山东大学医学院:《病理生理学 Pathophysiology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)Introduction
病理生理学 Pathophysiology 山东大学医学院病理生理学教研室
病理生理学 Pathophysiology 山东大学医学院病理生理学教研室
Introduction Pathophysiology: The ology is to study the mechanisms of the occurrence, development and outcome of the diseases Pathological anatomy Pathology Pathophysiology The alteration function Pathophysiology in process of metabolism sease structure a Pathological anatomy
Introduction Pathophysiology: The ology is to study the mechanisms of the occurrence, development and outcome of the diseases Pathological anatomy Pathology Pathophysiology The alteration function Pathophysiology in process of metabolism disease structure Pathological anatomy
for example: bronchial alveolar edema structure L congestion lobar pneumonia function hypoventilation, metabolism diffusion impairment hypoxia, acidosis, shock The task, position and content of pathophysiology The methods of investigation The history
for example: bronchial alveolar edema structure congestion lobar pneumonia function hypoventilation, metabolism diffusion impairment hypoxia, acidosis, shock The task,position and content of pathophysiology The methods of investigation The history
Introduction of disease concept of disease causes disturbances abnormal conditions of homeostasis/ life process II. causes and conditions of disease cause(etiology condition: inducing factor(precipitating factor)
Introduction of disease Ⅰ.concept of disease causes disturbances abnormal conditions of homeostasis life process Ⅱ. causes and conditions of disease cause(etiology): condition: inducing factor(precipitating factor):
for example pneumococcal pneumonia cause(etiology ): pneumococcus condition: cold. tired pulmonary tuberculoSIS cause: tubercular bacillus condition: worry, malnutrition IlL. pathogenesis of disease It studies how the etiology can cause the disease in the body
for example pneumococcal pneumonia cause(etiology): pneumococcus condition: cold, tired pulmonary tuberculosis cause: tubercular bacillus condition: worry, malnutrition Ⅲ. pathogenesis of disease It studies how the etiology can cause the disease in the body
1. The general rule of pathogenesis in disease O damage and anti-damage damage defence anti-damage adaptation compensation for example: food poisoning toxin vomiting. diarrhea (damage)(anti-damage) trauma The dual nature of response of anti-damage:
1. The general rule of pathogenesis in disease ① damage and anti-damage damage: defence anti-damage adaptation compensation for example: food poisoning toxin vomiting, diarrhea (damage) (anti-damage) trauma: The dual nature of response of anti-damage:
2 reverse of cause-result reverse cause= result cause result for example: food toxication -y diarrhea dehydration low blood volume acidosis shock ③ part and whole
② reverse of cause-result reverse cause result cause result for example: food toxication diarrhea dehydration low blood volume acidosis shock ③ part and whole
2. The basic pathogenesis ① nervous mechanism injury of nervous system cause sease disturbance of the function injury: epidemic meningitis, cephalitis, poliomyelitis functional hypertension, disturbance: hepatic encephalopathy
2. The basic pathogenesis ① nervous mechanism injury of nervous system cause disease disturbance of the function injury: epidemic meningitis, cephalitis, poliomyelitis functional hypertension, disturbance: hepatic encephalopathy
② humoral mechanism pathogenic alteration of the volume and agent activity of humoral factors disturbance of the homeostasis disease hormone humoral general humoral factor actor local humoral factor cellular factor
② humoral mechanism pathogenic alteration of the volume and agent activity of humoral factors disturbance of the homeostasis disease hormone humoral general humoral factor factor local humoral factor cellular factor
the acting endocrine paracrine manner of humoral factor: autocrine
the acting endocrine paracrine manner of humoral factor: autocrine
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