
Leukemia 浙江大学血液病研究所 医学院附属一院血液科 金洁
Leukemia 浙江大学血液病研究所 医学院附属一院血液科 金洁

Definition Leukemia is a clonal, malignant disease of hematopoietic tissue that is characterized by O the proliferation of abnormal leukemic cells, principallyin the marrow 2) impaired production of normal blood cells (3) infiltration in tissue and organs Thus, the leukemic cell infiltration in marrow is accompanied nearl invariably by anemia and thrombocytopenia. The absolute neutrophil count may be low or normal, depending on the total white cell count Also, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly and lymphopathy because of infiltration in tissue and organs
Definition ⚫ Leukemia is a clonal, malignant disease of hematopoietic tissue that is characterized by: (1) the proliferation of abnormal leukemic cells, principally in the marrow; (2) impaired production of normal blood cells. (3)infiltration in tissue and organs Thus, the leukemic cell infiltration in marrow is accompanied, nearly invariably, by anemia and thrombocytopenia. The absolute neutrophil count may be low or normal, depending on the total white cell count. Also, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly and lymphopathy because of infiltration in tissue and organs

Incidence ● about3-4per100.00 o It is more common in males About 181: 1 o AML about 1. 6 per 100,000; ALL about 0.69 per 100,000; CML about 0.39 per 100.000: CLL about0.05per100.000
Incidence ⚫ about 3-4 per 100,000; ⚫ It is more common in males. About 1.81:1. ⚫ AML about 1.6 per 100,000; ALL about 0.69 per 100,000; CML about 0.39 per 100,000; CLL about 0.05 per 100,000

Etiology Virus. hTL-1 o Chemical and drugs: Benzene, Alkylating agents and other cytotoxic drugs ● Radiation o Inherited conditions: Identical sibling with Leukemia: Down syndrome Fanconi anemia ● Double hits
Etiology ⚫ Virus: HTLV-1 ⚫ Chemical and drugs: Benzene, Alkylating agents and other cytotoxic drugs ⚫ Radiation ⚫ Inherited conditions: Identical sibling with Leukemia; Down syndrome; Fanconi anemia ⚫ Double hits

Classification Acute Leukemia: AML. ALL o Chronic Leukemia: CML CLL o Special kind of Leukemia: HCL
Classification: ⚫ Acute Leukemia: AML, ALL ⚫ Chronic Leukemia: CML, CLL ⚫ Special kind of Leukemia: HCL

Acute leukemia Classification FAB classification ANLL(AML): MO-7 ALL: L1-3 MIC-M Classification WHO: t(15; 17) Leukemia, t(8; 21) Leukemia MIC-M: Acute leukemia classification should now be based on Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic analysis and Molecular genetic analysis, namely mic-m classification
Acute Leukemia ⚫ Classification: FAB classification: ANLL(AML): M0-7 ALL: L1-3 MIC-M Classification: WHO: t(15; 17) Leukemia, t(8; 21) Leukemia MIC-M: Acute leukemia classification should now be based on Morphology, Immunophenotyping, Cytogenetic analysis and Molecular genetic analysis, namely MIC-M classification

正常骨髓象 whoo c 能号

FAB classification o Mo: minimally differentiated AML oM. AML without maturation ●M’: AML WIth maturation O M3: acute promyelocytic leukemia, APL MA: acute myelomonocytic leukemia. AMMOL M4Eo: AML with eosinophilia o Ms: acute monocytic leukemia O M: erythroleukemia. EL o M: acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
FAB classification ⚫ M0 : minimally differentiated AML ⚫ M1 : AML without maturation ⚫ M2 : AML with maturation ⚫ M3 : acute promyelocytic leukemia, APL ⚫ M4 : acute myelomonocytic leukemia, AMMoL ⚫ M4Eo : AML with eosinophilia ⚫ M5 : acute monocytic leukemia ⚫ M6 : erythroleukemia, EL ⚫ M7 : acute megakaryoblastic leukemia

bone marrow of acute leukemia
bone marrow of acute leukemia
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