山东大学:《人体解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)消化系统 The Alimentary System(消化道)

The Alimentary System SHANDONG UNIVERSITY Liu Zhiyu
The Alimentary System SHANDONG UNIVERSITY Liu Zhiyu

The abdominal regions nine regions R hypochondriac Epigastric region realon L hypochondriac region R lateral regions L lateral regions R. inguinal region Umbilical region L inguinal region Pubic region
The abdominal regions ——Nine regions R. hypochondriac region Epigastric region L. hypochondriac region R. lateral regions Umbilical region L. lateral regions R. inguinal region L. inguinal region Pubic region

The abdominal regions our quadrants a Left and right upper quadrants Left and right lower quadrants
The abdominal regions ——Four quadrants ◼ Left and right upper quadrants ◼ Left and right lower quadrants

Composition Alimentary canal Mouth Pharynx ■ Esophagus Superior alimentary canal Stomach Duodenum Small intestine Jejunum lleum Inferior alimentary canal Large intestine Alimentary glands Major salivary glands Liver Pancreas Function ingestion, digestion, absorption, egesting
Composition Alimentary canal ◼ Mouth ◼ Pharynx ◼ Esophagus ◼ Stomach ◼ Small intestine ◼ Large intestine Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Alimentary glands Superior alimentary canal Inferior alimentary canal ◼ Major salivary glands ◼ Liver ◼ Pancreas Function: ingestion, digestion, absorption, egesting

Major salivary glands Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Liver Duodenum Pancreas -Large intestine lleum Jejunum
Mouth Pharynx Esophagus Stomach Duodenum Jejunum Ileum Large intestine Liver Pancreas Major salivary glands

Alimentary canal
Alimentary canal

The Oral Cavity
The Oral Cavity

The Oral Cavity Consists of two parts o Oral vestibule between cheeks and lip and teeth a Oral cavity proper: Within arch of teeth Boundaries o Anterior and lateral: gum and teeth Posterior: isthmus of fauces Roof: palate a Floor: tongue, muscles and mucous membrane Oral vestibule leads, by the space behind the molar teeth into the oral cavity proper
The Oral Cavity ◼ Consists of two parts ❑ Oral vestibule : between cheeks and lip and teeth ❑ Oral cavity proper : within arch of teeth ◼ Boundaries ❑ Anterior and lateral: gum and teeth ❑ Posterior: isthmus of fauces ❑ Roof: palate ❑ Floor: tongue, muscles and mucous membrane ◼ Oral vestibule leads, by the space behind the molar teeth, into the oral cavity proper

Palate Two parts a Hard palate anterior 2/3 formed by the maxilla and palatine bone Soft palate: posterior 1/3 Velum palatinum Uvula Palatoglossal arch Palatopharyngeal arch sthmus of fauces formed by uvula, free border of velum palatinum, both side of palatoglossal arches, and root of tongue
Palate ◼ Two parts ❑ Hard palate : anterior 2/3, formed by the maxilla and palatine bone Soft palate : posterior 1/3 ◼ Velum palatinum ◼ Uvula ◼ Palatoglossal arch ◼ Palatopharyngeal arch ◼ Isthmus of fauces formed by uvula, free border of velum palatinum, both side of palatoglossal arches, and root of tongue

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