浙江大学医学院:《人体寄生虫学 Human Parasitology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)概论

Introduction to Human Parasitology Yihui luo yihuiluo@zju.edu.cn Department of Medical Microbiology and parasitology Medical College, Zhejiang University
Introduction to Human Parasitology Yihui Luo yihuiluo@zju.edu.cn Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, Medical College, Zhejiang University

Examples of Medical Importance in the World Leading causes of death 53.9 millon from all causes, worldwide. 1998 Leading infectious killers Millions of deaths, worldwide, all ages, 1998 3.5 Other nfectious diseases Respirabry and digestive Under age five 13.3 million 25 Injures 11% 1.5 09 Cancers Cardiovascular disease 05 13% A|Ds· Diarrhoea Malaria Measles Note: Cancers, cardiovascular and respiratory /digestie des 爬 espiratory can also be caused by inectons and raise the percent of deaths due to infectious diseases even m
Examples of Medical Importance in the World

Major human parasites a Estimated World Prevalence of the major Parasitic Infection of human Malaria 300-500 million Schistosomiasis 200 million Lymphatic filariasis 120 million Onchocerciasis 85 million Leishmaniasis 12 million Trypanosoma cruzi (South America) 1 8 million Ascaris infection 1300 million Hookworm infection 1300 million Amoebiasis 60 million Trichuriasis 900 million Giardiasis 200 million HO,1999)
Major human parasites ◼ Estimated World Prevalence of the Major Parasitic Infection of Human: ◼ Malaria 300-500 million ◼ Schistosomiasis 200 million ◼ Lymphatic filariasis 120 million ◼ Onchocerciasis 85 million ◼ Leishmaniasis 12 million ◼ Trypanosoma cruzi (South America) 18 million ◼ Ascaris infection 1300 million ◼ Hookworm infection 1300 million ◼ Amoebiasis 60 million ◼ Trichuriasis 900 million ◼ Gardiasis 200 million (WHO,1999)

Prevalence of parasitic infections 6 Major Tropical Diseases(WHO and TDR) Malaria ■ Schistosomiasis filariasis ■ Leishmaniasis ■ Trypanosomiasis ■ Leprosy
6 Major Tropical Diseases (WHO and TDR) ◼ Malaria ◼ Schistosomiasis ◼ Filariasis ◼ Leishmaniasis ◼ Trypanosomiasis ◼ Leprosy Prevalence of parasitic infections

Malaria Endemic Countries, 2000 Malaria Infected. 300 to 500 million ◇Q Annual deaths 2.2 to 2.5 million
Malaria ◼ Infected, 300 to 500 million ◼ Annual deaths 2.2 to 2.5 million

Schistosomiasis ■ Infected.150 million Annual deaths. 500.000 to 1 million Schistosoma, in copula male (by P.w. Pappas and S.M. Wardrop patient with ascites
Schistosomiasis ◼ Infected, 150 million ◼ Annual deaths, 500,000 to 1 million patient with ascites

Lymphatic filariasis 128 million infected patients with elephantiasis and hydrocele testis
Lymphatic filariasis ◼ 128 million infected patients with elephantiasis and hydrocele testis

Leishmaniasis Leishmania Infected. 1.2 million (by Mike Belosevic Amastigote in the phagocyte skin lesion
Leishmaniasis ◼ Infected, 1.2 million Amastigote in the phagecyte skin lesion

typanosomiasis Infected. 13 to 50 thousands ■ sleeping- sickness
Trypanosomiasis ◼ Infected, 13 to 50 thousands ◼ sleeping-sickness

Parasitic diseases in china Infective rate:19.56 Infective number: 1.29 million (According to a parasitic survey ey from 2001.4 to2006.12)
Parasitic Diseases in China ◼ Infective rate: 19.56% ◼ Infective number: 1.29 million (According to a parasitic survey from 2001.4 to 2006.12)
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