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四川大学:泌尿系统(PPT课件讲稿)Urinary System

1. Excretion metabolic waste products 2. Maintaining the balance of fluid and electrolyte 3. Secretion of some substances

Urinary system 泌尿系统 Xue Zhou Department of Histology embryology Sichuan University

Urinary System 泌尿系统 Xue Zhou Department of Histology & Embryology, Sichuan University

function 1. Excretion meta bolic waste products 2. Maintaining the balance of fluid and electrolyte 3. Secretion of some substances

Function 1. Excretion metabolic waste products 2. Maintaining the balance of fluid and electrolyte 3. Secretion of some substances

Composition Kidney----main organ Ureter Excretory ducts Urinary bladder URethra Left Ureter ght Ureter Vas deferens Prostate gland ans-

Composition Kidney----main organ Ureter Excretory ducts Urinary bladder Urethra

Kidney肾 Structure bean shaped Nephron---function unit Parenchyma Collecting tubu Interstitial tissue: a little loose connective tissue

Kidney 肾 Structure bean shaped Nephron---function unit Parenchyma Collecting tubule Interstitial tissue: a little loose connective tissue

medullary ray cortical labrinth) Cortex Renal column ninor calyX major calyx renal pelvis renal pyramid (Medulla) renal papilla ureter R enal corpuscle Nephron Renal tubule Collecting tubule- Uriniferous tubule

minor calyx major calyx renal pelvis ureter medullary ray cortical labryinth renal column renal pyramid (Medulla) renal papilla cortex Cortex Nephron Renal corpuscle Renal tubule Collecting tubule Uriniferous tubule

Nephron肾单位 l/ The structural functional unit / Include renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, thin segment, distal tubule l Produce urine Proximal straight tubule Henle's loop Thin segment Distal straight tubule

Nephron 肾单位 // The structural & functional unit; // Include renal corpuscle, proximal tubule, thin segment , distal tubule; // Produce urine. Proximal straight tubule Henle’s loop Thin segment Distal straight tubule

Structure and function of each segment ① Renal corpuscle肾小球 Function filtration of blood plasma to form primary urine

Structure and function of each segment ① Renal corpuscle 肾小球 Function: filtration of blood plasma to form primary urine

远端小管 Distal tubule 致密斑 Macula densa Structure 入球微动脉 arteriole 出球微动脉 球旁细胞 Efferent arteriole spherical body Juxtaglomerular cells(modified 血管极 肾小囊壁层) Bowman's 肾小囊脏层足细胞) capsule Renal glomerulus lsil capsule visceral 壁层 (Renal capsule Parietal laver 肾小囊腔 尿极 Vascular pole 刷状缘(微绒毛) 近曲 Brush border (microvilli) convoluted Urinary pole tubule Fig17-2肾小体结构模式图 Schematic diagram of renal corpuscle

Structure spherical body Renal glomerulus Renal capsule Vascular pole Urinary pole

★ 的★ a昏 Renal corpuscle, he

Renal corpuscle, HE

Renal glomerulus, SEM

Renal glomerulus, SEM
