山东大学:《人体解剖学》课程教学资源(PPT课件)人体淋巴系统 The Lymphatic System 淋巴系统 Introduction of lymphology

Introduction of lymphology 山东大学医学院人体解剖教硏室 2004.2 Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU Introduction of lymphology 山东大学医学院人体解剖教研室 2004.2

The Lymphatic Systen淋巴系统 Lymphatic ducts Lymphatic A trunks Lymph nodes 端 ○ Lymphatic Lymphatic-Capilla Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU The Lymphatic System 淋巴系统 A Cap V Lymphatic Lymphatic-Capillary Lymphatic trunks Lymphatic ducts Lymph nodes

Venous Arterial system system A assistant system to the vein Lymphatic system Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU • A assistant system to the vein

Composition emphatic vessels淋巴管道 Thoracic emphatic capillary毛细淋巴管 duct Lymph vessels淋巴管 Lymphatic trunks()淋巴干 emphatic ducts(2)淋巴导管 thoracic duct胸导管 nodes right lymphatic duck右淋巴导管 口 Lymphatic organs淋巴器官 Lymph nodes淋巴结 spleen脾 emphatIc vessels thymus,胸腺 tonsil扁桃体, 口 Lymphatic tissues淋巴组织 Lymphatic system Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU Composition ❑ Lymphatic vessels 淋巴管道 – Lymphatic capillary毛细淋巴管 – Lymph vessels淋巴管 – Lymphatic trunks (9)淋巴干 – Lymphatic ducts(2)淋巴导管 thoracic duct 胸导管 right lymphatic duck右淋巴导管 ❑ Lymphatic organs 淋巴器官 – Lymph nodes 淋巴结 – spleen 脾 – thymus胸腺 – tonsil扁桃体, ❑ Lymphatic tissues 淋巴组织

Lymphatic vessels淋巴管道 Lymphatic capillary 毛细淋巴管 Features of structure · Blind end Single layer of overlapping endothelial cells More permeable than that of blood capillary absent from avascular structures, brain, spinal cord splenic pulp and bone marrow Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU Features of structure: • Blind end • Single layer of overlapping endothelial cells • More permeable than that of blood capillary • Absent from avascular structures, brain, spinal cord splenic pulp and bone marrow Lymphatic vessels 淋巴管道 Lymphatic capillary 毛细淋巴管

Lymphatic vessels淋巴管道 Lymphatic vesse淋巴管 Features of structure a Three layered wall similar to but thinner than vein, 口 More numerous valves than in vein a Interposed by lymph node at interval along the course O Arranged in superficial and deep sets Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU Lymphatic vessel 淋巴管 Features of structure ❑ Three layered wall similar to, but thinner than vein, ❑ More numerous valves than in vein ❑ Interposed by lymph node at interval along the course ❑ Arranged in superficial and deep sets Lymphatic vessels 淋巴管道

Lymphatic vessels淋巴管道 Lymphatic trunks淋巴干 O right and left jugular trunks (颈干) O right and left subclavian trunks (锁骨下干) 口 right and left bronchomediastinal trunks (支气管纵隔干) O right and left lumbar trunks (腰干 口 intestinal trunk(肠干) Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU Lymphatic trunks 淋巴干 ❑ right and left jugular trunks (颈干) ❑ right and left subclavian trunks (锁骨下干) ❑ right and left bronchomediastinal trunks (支气管纵隔干) ❑ right and left lumbar trunks (腰干) ❑ intestinal trunk(肠干) Lymphatic vessels 淋巴管道

phatic vessels淋巴管道 Lymphatic ducts淋巴寻管 Right lymphatic duct右谢巴导管 Formed by union of right jugular subclavian and bronchomediastinal trunks Ends by entering the right venous angle 静脉角 Receives lymph from right half of head, neck thorax and right upper limb Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU Right lymphatic duct 右淋巴导管 ◼ Formed by union of right jugular, subclavian, and bronchomediastinal trunks ◼ Ends by entering the right venous angle右 静脉角 ◼ Receives lymph from right half of head, neck, thorax and right upper limb Lymphatic ducts 淋巴导管 Lymphatic vessels 淋巴管道

Lymphatic vessels淋巴管道 a Thoracic duct胸导管 Begins in front of LI as a dilated sac, the cisterna chyli乳糜池, which formed by joining of left and right lumbar trunks and intestinal trunk Enter thoracic cavity by passing through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm and ascends along on the front of the vertebral column. between thoracic aorta and azygos vein Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU Thoracic duct 胸导管 • Begins in front of L1 as a dilated sac, the cisterna chyli 乳糜池, which formed by joining of left and right lumbar trunks and intestinal trunk • Enter thoracic cavity by passing through the aortic hiatus of the diaphragm and ascends along on the front of the vertebral column, between thoracic aorta and azygos vein Lymphatic vessels 淋巴管道

Lymphatic vessels淋巴管道 tHoracic duct胸导管 Travels upward veering to the left at the level of t5 At the roof of the neck it turns laterally and arches forwards and descends to enter the left venous angle Just before termination, it receives the left jugul subclavian and ronchomediastinal trunks Dept of Anatomy SDU
Dept of Anatomy SDU • Travels upward, veering to the left at the level of T5 • At the roof of the neck, it turns laterally and arches forwards and descends to enter the left venous angle • Just before termination, it receives the left jugular, subclavian and ronchomediastinal trunks Lymphatic vessels 淋巴管道 Thoracic duct 胸导管
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