北京师范大学:教育研究方法讲座系列(PPT讲稿)教育政策研究——第七讲 教育政策实施过程的研究(一)
北京师范大学 教育研究方法讲座糸列(2): 教育政策研究 第七讲 教育政策实施过程的研究(一)
第七讲 教育政策实施过程的研究(一) 北京师范大学 教育研究方法讲座系列 (2): 教育政策研究
Third Edition, Expanded IMPLEMENTATION Jeffrey L. Pressman Aaron wildavsky How Great Expectations in Washington Are Dashed in Oakland: Or, Why It's Amazing g th Federal Programs Work at All This Being a Saga of the Economic Development Administration Told by Two Sympathetic Observer Who Seek to Build Morals on a Foundation of Ruined Hopes The Oakland project
The Top-down or Bottom-up Debate
(A) The Top-down or Bottom–up Debate
Theories of Policy Implementation: An Overview The rational-technical and top-down approach: It indicates theoretical orientations taking implementation as a separate stage of the policy cycle, which is characterized as an enforcement and execution of the state's policy decision The interpretive and bottom-up approach: It summarizes theoretical orientations conceiving implementation as process of interpretations, figuring out what to do and delivering concrete services to program/policy recipients on diverse localities and situations by street-level bureaucrats"within different organizational setting
The rational-technical and top-down approach: It indicates theoretical orientations taking implementation as a separate stage of the policy cycle, which is characterized as an enforcement and execution of the state’s policy decision. The interpretive and bottom-up approach: It summarizes theoretical orientations conceiving implementation as process of interpretations, figuring out what to do and delivering concrete services to program/policy recipients on diverse localities and situations by “street-level bureaucrats” within different organizational setting. Theories of Policy Implementation: An Overview
Theories of Policy Implementation: An Overview The top-down and bottom-up synthesis approach: It characterizes theoretical orientations perceiving implementation as process of constituting coalition, structuration, networking, learning or institutionalization, within which various parties in a specific policy domain/area strive to realize a policy, program or project in a contextot complexity
The top-down and bottom-up synthesis approach: It characterizes theoretical orientations perceiving implementation as process of constituting coalition, structuration, networking, learning or institutionalization, within which various parties in a specific policy domain/area strive to realize a policy, program or project in a context of complexity. Theories of Policy Implementation: An Overview
The rational -technical and Top-down Approach
The Rational-technical and Top-down Approach
Policy implementation technical control of the execution of decisions from top down Sabatier and Mazmanian define that " implementation is the carrying out of a basic policy decision..The implementation process normally runs through a number of stages beginning with passage of the basic statute followed by the policy output decisions and specifications)of the implementing agencies, the compliance of the target groups with those decisions, the actual impact- both intended and unintended -of those outputs, the perceived impacts of agency decisions, and finally, important revisions(or attempted revision) in the basic status.(1995, p 153; numbering mine)
Sabatier and Mazmanian define that “implementation is the carrying out of a basic policy decision. …The implementation process normally runs through a number of stages beginning with passage of the basic statute, followed by the policy output (decisions and specifications) of the implementing agencies, the compliance of the target groups with those decisions, the actual impact – both intended and unintended – of those outputs, the perceived impacts of agency decisions, and finally, important revisions (or attempted revision) in the basic status.” (1995, p. 153; numbering mine) Policy implementation technical control of the execution of decisions from top down
Stages(Dependent Variables)in the Implemention Process Policy outputs Compliance with Actual M policy outputs impacts impacts revision mplementi by targe let agencies groups policy outputs policy outputs statute FIGURE 1 Skeletal Flow Diagram of the Variables Involved in the Implementation Process
Implementation as Control: Enforcement and Execution of Policy Decisions Accordingly, implementation is perceived as technical problems of control over the internality and externality of the policy, which has been specified by Sabarier and Mazmanian as follows Tractability of the problem Availability of valid technical theory and technology Diversity of target-group behavior Target group as percentage of the population Extent of behavior change required
Accordingly, implementation is perceived as technical problems of control over the internality and externality of the policy, which has been specified by Sabarier and Mazmanian as follows Tractability of the problem Availability of valid technical theory and technology Diversity of target-group behavior Target group as percentage of the population Extent of behavior change required Implementation as Control: Enforcement and Execution of Policy Decisions
Implementation as Control: Enforcement and Execution of Policy Decisions control over of the internality and externality of the pocy,… Ability of statute to structure implementation Clear and consistent objectives Incorporation of adequate causal theory Financial resources Hierarchical integration with and among implementing agency Recruitment of implementing _ official Formal access by outsiders
…. control over of the internality and externality of the policy, … Ability of statute to structure implementation Clear and consistent objectives Incorporation of adequate causal theory Financial resources Hierarchical integration with and among implementing agency Recruitment of implementing official Formal access by outsiders Implementation as Control: Enforcement and Execution of Policy Decisions
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