Organ transplantation

Concept of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury The restoration of blood flow after transient ischemia may induce further reversible or irreversible cellular injury
Concept of Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury The restoration of blood flow after transient ischemia may induce further reversible or irreversible cellular injury

Features of iri 1. reversible> irreversible 2. Massive in organs 3. participating factors oxygen paradox calcium paradOX pH paradox
Features of IRI: 1. reversible → irreversible 2. Massive in organs 3.participating factors oxygen paradox calcium paradox pH paradox

Perfusion fluid Perfusion fluid effect Normal o2 2 paradox Without O2 supply Ca 2+ paradox Without with Deteriorate Injury Ca2t Ca2+ Correcting pH paradox Acidosis acidosis
Without O2 Normal O2 supply Without Ca2+ with Ca2+ Deteriorate injury Acidosis Correcting acidosis effect Perfusion fluid Perfusion fluid pH paradox Ca2+ paradox O2 paradox

Section 1 Etiology of IRI 1. Duration of ischemia 2. Dependency on O2 supply 3. The condition of reperfusion reperfusion pressure, speed, T, Na, Cal, K-t Mg2+
Section 1 Etiology of IRI 1. Duration of ischemia 2. Dependency on O2 supply 3. The condition of reperfusion: reperfusion pressure, speed, T, Na+ , Ca2+, K+ , Mg2+

Effect of Ischemic time on perfusion arrhythmia of rat 100 90 80 70 60 incidence rate 50 □RVA 40 ■RVT 30 口RVF 20 00 5min 10min 30min Ischemic time (min)
Effect of Ischemic time on perfusion arrhythmia of rat 0 1 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 9 0 100 发生率(%) 5min 10min 30min 缺血时间(min) RVA RVT RVF Ischemic time incidence rate

Section 2 mechanism of ri
Section 2 mechanism of IRI

Part 1. Injury of free radicals Radiation Drugs Pollutants Aging Infection Stress xcessive
Part 1. Injury of free radicals
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