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山东大学医学院:《人体解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)附肢骨连接 Joints of limbs

Joints of upper limb 上肢骨的连接 Joints of free upper limb 自由上肢骨的连接 Joints of Lower limb 下肢骨的连接 Joints of free lower limb 自由下肢骨连接

Joints of limbs 附肢骨连接 山东大学医学院解剖教研室 李振华

Joints of limbs 附肢骨连接 山东大学医学院 解剖教研室 李振华

Joints of upper limb 上肢骨的连接

Joints of upper limb 上肢骨的连接

Joints of should girdle 上肢帶骨的连接 Sternoclavicular joint胸锁关节 Bones: sternal end of clavicle, clavicular notch of sternum and first costal cartilage Articular capsule strong and is reinforced by anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments Articular disc: attached to the capsule dividing the joint into two cavities Movements: elevation and depression forward and backward rotation and circumduction of the acromial end of the clavicle

Joints of should girdle 上肢带骨的连接 Sternoclavicular joint 胸锁关节 ◼ Bones: sternal end of clavicle, clavicular notch of sternum, and first costal cartilage ◼ Articular capsule: strong and is reinforced by anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments ◼ Articular disc: attached to the capsule, dividing the joint into two cavities. ◼ Movements: elevation and depression, forward and backward, rotation and circumduction of the acromial end of the clavicle

Joints of should girdle 上肢帶骨的连接 Coracoacromial Acromioclavicular joint肩锁关节 Acromion ligament Cornoid proce Bones acromion and acromial end of clavicle Movement: rotation of scapula on clavicle Coracoacromial arch喙肩弓 Composition 口 coracoacromial ligament喙肩韧带 o cornoid process 口 Acromion Prevents the shoulder joint from superior dislocation

Joints of should girdle 上肢带骨的连接 Acromioclavicular joint 肩锁关节 ◼ Bones: acromion and acromial end of clavicle ◼ Movement: rotation of scapula on clavicle Coracoacromial arch 喙肩弓 ◼ Composition ❑ coracoacromial ligament 喙肩韧带 ❑ coranoid process ❑ Acromion ◼ Prevents the shoulder joint from superior dislocation Coranoid process Acromion Coracoacromial ligament

Joints of free upper limb 旬由上肢骨的连接

Joints of free upper limb 自由上肢骨的连接

★ Shoulder joint肩关节 Type: ball and socket Bones head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula Capsule a Thin and lax, especially lower part Attachments: proximal to glenoid labrum distal to anatomical neck of humerus, except medially where it is slightly distal to surgical neck a Tendon of long head of biceps brachi passes though the cavity

★Shoulder joint 肩关节 ◼ Type: ball and socket ◼ Bones: head of humerus and glenoid cavity of scapula ◼ Capsule: ❑ Thin and lax, especially lower part ❑ Attachments: proximal to glenoid labrum; distal to anatomical neck of humerus, except medially where it is slightly distal to surgical neck ❑ Tendon of long head of biceps brachii passes though the cavity

★ Shoulder joint肩关节 Tendon of long head of biceps brachii

★Shoulder joint 肩关节 Tendon of long head of biceps brachii

★ Shoulder joint肩关节 Accessory structures a glenoid| abrin孟唇: fibrocartilaginous ring on periphery of glenoid cavity 口 Coracohumeral ligament喙肱韧带: runs from coracoid process to greater tubercle Movements: flexion extension adduction abduction medial and lateral rotation circumduction

★Shoulder joint 肩关节 ◼ Accessory structures ❑ Glenoid labrum 盂唇: fibrocartilaginous ring on periphery of glenoid cavity ❑ Coracohumeral ligament 喙肱韧带: runs from coracoid process to greater tubercle ◼ Movements: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, medial and lateral rotation, circumduction

1. Head d humerus. 2 Acomon 3 Acomocawaar oint 4 Clavide. s Coracoid process 5. Genod (osseous subchondral artear surface Radiograph of shoulder in a young female of 18 years in anteroposterior view(A) and axillary view with the arm abducted (B)

Radiograph of shoulder in a young female of 18 years in anteroposterior view (A) and axillary view with the arm abducted (B)


