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运动系统(PPT讲稿)The Locomotor System(二)

运动系统(PPT讲稿)The Locomotor System(二)

The Locomotor SystemIl Mar.8.2010 JING LI jing li@ionac cn

The Locomotor SystemⅡ Mar. 8. 2010 JING LI

附肢骨骼及其连接 skeleton appendicular 上肢骨 he Bones of Upper Limb 下肢骨 The bones of lower limb

• 上肢骨 The Bones of Upper Limb • 下肢骨 The Bones of Lower Limb 附肢骨骼及其连接 skeleton appendiculare

The appendicular skeleton 上肢骨 下肢骨 肢带骨 肩带(肩胛骨、锁髋带(髋骨) 骨) 自由肢骨近侧部|肱骨 股骨 中间部桡骨、尺骨 胫骨、腓骨、髌骨 远侧部腕骨、骨、指骨跗骨、跖骨、趾骨

上肢骨 下肢骨 肢带骨 肩带(肩胛骨、锁 骨) 髋带(髋骨) 自由肢骨 近侧部 中间部 远侧部 肱骨 桡骨、尺骨 腕骨、掌骨、指骨 股骨 胫骨、腓骨、髌骨 跗骨、跖骨、趾骨 The Appendicular Skeleton

上肢 The Bones of Upper Limb 上肢带骨 The shoulder girdle 锁量 clavicle1 肩胛量 scapula1 自由上肢骨 The Bones of Free Upper Limb 肱骨 humerus1 桡骨 radius1人量una1 年骨 The bones of hand27 腕骨 carpal bone:8 骨 metacarpal bone:5 指骨 phalanges of fingers:14

上肢骨The Bones of Upper Limb • 上肢带骨 The Shoulder Girdle 锁骨 clavicle 1 肩胛骨 scapula 1 • 自由上肢骨The Bones of Free Upper Limb 肱骨 humerus 1 桡骨 radius 1 尺骨 ulna 1 手骨The Bones of hand 27 腕骨carpal bone: 8 掌骨metacarpal bone: 5 指骨phalanges of fingers: 14

上肢带骨 The shoulder girdle 锁骨 clavicle 胸骨端 维状结节和斜方线 肩峰端 Extremitas acromialis Extremitas sternalis肋锁韧带压迹 Tubercu um conoideum ef 锁骨 Corpus claviculae Impressio ligamenti Linea trapezoide costoclavicular 肩峰端 胸骨关节面 Extremitas acromialis Facies articularis sternalis 上面观 Superior aspect Inferior aspect 锁骨骨折复位后以8字石膏固定

上肢带骨 The Shoulder Girdle 锁骨 clavicle

上肢带骨 The shoulder girdle 肩胛骨 scapula Two surfaces Anterior surface concave: subscapular fossa肩胛下窝 Posterior surface: spine of scapula肩胛闼, acromion肩峰 Three borders Superior: coracoid process喙突 scapular notch肩胛切迹 Lateral (axillary) border廠慈 Acromion Meda( vertebra) border脊植 Three angles Costal surface Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib or 7th tubercle intercostals spe ace Lateral: glenoid cavity吴节盂 Kignt scapula,anterior view Inferior angle

• Two surfaces – Anterior surface concave: subscapular fossa肩胛下窝 – Posterior surface: spine of scapula 肩胛冈, acromion 肩峰 • Three borders – Superior: coracoid process 喙突 , scapular notch 肩胛切迹 – Lateral (axillary) border 腋缘 – Medial (vertebral) border 脊柱缘 • Three angles – Superior: opposite to the 2nd rib – Inferior: opposite to the 7th rib or 7th intercostals space – Lateral: glenoid cavity关节盂 肩胛骨 scapula 上肢带骨 The Shoulder Girdle

上肢带骨 The shoulder girdle 肩胛骨 scapula 1. glenoid cavit关节盂 ActomialanoL Acromion Coracoid process/Clavicle (cut Superior angle 2. supra-and infraglenoid Superior border Anatomical neck Suprascapular notch tubercles盂上、下结节 Medial border Surgical neck Subscapular fossa 3. subscapular fossa肩胛下窝她 infraglenoid tubercle Lateral border rest of greater tubercle Head ot humerus inferor angle Crest of Supraspinal lesser tubercle Deltoid muscle Medial supracondylar rid iceps brachn muscle Lateral Supraspinatus muscle Coracobrachialis muscle Radial iceps brachi muscle (short head Subscapularis Infras! Pectorals maior muscle Latissmus dorsi musd ng head Capitulum Teres major muscle Anterior shoulder Subscapularis Deltoid muscle Coracobrachialis musde

上肢带骨 The Shoulder Girdle 肩胛骨 scapula 1. glenoid cavity关节盂 2. supra- and infraglenoid tubercles 盂上、下结节 3. subscapular fossa肩胛下窝

上肢带骨 The shoulder girdle 肩胛骨 scapula Suprascapular notc Clavide tcutl Superior horder Coracoid process 1. pine of scapula肩胛冈 petiot angle 2. acromion肩峰 Notch connecting 3. supra-and infraspinous Head of humerus fossae间上、下寓, Medial border. Anatomical neck Lateral borde Surgical neck Groove for Infraglenoid tubercle Supraspinatous muscle Deltoid muscle Infraspinatus muscle supracondylar ridge Teres minor musde Olecranon fosca riceps brachii muscle Lateral epicondyle Infraspinatous Teres minor cochlea muscle Teres minor Deltoid musele Groove fo houlder Posterior shoulder edal epicondyle

上肢带骨 The Shoulder Girdle 肩胛骨 scapula 1. spine of scapula 肩胛冈, 2. acromion 肩峰 3. supra- and infraspinous fossae冈上、下窝

自由上肢骨 free upper limb bone 肱骨 humerus En、 肱二头肌 5A音 结冒对 erfuteEaat 长头肌腱 和Hd 桡利∥利 n 桡骨头 尺骨冠突 尺骨鹰嘴 桡骨 尺 18.肱骨 The humerus

肱骨 humerus 关节盂 桡神经和肱深动脉 尺骨 肱二头肌 长头肌腱 尺骨冠突 桡骨 自由上肢骨 free upper limb bone 尺骨鹰嘴 桡骨头

自由上肢骨 free upper limb bone 桡骨 radius尺ulna 肱骨滑车 肱骨小头 环状关节 环状吴节 总 articular 绕骨粗 肱二头肌←围m 肱肌 尺骨体 es antenor Marg interosseus · Processus styloideus Processus stolon 桡动脉 Processus styloideus 环状关节面 Circumferentia articularis 后

桡骨 radius 尺骨ulna 肱骨小头 肱骨滑车 桡动脉 肱二头肌 肱肌 自由上肢骨 free upper limb bone
