四川大学:循环系统(PPT课件讲稿)Circulatory system

Circulatory system Department of Histology embryology Sichuan University
Circulatory system Department of Histology & Embryology Sichuan University

I. The components of the Circulatory system Cardiovascular System Lymphatic vascular system
I. The components of the Circulatory system Cardiovascular System Lymphatic vascular system

Arteries Heart Capillaries←> Tissues Veins Thoracic duct Lymphatic Lymphatic Right lymphatic duct vessels capillaries
Thoracic duct Right lymphatic duct Heart Arteries Capillaries Veins Tissues Lymphatic ← ← capillaries Lymphatic vessels

function transport nutrient, oxygen, carbon dioxide and waste metabolic product
function: transport nutrient,oxygen,carbon dioxide and waste metabolic product

I。 General structure of the bloodⅤ essels Endothelium Subendothelial layer tunica intima Internal elastic lamina tunica media External elastic lamina tunica adventitia Vasa vasorum
tunica intima tunica adventitia tunica media II. General Structure of the Blood Vessels

II。 Arteries ■ Large arter ■ Medium- sized artery Small artery Arteriole
III. Arteries ◼ Large artery ◼ Medium-sized artery ◼ Small artery ◼ Arteriole

Medium-Sized artery Muscular elial Internal elastic lamina External elastic amir
Medium -sized artery Muscular A

Medium-sized artery Muscular Structural characters 1. Very much(10-40 layers) smooth muscle cells intermingled with collagenous F, elastic F 2. Very evident internal and external elastic lamina 3. Very defined 3 layers a Function regulate blood flow to various organs
Medium-sized artery ◼ Structural characters 1. Very much (10~40 layers) smooth muscle cells intermingled with collagenous F., elastic F. 2. Very evident internal and external elastic lamina 3. Very defined 3 layers ◼ Function regulate blood flow to various organs Muscular A

Large artery elastic a ★
Large artery elastic A

Large artery elastic a Structural characters I. tunica media consists of elastic membranes mainly abundant (40-70 layers)elastic laminas and a few smooth muscle cells in media 2. internal and external elastic membranes are not prominent 3. three layers are not distinguished
◼ Structural characters 1. tunica media consists of elastic membranes mainly abundant (40~70 layers) elastic laminas and a few smooth muscle cells in media 2. internal and external elastic membranes are not prominent 3. three layers are not distinguished Large artery elastic A
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