浙江大学医学院:血液及血液循环概述(PPT讲稿)Introduction to Blood and Its Circulation

Introduction to blood and its circulation 【血液及血液循环概述】 Qiang XIA(夏强),PhD Department of Physiology Zhejiang University School of Medicine Tel:88206861 Email: xiagiangazju. edu.cn
Introduction to Blood and Its Circulation 【血液及血液循环概述】 Qiang XIA (夏强), PhD Department of Physiology Zhejiang University School of Medicine Tel: 88206861 Email: xiaqiang@zju.edu.cn

essels in upper body Aorta This m KEY PULMONA enated CIRCULATION parts of the body SYSTEMIC CIRCULATION Pulmonary artery Pulmonary veins Oxygenated blood oxygenate blood to the lungs is carried from the lungs back to the heart in these vein Capillary M Vent Network of vessels Network of vessels n right lu g dioxide and absorb portal vein oxygen in the capillaries This vein carries blood rich in nutrients from the Network of vessels in igestive system Inferior vena cav This vein carries blood from the lower body to the heart Superior vena cava This vein carries blood from Network of vessels the upper body to the heart in lower body

提纲 血液成分及血液的主要功能 》循环糸统构成 组织液生成的主要机制
提纲 血液成分及血液的主要功能 循环系统构成 组织液生成的主要机制

Components of blood Plasma(血浆) Blood cells Red Blood cells(RBC) or Erythrocytes(红细胞) White blood cells( WBC)or Leucocytes(台细胞) Platelets( LT) or Thrombocytes(血小板)
Plasma(血浆) Blood Cells Red Blood Cells (RBC) or Erythrocytes(红细胞) White Blood Cells (WBC) or Leucocytes(白细胞) Platelets (PLT) or Thrombocytes(血小板) Components of blood

Copyright O The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display B 45% 55% Formed elements Platelets Red White blood cells blood cells Electrolytes Water Proteins Wastes NutrlentsGases 48% (0.1% Vitamins Hormones Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils Monocytes Lymphocytes Albumins Globulins Fibrinogen N2o2 (5462%)(1-3%) (<1% (3-9%)(25-33%

