浙江大学医学院:《心血管生理学 Cardiovascular Physiology》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)心血管活动的调节 Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities

Cardiovascular Physiology XIA Qiang, Md PhD Department of physiology Room 518, Block C, Research Building School of Medicine, Zijingang Campus Email:xiaqiang@zju.edu.cn Tel: x 88206417(Undergraduate school), 88208252(Medical school)
Cardiovascular Physiology XIA Qiang, MD & PhD Department of Physiology Room 518, Block C, Research Building School of Medicine, Zijingang Campus Email: xiaqiang@zju.edu.cn Tel: ☆ 88206417 (Undergraduate school), 88208252 (Medical school)

Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities Lecture outline ° Nervous Requlation . Humoral Regulation ° Autoregulation
Regulation of Cardiovascular Activities Lecture Outline •Nervous Regulation •Humoral Regulation •Autoregulation

Nervous Requlation Vasomotor cent Blood vagus Heart Vasoconstrictor Cardioinhibitor vasodilator Blood
Nervous Regulation

Innervation of cardiovascular system Ix afferent Carotid Medullary X afferent sinuses cardiovascular centre Vagal Aortic baroreceptor TrTt Sympathetic efferent LAcetylchol Vessel Sinus Interneuron node muscarinIc Adrenaline in blood Noradrenaline Acetylcholine transm itter Sympathetic stimulation increases contractility, frequency, conduction velocity, and irritability
Innervation of cardiovascular system

Nervous regulation of the circulation Heart Blood vessel Vas constriction Entropy p)NE<NE-NE(,) Vasoconstriction Chronotropy L+ B)Vasodilation Dromotropy M empathetic (M) Vasodilation Nerve Terminal ACh P arasymp athetic Sympathetic Cholinergic Nerve Terminal Nerve Terminal
Nervous regulation of the circulation

Cardiac mechanisms of norepinephrine Na(le) ACh N。rEp Muscarinic Beta-1 Receptor Receptor G G Stimulate Stimulates K Inhibition Cyclic-AMP
Cardiac mechanisms of norepinephrine

Mechanisms of norepinephrine -increase Nat cazt permeability 个, phase4 spontaneous depolarization个, autorhythmicity↑ Ca2 influx↑, phase0 amplitude& velocity个, conductivity个 Ca2 influx个,Ca2 release↑,[Ca2+]个, contractility个
Mechanisms of norepinephrine —increase Na+ & Ca2+ permeability • I f , phase 4 spontaneous depolarization, autorhythmicity • Ca2+ influx , phase 0 amplitude & velocity , conductivity • Ca2+ influx , Ca2+ release , [Ca2+ ] i , contractility

Asymmetrical 899t0 innervation of sympathetic nerve 59E Time(min)
Asymmetrical innervation of sympathetic nerve

Cardiac mechanisms of acetylcholine Na Ach NorEpi Muscaria Beta-1 Receptor Receptor G Stimulates Stimulates Inhibition Cyclic-AMP
Cardiac mechanisms of acetylcholine

Mechanisms of acetylcholine -increase K& decrease Ca permeability K+ outward↑,MRP|↑, phase4 spontaneous depolarization \, autorhythmicity l Inhibition of Caz+ channel, phase 0 amplitude velocity \, conductivity l Ca2+ influx V, [Ca2+]V, contractility t
Mechanisms of acetylcholine —increase K+ & decrease Ca2+ permeability • K+ outward , |MRP| , phase 4 spontaneous depolarization , autorhythmicity • Inhibition of Ca2+ channel, phase 0 amplitude & velocity , conductivity • Ca2+ influx , [Ca2+ ] i , contractility
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