脑膜、脑血管与脑脊液循环(PPT讲稿)The Meninges and Blood Vessels of Brain and Spinal Cord, and the Cerebrospinal Fluid

The Meninges and Blood Vessels of Brain and Spinal cord and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 脑膜,脑血管与脑脊液循环
The Meninges and Blood Vessels of Brain and Spinal Cord, and the Cerebrospinal Fluid 脑膜,脑血管与脑脊液循环

The Meninges of Brain and Spinal Cord The spinal cord and brain are surrounded by three membranes the meninges. Named from the outside inward they are the dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater
The Meninges of Brain and Spinal Cord ◼ The spinal cord and brain are surrounded by three membranes, the meninges. Named from the outside inward they are the dura mater, arachnoid, and pia mater

The meninges of spinal cord Spinal dura mater 硬脊膜 Spinal arachnoid mater 脊髓蛛网膜 Spinal pla mater 软脊膜
The meninges of spinal cord ◼ Spinal dura mater 硬脊膜 ◼ Spinal arachnoid mater 脊髓蛛网膜 ◼ Spinal pia mater 软脊膜

Spinal dura mater硬脊膜 Characters above. attached to circumference of foramen magnum Below becomes thinner at level of s2 invests filum terminale to attach at back OI COCC
Spinal dura mater 硬脊膜 Characters ◼ Above, attached to circumference of foramen magnum ◼ Below, becomes thinner at level of S2, invests filum terminale to attach at back of coccyx

Epidural space硬膜外隙 Position: lies between spinal dura mater and periosteum of vertebral canal Contents: a quantity of loose connective tissue, fat, lymphatic vessels and vertebral venous plexus, the spinal nerves on each side pass through the epidural space which is applicable for block anesthesia Subdural space硬膜下隙
Epidural space 硬膜外隙 ◼ Position: lies between spinal dura mater and periosteum of vertebral canal ◼ Contents: a quantity of loose connective tissue, fat, lymphatic vessels and vertebral venous plexus, the spinal nerves on each side pass through the epidural space which is applicable for block anesthesia Subdural space硬膜下隙

Spinal arachnoid mater脊髓蛛网鹛 Characters a thin delicate. tubular membran loosely investing spinal cord Above it is continuous with cerebral arachnoid mater
Spinal arachnoid mater 脊髓蛛网膜 Characters ◼ A thin, delicate, tubular membran loosely investing spinal cord ◼ Above, it is continuous with cerebral arachnoid mater

Subarachnoid space 蛛网膜下隙 Position: lies between pia and arachnoid maters containing cerebrospinal fluid Termina| cistern终池:the largest part of subarachnoid space extending from termination of spinal cord to level of s2. where it is occupied by nerves of cauda equina, so it is the best site for a lumbar puncture
Subarachnoid space 蛛网膜下隙 ◼ Position: lies between pia and arachnoid maters containing cerebrospinal fluid ◼ Terminal cistern 终池: the largest part of subarachnoid space extending from termination of spinal cord to level of S2, where it is occupied by nerves of cauda equina, so it is the best site for a lumbar puncture

VARA umbar spinal puncture(spinal tap
Lumbar spinal puncture (spinal tap)

Spinal pia mater软脊膜 a delicate vascular membrane that closely invests the spinal cord Denticulate ligament齿状韧带 consist of 21 pairs triangular ligaments extending from spinal cord on each side between anterior and posterior roots of spinal nerves to spinal dura mate; these ligaments help to fix position of spinal cord filum terminale: an extension of pia beyond conus medullaris
Spinal pia mater 软脊膜 ◼ A delicate vascular membrane that closely invests the spinal cord ◼ Denticulate ligament齿状韧带: consist of 21 pairs triangular ligaments extending from spinal cord on each side between anterior and posterior roots of spinal nerves to spinal dura mate; these ligaments help to fix position of spinal cord. ◼ Filum terminale: an extension of pia beyond conus medullaris

The Meninges of brain Cerebral dural mater硬脑膜 Cerebral arachnoid mater脑蛛网膜 Cerebral pia mater软脑膜
The Meninges of Brain ◼ Cerebral dural mater 硬脑膜 ◼ Cerebral arachnoid mater 脑蛛网膜 ◼ Cerebral pia mater 软脑膜
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