Some of the Proteins Synthesized by the Liver: Physiologic Functions and Properties Serum or Plasma Name Principal Function Binding characteristics Concentration Binding and carrier protein; osmotic Hormones, amino acids Albumin steroids, vitamins, fatty acids 4500-5000 mg/dL Orosomucoid Uncertain; may have a role in inflammation Trace rises in inflammation a,-Antiprotease Trypsin and general protease inhibitor Proteases in serum and tissue secretions 1.3-1. 4 mg/dL a-Fetoprotein Osmotic regulation binding and carrier Hormones, amino acids Found normally in fetal blood a2-Macroglobulin Inhibitor of serum endoproteases 150-420mgdL Antithrombin Protease inhibitor of intrinsic coagulation I: I binding to proteases 17-30 mg/di Ceruloplasmin Transport of copper sⅸ atoms copper/mol 15-60 mg/dL C-reactive protein Uncertain; has role in tissue inflammation Complement Clq <I mg/dL; rises in inflammation Precursor to fibrin in hemostasis 200-450mgdl Binding, transport of cell-free hemoglobin Hemoglobin 1: I binding Binds to porphyrins, particularly heme for 1: I with heme 50-|00mgdL ycling Transfe Two atoms iron/mol 3.0-6.5 mg/dL Apolipopr Assembly of lipoprotein particles id carrier Angiotensinogen Precursor to pressor peptide angiotensin Il Proteins, coagulation factors Il, VI, IX, X Blood clotting 20 mg/dL Antithrombin C, protein C Inhibition of blood clotting Insulinlike growth factor I Mediator of anabolic effects of growth hormone IGF-I receptor Steroid hormone-binding globulin Carrier protein for steroids in bloodstream Steroid hormones 3.3 mg/dL Thyroxine-binding globulin Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in bloodstream Thyroid hormones -l5 mg/dL Transthyretin(thyroid-binding prealbumin) Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in Thyroid hormones
Some of the Proteins Synthesized by the Liver: Physiologic Functions and Properties Name Principal Function Binding Characteristics Serum or Plasma Concentration Albumin Binding and carrier protein; osmotic regulator Hormones, amino acids, steroids, vitamins, fatty acids 4500–5000 mg/dL Orosomucoid Uncertain; may have a role in inflammation Trace; rises in inflammation α1 -Antiprotease Trypsin and general protease inhibitor Proteases in serum and tissue secretions 1.3–1.4 mg/dL α-Fetoprotein Osmotic regulation; binding and carrier proteina Hormones, amino acids Found normally in fetal blood α2 -Macroglobulin Inhibitor of serum endoproteases Proteases 150–420 mg/dL Antithrombin-III Protease inhibitor of intrinsic coagulation system 1:1 binding to proteases 17–30 mg/dL Ceruloplasmin Transport of copper Six atoms copper/mol 15–60 mg/dL C-reactive protein Uncertain; has role in tissue inflammation Complement C1q < 1 mg/dL; rises in inflammation Fibrinogen Precursor to fibrin in hemostasis 200–450 mg/dL Haptoglobin Binding, transport of cell-free hemoglobin Hemoglobin 1:1 binding 40–180 mg/dL Hemopexin Binds to porphyrins, particularly heme for heme recycling 1:1 with heme 50–100 mg/dL Transferrin Transport of iron Two atoms iron/mol 3.0–6.5 mg/dL Apolipoprotein B Assembly of lipoprotein particles Lipid carrier Angiotensinogen Precursor to pressor peptide angiotensin II Proteins, coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X Blood clotting 20 mg/dL Antithrombin C, protein C Inhibition of blood clotting Insulinlike growth factor I Mediator of anabolic effects of growth hormone IGF-I receptor Steroid hormone-binding globulin Carrier protein for steroids in bloodstream Steroid hormones 3.3 mg/dL Thyroxine-binding globulin Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in bloodstream Thyroid hormones 1.5 mg/dL Transthyretin (thyroid-binding prealbumin)Carrier protein for thyroid hormone in bloodstream Thyroid hormones 25 mg/dL

Differential WBC count All total 4000 11000mm Formed elements Granulocytes Platelets Neutrophils(40-70%) Leukocytes Eosinophils(1-4%) · Basophil(0-1%) Erythrocytes Agranulocytes Lymphocytes(20-45%) Monocytes(4-8%) Copyright @2001 Benjamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc

Tunica adventitia Vessel wall Tunica media Tunica intima Blood vessel White blood ce‖l Red blood cell virtuaImedicalcentre. com Copyright The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display Erythrocytes Leukocytes Platelets Polymorphonuclear granulocytes Monocytes Lymphocytes Neutrophils EosinophilsBasophils

Plasma (55% of whole blood Butty coat leukocytes and platelets (<1% of whole blood formed O Withdraw blood ② Centrifuge Erythrocyte elements and place in tube (45%of whole blood Copynight @2001 Benamin Cummings, an imprint of Addison Wesley Longman, Inc The hematocrit(血细胞比容) is a rapid assessment of blood composition It is the percent of the blood volume that is composed of RBCs (red blood cells
The hematocrit(血细胞比容) is a rapid assessment of blood composition. It is the percent of the blood volume that is composed of RBCs (red blood cells)

Hematocrit( packed cell volume,血细胞比容) the volume of red blood cells as a percentage of centrifuged whole blood M:40~50% F:37~48% International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) Recommendations for"Surrogate Reference"Method for the Packed Cell Volume
the volume of red blood cells as a percentage of centrifuged whole blood M: 40~50% F: 37~48% Hematocrit(packed cell volume, 血细胞比容) International Council for Standardization in Haematology (ICSH) Recommendations for "Surrogate Reference" Method for the Packed Cell Volume
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