香港大学医学院:局部血液循环紊乱(PPT讲稿)The disorder of local circulation

The disorder of local circulation Dr Philip s L Beh Email philipbeh@pathology. hku. hk
The disorder of local circulation Dr. Philip S.L. Beh Email:

Lecture outline Overview and revisit basic concepts Circulatory system Structure of blood vessels Components of blood Oedema Generalised ocal Effects on Brain and Lungs Hemostasis- Normal physiological response Thrombosis - Abnormal pathological response Other forms of obstruction Infarction Abnormal pathological outcome
Lecture Outline ➢ Overview and revisit basic concepts ⚫ Circulatory system ⚫ Structure of blood vessels ⚫ Components of blood ➢ Oedema ⚫ Generalised ⚫ Local ⚫ Effects on Brain and Lungs ➢ Hemostasis – Normal physiological response ➢ Thrombosis – Abnormal pathological response ➢ Other forms of obstruction ➢ Infarction – Abnormal pathological outcome

Overview and Revisit Circulatory System Structure of blood vessels Components of blood
Overview and Revisit ➢ Circulatory System ➢ Structure of blood vessels ➢ Components of Blood

Circulatory system >Heart- Pump Blood Vessels-Pipes ° Artery,ven, Capillary Lymphatics- Drainage pipes
Circulatory System ➢ Heart – Pump ➢ Blood Vessels – Pipes ⚫ Artery, Vein, Capillary ➢ Lymphatics – Drainage pipes

Properties of circulatory system > Ensure smooth and adequate flow of blood Delivers nutrients and oxygen Removes waste and carbon dioxide
Properties of circulatory system ➢ Ensure smooth and adequate flow of blood. ➢ Delivers nutrients and oxygen ➢ Removes waste and carbon dioxide

Properties of arteries Aorta Comes off the heart Sustains high blood pressures Elastic but rigid wa‖l Arteries ° Lower blood pressures Often have muscular wall and can contract
Properties of arteries ➢ Aorta ⚫ Comes off the heart ⚫ Sustains high blood pressures ⚫ Elastic but rigid wall ➢ Arteries ⚫ Lower blood pressures ⚫ Often have muscular wall and can contract

Structure of artery Connective r Smooth muscle tissue tissue ARTERY Endothelial tissue
Structure of artery Taken from circulation.html

Properties of veins y Thin wall Some have valves to prevent back-flow of blood Weak ability to contract even if there are muscle fibers in the wall Dependant on" pumping action of surrounding muscles-particularly of the limbs
Properties of veins ➢ Thin wall ➢ Some have valves to prevent back-flow of blood ➢ Weak ability to contract even if there are muscle fibers in the wall. ➢ Dependant on “pumping action of surrounding muscles – particularly of the limbs

Structure of vein Capillary Epithelial tissue Epithelial Valve tissue Epithelial tissue Smooth muscle Smooth muscle Connective Connective tissue tissue Arteriole Artery Vein
Structure of vein Taken from circulation.html

Properties of capillary bed Very thin wall often only one cell-thick and can change to allow blood to pass through into the interstitial space
Properties of capillary bed ➢ Very thin wall often only one cell-thick and can change to allow blood to pass through into the interstitial space
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