前庭蜗器(PPT课件讲稿)Vestibulocochlear Organ

Vestibulocochlear Organ-前庭蜗器
Vestibulocochlear Organ---- 前庭蜗器

The vestibulocochlear Organ前庭蜗器 Parts: externa|lear外耳 I Conduct the sound wave。 middle ear中耳 internal ear Al E: Contains the receptors of auditory and vestibular organs 听A青 内淋巴 Dura mater encepha Oscula auditus sles semicircularis ossei /Saccus endolymphaticus 内巴管 Cavitas subarachnoidealis Utriculus Doctus endolymphaticus 蛛网膜 Arachnoidea encephali ∠ Vestibulum 耳轮 球 对耳轮 ortex cerebr 部(锥体) Meatus acusticus externus Pars Derosa pyRamis) 对算屏 内动M membrana tympani Cavitas tympanica 耳垂 薮管 面神纶 原内静脉 、男帆提肌 突 V. iugularis interna levator veli palatini
The Vestibulocochlear Organ 前庭蜗器 Parts: external ear 外耳 middle ear 中耳 internal ear 内耳: Conduct the sound wave。 Contains the receptors of auditory and vestibular organs

External ear The external ear consists of auric le耳廓, external acoustic meatus 外耳道 听4青 骨半规哲 内N encephala Oscula auditus Canales semcireuiares ossei /saccus 内M tympanic membrane nexus Duct 鼓膜 养脉 内动脉
External ear The external ear consists of auricle耳廓, external acoustic meatus 外耳道 tympanic membrane 鼓膜

External ear 1. Auricle耳廓 Helix耳轮 Antihelix对耳轮 Helix 对耳轮脚 crura of antihelix对耳轮脚瓢流 triangular fossa三角窝 角窝 Fossa tri-angularis. Crus helic Scapha耳舟 耳舟一 耳前切迹 pha r.Incisura anterior auri auricular concha耳甲 甲〔 Cymba conchae 耳屏 Tragus externalacoustic pore外耳门 耳甲腔 Cavitas conchae 耳邡间切迹 cesura intertragica Tragus耳屏, 对耳轮 对耳屏 Antitragus对耳屏 Anthelix 耳垂 auricu| ar lobule耳垂 Lobulus auriculae
External ear 1. Auricle 耳廓 Helix 耳轮 Antihelix 对耳轮 crura of antihelix 对耳轮脚 triangular fossa 三角窝 Scapha 耳舟 auricular concha 耳甲 externalacoustic pore 外耳门 Tragus 耳屏, Antitragus 对耳屏 auricular lobule 耳垂

External ear 2. external acoustic meatus外耳道 bony part骨部: medial23 cartilaginous part软骨部: lateral1/3 听4青 青平规 内N巴 Ossein aotu Canales semcrcutares ossei/Saccus no 内 内养脉 Processus styloideus 内动脉 carotis interns
2. external acoustic meatus 外耳道: bony part 骨部:medial 2/3 cartilaginous part 软骨部:lateral 1/3 External ear

External ear 3 tympanic membrane鼓膜: Flaccid part松弛部: upper114 Tense part紧张部: lower3/4 Umbo of tympanic membrance 鼓膜脐 Cone of light光锥
External ear 3. tympanic membrane 鼓膜: Flaccid part 松弛部: upper 1/4 Tense part 紧张部: lower 3/4 Umbo of tympanic membrance Cone of light 光锥 鼓膜脐

Middle ear中耳 Consists of three parts Tympanic cavity鼓室 Auditory tube咽鼓管 Mastoid antrum乳突窦 and mastoid cells乳突小房 外耳 内耳 何 的?
Consists of three parts ◼ Tympanic cavity 鼓室 ◼ Auditory tube 咽鼓管 ◼ Mastoid antrum 乳突窦and mastoid cells 乳突小房 Middle ear 中耳

Tympanic cavity鼓宣 Position: An irregular air-filled cavity locates within the temporal bone, and lies between the tympanic membrane and the lateral wall of the inner ear内耳 It contains the auditory ossicles听小骨, ligaments, muscles, vessels and nerves
◼ Position: An irregular air-filled cavity locates within the temporal bone, and lies between the tympanic membrane and the lateral wall of the inner ear 内耳. • It contains the auditory ossicles听小骨, ligaments, muscles, vessels and nerves. Tympanic cavity 鼓室

Middle ear中耳 Boundaries. (1) Roof or tegmental wal|鼓室盖 (2) inferior wall or jugular wal预顶静脉壁: separates the cavity from superior bulb of internal jugular V Stapes in oval window Aenor MEDIAL condary tympane momorarel canal meatus Eardrum memhrane and fron the mien
Middle ear 中耳 ◼ Boundaries: (1) Roof or tegmental wall 鼓室盖: (2) inferior wall or jugular wall颈静脉壁: separates the cavity from superior bulb of internal jugular v

Tympanic cavity鼓宣 (3) Anterior wall or carotid wal颈动脉壁:□ Upper opening for tensor tympani m lower opening for auditory tube咽鼓管鼓室口 (4) Posterior wall or mastoid wal乳突壁 Aditus of mastoid antrum:乳突窦的入口; Pyramidal eminence锥隆起:内藏镫骨肌
(3) Anterior wall or carotid wall 颈动脉壁 : Upper opening for tensor tympani m. lower opening for auditory tube 咽鼓管鼓室口 (4) Posterior wall or mastoid wall 乳突壁: Aditus of mastoid antrum: 乳突窦的入口; Pyramidal eminence 锥隆起: 内藏镫骨肌. Tympanic cavity 鼓室
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