细胞信号转导异常与疾病(PPT课件讲稿)Cell signal transduction and diseases

Cell signal transduction diseases moon rover Zhao Mingyao BMC. ZZU
Cell signal transduction & diseases Zhao Mingyao BMC. ZZU moon rover

cell signal transduction ce specific response signal Proliferation Differentiation Metabolism unction Stress Apoptosis ↑ or l or loss→ disease
signal cell specific response Proliferation Differentiation Metabolism Function Stress Apoptosis cell signal transduction or or loss → disease

Survival Factors Transmitters rowth Factors (e.g, IGF1) (e.g. interleukins, l (e.g. TGFa, EGF Extracellular Matrix RTK cdc42 Wnt PLC Grb2/SOS Fyn/shc PI3K G-Protein Dishevelled 4 PKCI Adenylate GSK 3B PKA Cytokines IKB MEKK MAPK MKK enin (e.g, EPC) JAKs STAT3,5 Bcl-xL Myc: -Mad: ERK JNKs B-catenin: TCF Max -Max Cytochrome C CREB CyclID-p16IGI RbY CDK4 Caspase 9 Gene Requlation Caspase 8 ApoptosIS *CyclE +p27 ARF FADD mdm2 Bcl-2 Proliferation normality Bim

1. Signal constitution site feature (1 )Extracellu Chemical: lipid-soluble water-soluble ar Physical: mechanical, light, electrical (2)Intracellul Enzyme, protein, ion, lipid ar a
1. Signal constitution site feature (1)Extracellu lar ~ (2)Intracellul ar ~ Chemical: lipid-soluble & water-soluble Physical: mechanical, light, electrical Enzyme, protein, ion, lipid

Second messenger CAMP CGMP Calt DAG(1, 2-diacylglycerol) NO CO? ceramide, phosphocholine allosteric agent ge
(3)Second messenger cAMP, cGMP Ca2+ DAG(1,2-diacylglycerol) NO, CO, ? ceramide, phosphocholine allosteric agent

(4) Enzyme components PHospholipase(PL): PLA2, C, D, SMase(sphingomyelinase) @Phosphatidylinositol kinase: PI-3K, P1-4K, PI-SK/PTEN 3GP (Tripolymer& Small ) GP(Ga)=GTPase @Protein kinase& phosphatase: PSTK& TPK or PTK 5AC, GC/ cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten(PTEn)
(4) Enzyme components ①Phospholipase(PL) : PLA2 , C, D, SMase (sphingomyelinase) ②Phosphatidylinositol kinase: PI-3K, PI-4K, PI-5K / PTEN ③GP (Tripolymer & Small ) : GP(G) = GTPase ④Protein kinase & phosphatase: PSTK & TPK or PTK ⑤AC, GC/ cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase: phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome ten (PTEN)

(5) Receptor and its function ionotropic .+neurotransmitter,ion 2. GPCR metabolism function modulation 3.NtPK +insulin. Gh 4. TPK-Ilinking x: cytokine, antigen, some CAM 5.PSTK~:TGF阝 6. tnF n. apoptosis. Ne-KkB 7. Guanylyl Cyclase w: vasodilation, excreting Nat*urine 8. CAM communication between cells 9. Nuclear : transcription regulatory factor
(5) Receptor and its function 1. ionotropic ~: + neurotransmitter , ion 2. GPCR: metabolism , function modulation 3. ~ TPK: +insulin, GH 4. TPK-linking ~ : cytokine, antigen, some CAM 5. PSTK ~ : TGF-β 6. TNF ~ : apoptosis, NF-kB 7. Guanylyl Cyclase ~: vasodilation, excreting Na+ urine 8. CAM : communication between cells 9. Nuclear ~: transcription regulatory factor

2. Signal transduction pathway channel Effect protein L Transporter PL C R E GTP GDP Neucler receptor DNA
2. Signal transduction pathway channel Transporter PL C GTP GDP Effect protein Neucler receptor E DNA E ?

Major pathway of cellular signal transduction GPc TPK- GC (guanylyl cyclase) Nuclear
of cellular signal transduction GP~ GC (guanylyl cyclase)~ TPK~ Nuclear ~ Major pathway
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