浙江大学医学院:视器与位听器的组织结构(PPT讲稿)Sense organs

视器与位听器的组织结构 Sense organs 周俊 20180621
视器与位听器的组织结构 Sense organs 周俊 20180621

实验内容 目的要求:掌握眼球壁和内耳的组织结构特点 观察切片: 1.角膜(N0.47) 2.眼球后壁(No.48) 3内耳(N0.49)
实验内容 目的要求:掌握眼球壁和内耳的组织结构特点 观察切片: 1.角膜 (NO.47) 2.眼球后壁(NO.48) 3.内耳(NO.49)

Eyeball walls Cornea 1/6 1. Fibrous layers Sclera 5/6 Choroid 2/3 Eve ball 2. Vascular lavers Ciliary body rIs 3. Retina innermost layer adjacent to the vitreous body
Ciliary body Eyeball Walls 1.Fibrous layers Eye ball 2.Vascular layers 3.Retina: innermost layer adjacent to the vitreous body. Cornea 1/6 Sclera 5/6 Choroid 2/3 Iris 1 2 3

Cornea(NO 47)5 layers FH Corneal epithelium Anterior limiting lamina 角膜细胞(成纤维细胞) Corneal stroma posterior limiting lamina Corneal endothelium
Cornea(NO.47) Corneal epithelium Corneal stroma Corneal endothelium Anterior limiting lamina posterior limiting lamina 5 layers 角膜细胞(成纤维细胞)

Ultrastructure of the Corneal stroma
Ultrastructure of the Corneal stroma

The back wall of the eyewall(NO. 48) Sclera(巩膜) Choroid(脉络膜) Retina(视网膜)
Sclera(巩膜) Retina(视网膜) Choroid(脉络膜) The back wall of the eyewall (NO.48)

Sclera: many different direction DCT form bundles 巩膜 黑色素细胞 视网
Sclera: many different direction DCT. form bundles

Choroid Pigment cells Blood vessel 脉络膜 解
Choroid Pigment cells Blood vessel

Retina(视网膜) RRRSA9A6928e86 10 'choroid pigment epithelium outer segments photoreceptor inner segments 湖缘数 outer nuclear layer(ONL) outer plexiform layer(OPL) inner nuclear :过4 layer(INL) bipolar cell amacrine aVO inner plexiform laver(IPL) ganglion cell optic fiber layer LIGHT (OFL) 1色素上皮层 点 色素上皮细胞;R视杆细胞;C视锥细胞;H水平细胞; 2.神经层:外核层(视杆视锥层) 双极细胞;A无长突细胞;P网间细胞;G节细胞 N神经纤维; M. Muller细胞 内核层(双极细胞层) 节细胞层
Retina(视网膜) 1.色素上皮层 2.神经层: 外核层(视杆视锥层) 内核层(双极细胞层) 节细胞层

Retina 10 layers Choroid 1 pigmented epithelium 2 layer of photoreceptors 3 external limiting membrane 4 outer nuclear layer 5 outer plexiform layer nner nuclear layer 7 inner plexiform layer 8 ganglion cell layer 9 optic nerve layer 10 internal limiting membrane
Retina 10 layers 2 layer of photoreceptors 3 external limiting membrane 1 pigmented epithelium 4 outer nuclear layer 5 outer plexiform layer 6 inner nuclear layer 7 inner plexiform layer 8 ganglion cell layer 9 optic nerve layer 10 internal limiting membrane Choroid
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