《人体解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)神经系统 Nervous System

Nervous System 神经统
Nervous System 神经系统

Introduction 1. Divisions of nervous system Central nervous system(cNs)中枢神经系统 Peripheral nervous system(PNs):周围神经系统 (1) Central nervous systen(cNS)中枢神经系统 丘脑间桔合 Brain:脑 Adhesio interthala 第三脑室脉 / Plexus chor Telencephalon端脑 Commi Diencephalon间脑 Cerebellum小脑 Midbrain中脑 Pons脑桥 Brain Medulla oblongata Stem 脑干 延髓 乳头体 Spinal cord脊髓 e 眼神经 第四脑室脉 oculomotorius I Plexus choro
Introduction Brain Stem 脑干 Telencephalon 端脑 Diencephalon 间脑 Cerebellum 小脑 Midbrain中脑 Pons 脑桥 Medulla oblongata 延髓 1.Divisions of nervous system Central nervous system (CNS) 中枢神经系统 Peripheral nervous system (PNS): 周围神经系统 Spinal cord 脊髓 (1) Central nervous system (CNS)中枢神经系统 Brain : 脑

Introduction (2) Peripheral nervous system(PNs):周围神经系统 Cranial n.(12 paIrs)脑神经 Spinal n.(3 pairs)脊神经 Visceral n.内脏神经: Visceral sensory n.内脏感觉纤维 Visceral motor n内脏运动纤维 Sympathetic part交感神经 Parasympathetic part i副交感神经
(2) Peripheral nervous system (PNS): 周围神经系统 Cranial n. (12 pairs) 脑神经 Spinal n. (31 pairs) 脊神经 Visceral n. 内脏神经: Introduction Visceral sensory n. 内脏感觉纤维 Visceral motor n.内脏运动纤维: Sympathetic part 交感神经 Parasympathetic part 副交感神经

Introduction 2. Basic terminology in nervous system:常用术语 (1)CNS:中枢神经系 1) Gray matter灰质: collection of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites Cortex皮质 the outer layer of gray matter n cerebrum and cerebellum Nucleus神经核 A group of nerve cell bodies which have the same shape and function
2. Basic terminology in nervous system:常用术语 (1) CNS: 中枢神经系 1) Gray matter 灰质: collection of nerve cell bodies and their dendrites, Introduction the outer layer of gray matter in cerebrum and cerebellum A group of nerve cell bodies which have the same shape and function. Cortex 皮质 : Nucleus 神经核

Introduction 2) White matter白质 collection of nerve fibers, white color during fresh condition Medu|a髓质 a central core of white matter beneath cortex of cerebrum and cerebellum Fasciculus纤维束( tract) a bundle of nerve fibers Which have the same origin termination, and function
2) White matter白质: collection of nerve fibers, white color during fresh condition Introduction a central core of white matter beneath cortex of cerebrum and cerebellum a bundle of nerve fibers which have the same origin, termination, and function Medulla 髓质: Fasciculus 纤维束 ( tract ):

Introduction 3) Reticular formation:网状结构 a field of intermingled grey and white matter, and with larger or smaller groups of nerve cells occupying the meshes Medial longitudinal fas siculus Hypoglossal nucleus Inferior medullary velum y Nucleus of tractus x Medial vestibular nucleus solitarius Posterior cochlear nucleus Inferior vestibular Reticular formation nucleus Inferior cerebellar Spinal tract an peduncle nucleus of trigeminal nerve Anterior cochlear Nucleus ambiguus - vagus nerve Antenor, spinocerebellar tract Dorsal olivary nucleus spinothalamic tract - Inferior T tectospinal tract olivary nucleus Medial lemniscus Medial accessory livary nucleus Anterior median fissure Arcuate nucle/ Pyramid Hypoglossal nerve
3) Reticular formation: 网状结构 a field of intermingled grey and white matter , and with larger or smaller groups of nerve cells occupying the meshes. Introduction

Introduction (2)PNs周围神经 on spinale 1) Ganglion:神经节 a collection of neuron cell bodies outside the cns Radix ventralis 夏腔神经节 交感干 2) Nerve:神经 a bundle of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue sheath
Introduction (2) PNS 周围神经 1) Ganglion:神经节 a collection of neuron cell bodies outside the CNS 2) Nerve:神经 a bundle of nerve fibers held together by connective tissue sheath

Brain Medulla oblongata The Spinal Cervical Cord Lumbosacral 脊髓
The Spinal Cord 脊 髓

延髓 The Spina|Cord脊 medulla oblongata 蛛网膜 arachnoid mater 后根根丝 posterior rootlets Position. a lies in vertebral canal a continuous with medulla oblongata at level of foramen magnum o ends at the lower border of l1 口 at birth, ends at the level of l3 S1 s1
The Spinal Cord 脊髓 Position: lies in vertebral canal continuous with medulla oblongata at level of foramen magnum ends at the lower border of L1; at birth , ends at the level of L3

The Spinal Cord Substantia alba Radix posterior 2. External features外形 entralis anterior Radix ante x A long cylindrical structure 218.脊髓和脊神经根 Spinal cord and roots of spinal nerves slightly flattened anteroposteriorly 呈前后稍扁的圆柱形 许圆锥 次 conus medullaris脊髓圆锥 k filum terminale终丝
2. External features 外形 * A long cylindrical structure slightly flattened anteroposteriorly 呈前后稍扁的圆柱形。 * conus medullaris 脊髓圆锥 * filum terminale 终丝 The Spinal Cord
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