浙江大学医学院:《组织学与胚胎学 HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Male and Female Reproductive Systems(男性生殖系统 Male Reproductive System)

HISTOLOGY 三 MBRYOLOGY Wale and feale Reproductive Systems 12021/1/26
1 2021/1/26 HISTOLOGY & EMBRYOLOGY Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Reproductive System e Sex, Gender, Reproduction Germ Cells: sperm and ovum (haploid) ● Sex Hormones: Male-e-Androgens(Testosterone Female--Estrogen, Progestogen Developmental Stages: infant, child, puberty, adult, menopause 20211/6and old
2021/1/26 2 Reproductive System Sex, Gender, Reproduction Germ Cells: sperm and ovum (haploid) Sex Hormones: Male---Androgens (Testosterone) Female---Estrogen , Progestogen Developmental Stages: infant, child, puberty, adult, menopause and old

Male Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System

e Testis: producing sperm and hormone Epididymis: sperm maturation, storage o Vas deferens: sperm passage during ejaculation e Accessory glands(prostate seminal vesicle. bulbourethral gland): seminalplasma environment for sperms e Penis and scrotum 20211/26
2021/1/26 4 Testis: producing sperm and hormone Epididymis: sperm maturation, storage Vas deferens: sperm passage during ejaculation Accessory glands (prostate, seminal vesicle, bulbourethral gland) : seminal plasma--- environment for sperms Penis and scrotum

髂总动静脉 Common iliac av 乙状结肠 履胶 Sigmoid colon Visceral peritoneum 输尿管 输精管 Ureter Ductus deferens 腹膜璧层 Parietal peritoneum 膀胱 Urinary bladder 直肠膀脫陷四 Rectovesical 耻骨 Pubis 直肠低曲 耻骨前列腺韧带 Sacral flexure Puboprostatic lig of rectum 精索 精囊腺 Seminal vesicle Spermatic cord 阴茎 前列腺 Prostate enIs 阴茎头冠 盆 Corona of Pelvic diaphragm glans 直肠会阴曲 阴茎头 Perineal flexure Glans of penis of rectum 肛门 Scrotum 阴部静脉丛 球海绵体肌 肛门外括约肌 阴茎海绵体脚 Pudendal plexus External anal sphincter bulbocavernous m Crus of cavernous body of peni 52021/1
5 2021/1/26

膀脆三角 输精管壶腹 Orifice of ureter Trigonum vesicae Ampulla of deferent duct 精囊腺 尿道内口 输精管 射精管 列腺 前列腺小囊 尿道前列腺部 Prostatic portion 桔 Seminal hillock 尿道球睬 尿道膜部 Bulbourethral gland Membranous portion. 阴茎脚 尿道球 Crus of penis Bulb of 精索 尿道诲绵体部 附睾附件 睾丸输出小管 Appendix of epididymis 睾丸附件 of testis Appendage of testis 附案 附睾管 Epididy Duct of epididy 尿道海绵体 Spongy bod 阴茎海绵体 舟状窝 Cavernous body of penis 包皮 男性生殖器官 Male genital organs
6 2021/1/26

7 2021/1/26

4 Epididymis Testis Lobule Seminiferous tubule RGo Tunica albuginea Wall and space of the tunica vaginalis lin Tunica vasculosa
8 2021/1/26

TESTS a pair in scrotum e Capsule: tunica vaginalis, albuginea and vasculosa mediastinum testis septulum testis into 250 testicular lobules Seminiferous Tubule producing sperm e Testicular Interstitium producing 202112 androgens by Leydig cell
2021/1/26 9 TESTIS a pair in scrotum Capsule: tunica vaginalis, albuginea and vasculosa, mediastinum testis & septulum testis into 250 testicular lobules Seminiferous Tubule producing sperm Testicular Interstitium producing androgens by Leydig cell

1. Components testis produce the male germ cells-gametes(sperm produce androgen-testosterone --gernital ducts: store and conduct the sperm epididymis ductus deferens ejaculatory duct accessory gland: their secretion join into semen seminal vesicle prostate bulbourethral gland ●pens
1. Components: ---testis: produce the male germ cells- gametes(sperm) produce androgen-testosterone ---gernital ducts: store and conduct the sperm epididymis ductus deferens ejaculatory duct ---accessory gland: their secretion join into semen seminal vesicle prostate bulbourethral gland penis
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