浙江大学医学院:循环系统(PPT讲稿)Circulatory system

Circulatory system Shiping Ding(丁世萍),PhD School of Medicine, Zhejiang University
Circulatory system Shiping Ding (丁世萍), Ph. D School of Medicine, Zhejiang University

Learning objectives To be familiar with the type of capillary To be familiar with the type of artery and vein To distinguish with all the types of blood vesseLs
Learning Objectives • To be familiar with the type of capillary. • To be familiar with the type of artery and vein. • To distinguish with all the types of blood vessels

Concepts of organs and systems Organ: composed of four kinds of the tissues in a particular way Hollow organs: studied from inside to outside vpes parenchyma Substantial organs: Interstitium System: composed of many organs which have relationship with each other in structure and function
Concepts of organs and systems Organ: composed of four kinds of the tissues in a particular way Types Hollow organs: studied from inside to outside Substantial organs: System: composed of many organs which have relationship with each other in structure and function. parenchyma interstitium

General outline ---Closed tubular system According to the circulating fluid in the tubes blood or lymph: Blood vascular system (cardiovascular system) Lymphatic vascular system
General outline •Blood vascular system (cardiovascular system) •Lymphatic vascular system ---Closed tubular system According to the circulating fluid in the tubes, blood or lymph:

Cardiovascular System The histological study of the cardiovascular system Includes two major components Heart- mainly functions as a pump to move blood (and all the things blood carries)through the body Blood vessels -are the tubes that distribute the blood to the cells and then back to the heart
Cardiovascular System The histological study of the cardiovascular system includes two major components • Heart – mainly functions as a pump to move blood (and all the things blood carries) through the body. • Blood vessels – are the tubes that distribute the blood to the cells and then back to the heart

The blood vessels include three major divisions arteries deliver blood from heart to capillaries Capillaries the smallest blood vessels and closest to body cells, the interchanges between blood and tissues occur there Veins carry blood from body to the heart
The blood vessels include three major divisions: Arteries – deliver blood from heart to capillaries Capillaries – the smallest blood vessels and closest to body cells, the interchanges between blood and tissues occur there Veins – carry blood from body to the heart

Histological Structure of Blood vessels Tunica LARGE VEIN n ELASTIC ARTERY Internal elastic externa intima Endothelium Tu Tunica externa Tunica intima Endothelium MUSCULAR ARTERY MEDIUM-SIZED VEIN Tunica Tunica externa Tunica media Tunica intima Tunica intima Endothelium ARTERIOLE VENULE Smooth muscle cells Tu Endotheliul externa Basal lamina Endothelium CONTINUOUS CAPILLARY FENESTRATED CAPILLARY △ Endothelial cells Endothelial cells Basal lamina Basal lamina
Histological Structure of Blood Vessels

Structural feature of Internal elastic lamina Endothelium Arteries andⅤeins Intima Media Tunica intimae 1. Endothelium 2. Subendothelial layer 3. Internal elastic membrane Adventitia nica eala medium-sized a Mainly smooth muscle Tunica adventitia external elastic membrane Mainly connective tissue
Structural feature of Arteries and Veins: Tunica intimae 1. Endothelium 2. Subendothelial layer 3. Internal elastic membrane Tunica media Mainly smooth muscle Tunica adventitia external elastic membrane Mainly connective tissue medium-sized A

Artery transport blood from heart to capillaries according to their size, structure and function Large artery Medium-sized artery d>lmm are classified Small artery d>0.3-1mm Arteriole d<o 3mm
Artery ▪ transport blood from heart to capillaries ▪ according to their size, structure and function Large artery Medium-sized artery D>1mm Small artery D>0.3~1mm Arteriole D<0.3mm are classified

Structure features of artery The wall of arteries consist of three layers or"coats' often referred to as tunics bundles elastie fibers ur nerve biood vess Tunica intimae-is the inner coat Tunica media-is the middle layer Tunica adventitia or tunica externa is the outer layer of the wall of the blood vesse Layers of arteries wall differ in MUSCULAR ARTERY different size blood vessels The structure and function of arteries change as their diameter decreases
• The wall of Arteries consist of three layers or “coats” often referred to as tunics. – Tunica intimae – is the inner coat – Tunica media – is the middle layer – Tunica adventitia or tunica externa is the outer layer of the wall of the blood vessel • Layers of arteries wall differ in different size blood vessels. The structure and function of arteries change as their diameter decreases. Structure features of artery
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