求职信(PPT讲稿)Job Application Letter

Job Application Letter 求职信

An Introduction Application letter → the purpose >to respond to job advertisements and vacancy announcements >to show that your qualifications fit the employers requirements tor the position >to get the employer to read your resume >to invite you for an interview
An Introduction Application letter ➢the purpose: ➢to respond to job advertisements and vacancy announcements. ➢to show that your qualifications fit the employer's requirements for the position. ➢to get the employer to read your résumé ➢to invite you for an interview

Application letter two types > Recommendation推荐信 Self-recommendation自荐信, 它是书面表达的重要体裁之
➢ two types: ➢Recommendation 推荐信 ➢Self-recommendation 自荐信, ➢它是书面表达的重要体裁之一 Application letter

求职信写作要点 ·1、篇幅不宜过长; ·2、书写字体要整洁可辨,应使用打印机打印,可是 如果你有一手极漂亮的钢笔字,不妨试着设计一份 手写简历 3、语法准确无误,拼写正确。务必注意对方姓名、 公司名称等重要信息不能出错 ·4、格式正式、排版大方美观
求职信写作要点 • 1、篇幅不宜过长; • 2、书写字体要整洁可辨,应使用打印机打印,可是 如果你有一手极漂亮的钢笔字,不妨试着设计一份 手写简历 • 3、语法准确无误,拼写正确。务必注意对方姓名、 公司名称等重要信息不能出错 • 4、格式正式、排版大方美观

M What Is Job Application Letter? e Introduction to a future employer :::::::: e a first impression of you and your writing abil e Highlight of your resume
What Is Job Application Letter? Introduction to a future employer a first impression of you and your writing ability Highlight of your resume

A Features of Application Letters 4 Clearness Conciseness 斗 correctness Courtesy(politeness)
Clearness Conciseness Correctness Courtesy (politeness) Features of Application Letters

A Features of Application Letters Clearness(明了) Focus on the subject - seeking a job The structure should also be clear so that the reader can easily get your point Conciseness(简洁) All the information included in the letter should be relevant to the job. besides, use more short sentences than compound sentences
Features of Application Letters Clearness (明了) Focus on the subject – seeking a job, The structure should also be clear so that the reader can easily get your point. Conciseness (简洁) All the information included in the letter should be relevant to the job. Besides, use more short sentences than compound sentences. Features of Application Letters

Features of Application Letters Correctness(准确) Be correct in your wording, and avoid too many spelling or punctuation mistakes Courtesy( politeness)(礼貌) Write in a proper tone. Show your respect to the receiver
Features of Application Letters Correctness (准确) Be correct in your wording, and avoid too many spelling or punctuation mistakes. Courtesy (politeness) (礼貌) Write in a proper tone. Show your respect to the receiver

Function of Application Letters 嘉 Attention/yeao称呼 Dear sir/ madam Dear Mr sun Interest Highlight your ability or experience Desire Ask for a job interview. For example, I can come to your office for an interview between 9: 30 am and 5: 30 pm on any Action weekday. My telephone number is
Function of Application Letters Attention Interest Desire Action Try to use a specific salutation (称呼): Dear Sir / Madam √ Dear Mr. Sun √ Highlight your ability or experience Ask for a job interview. For example, relevant to the position you apply for. “I can come to your office for an interview between 9:30 am and 5:30 pm on any weekday. My telephone number is …

Structure of English Application Letters t 1 Heading 信头 2 Inside Address信内地址 sAlutation 称呼 4 Bod 正文 5 Complementary Close结束语 6 Signature 签名 Enclosure 附件
Structure of English Application Letters Heading 信头 Inside Address 信内地址 Salutation 称呼 Body 正文 Complementary Close 结束语 Signature 签名 Enclosure 附件
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