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浙江大学医学院:消化系统(PPT讲稿)alimentary system

浙江大学医学院:消化系统(PPT讲稿)alimentary system

消化系统 alimentary system

消化系统 alimentary system

(二)空肠、回肠 1、空肠、回肠:无明显境界,它们迂回盘 曲形成小肠袢,位于腹腔的中部。 2、区别:位于左上腹,占25,比较粗, 管壁厚,管径粗,血液供应丰富,红色, 皱襞密而高,淋巴结呈弥散性。位于 右下腹,占3/5,比较细,管径细,管壁薄 血液供应稍差,呈淡红色,皱襞疏而低, 淋巴结为集合性

(二)空肠、回肠 • 1、空肠、回肠:无明显境界,它们迂回盘 曲形成小肠袢,位于腹腔的中部。 • 2、区别:空肠位于左上腹,占2/5,比较粗, 管壁厚,管径粗,血液供应丰富,红色, 皱襞密而高,淋巴结呈弥散性。回肠位于 右下腹,占3/5,比较细,管径细,管壁薄, 血液供应稍差,呈淡红色,皱襞疏而低, 淋巴结为集合性

Jejunum空肠 and ileum回肠

Jejunum空肠 and ileum回肠

第六节小肠 二)空肠和回肠 jejunum and ileum 模结肠 横结肠系膜 大网膜 环状 胰十二指肠下动脉 肠系服上动静脉 空肠(内面观) 回结肠动脉 升结肠 立淋巴滤泡 回肠动脉 环状 集合淋巴速泡 回肠(内面观) 小肠、大肠和肠系膜上动脉

(二)空肠和回肠 jejunum and ileum 第六节小肠

Jejunum and ileum空肠,回肠区 别 Characteristic.特点 Jejunum空肠 leum回肠 Position位置 Upper 2/5 Lower 3/5 Diameter管径 Greater Less Wal管壁 Thicker Thin Circular folds环状| Larger, numerous Fewer, smaller Vascularity管分 Greater Less Colour颜色 Deeper red Paler pink Lymphatic Solitary Aggregated follicles淋巴滤泡

Jejunum and ileum空肠,回肠区 别 Characteristic特点 Jejunum空肠 Ileum回肠 Position位置 Upper 2/5 Lower 3/5 Diameter管径 Greater Less Wall管壁 Thicker Thin Circular folds环状 襞 Larger, numerous Fewer,smaller Vascularity血管分 部 Greater Less Colour颜色 Deeper red Paler pink Lymphatic follicles淋巴滤泡 Solitary Aggregated

Large Intestine大肠 Approximately 1.5m long Five parts. Cecum盲肠 Vermiform appendix Fa 尾 Colon结肠 Rectum直肠 cana管

Large Intestine 大 肠 • Approximately 1.5m long, • Five parts: – Cecum 盲肠 – Vermiform appendix 阑 尾 – Colon 结肠 – Rectum 直肠 – Canal 肛管

Large Intestine大肠 Features Colic bands结肠带 Haustra of colon结肠袋 Epiploic appendices肠脂垂 网膜带独立带结肠带 肠盾垂 结肠系膜 结肠半月襞 结肠(外面观)

Large Intestine 大肠 Features • Colic bands 结肠带 • Haustra of colon 结肠袋 • Epiploic appendices 肠脂垂

Cecum盲肠 Blind sac, first part of large intestine, with largest diameter and thinnest wall Lies in right iliac fossa The ilium enters the cecum obliquely, and partially invaginates into it, forming the ileocecal valve-consists of two folds, probably delays flow of ileal contents into large intestine

Cecum 盲肠 • Blind sac, first part of large intestine, with largest diameter and thinnest wall • Lies in right iliac fossa • The ilium enters the cecum obliquely, and partially invaginates into it, forming the ileocecal valve-consists of two folds, probably delays flow of ileal contents into large intestine

Vermiform appendix尾 位于右髂窝,长约6-8cm 结肠半月装 结肠袋 回盲 回盲,系膜 回盲下隐窝 尾口 盲肠和阑尾

Vermiform appendix 阑尾 • 位于右髂窝,长约6-8cm

阑尾根部体表投影( Mac Burney麦氏点 右髂前上棘与脐连线的中 外13交点处。 Surface marking of the base is at the so-called McBurney's point which is at junction of lateral and middle thirds of line joining 脐 right anterior superior iliac 髂前 spine and umbilicus 上棘 Lanz点

阑尾根部体表投影( Mac Burney麦氏点) • 右髂前上棘与脐连线的中、 外1/3交点处。 • Surface marking of the base is at the so-called McBurney’s point which is at junction of lateral and middle thirds of line joining right anterior superior iliac spine and umbilicus • Lanz点
