浙江大学医学院:《组织学》课程教学资源(PPT讲稿)Chapter 14 消化腺 Digestive gland
Chapter 14 Digestive gland
Chapter 14 Digestive gland
small gland: fundis gland, smal intestinal gland -large gland: salivary gland pancreas, liver
---small gland: fundis gland, small intestinal gland ---large gland: salivary gland, pancreas, liver
1. Salivary gland
1. Salivary gland
1)General structure of exocrine gland Capsule: CT, Which separate the parenchyma into lobules lobule. 袋液性腺泡 粘液性腺泡 一混合性腺泡 Q 0包B 纹状管 闰管 小叶间导骨
1) General structure of exocrine gland ---Capsule: CT, which separate the parenchyma into lobules ---lobule:
① acinus: a serous acinus structure pyramidal or cuboidal ③入 round basally-located N apical zymogen granule-acidophilic basal: basophilic-RER, ribosome function: secret salivary amylase(淀粉酶)
① acinus: a. serous acinus: structure: • pyramidal or cuboidal • round basally-located N • apical: zymogen granule-acidophilic • basal: basophilic-RER, ribosome function: secret salivary amylase(淀粉酶)
b. mucous acinus structure pale-stained, slight-blue, flattened n against the basal membrane mucinogen granule Golgi, RER, mitochondria
b. mucous acinus: structure: • pale-stained, slight-blue, flattened N against the basal membrane • mucinogen granule • Golgi, RER, mitochondria
c. mixed acinus: several serous cell attached to mucous acinus serous demilune
c. mixed acinus: several serous cell attached to mucous acinus – serous demilune
②duct: a intercalated duct simple squamous epI ° sImple cuboidal epl connect with acinus 闰管 毛细止管 分泌管 柴液栓腺泡 粘液性酴泡 半月
②duct: a. intercalated duct: • simple squamous epi. • simple cuboidal epi. • connect with acinus
浆液性腺泡 粘液性腺泡 0,(飞六 b, striated duct 纹沈管 (secretory duct): intralobule 35005cE79e sImple columnar epl tall cell, acidophilic round N. located at apical part longitudinal striation plasma membrane infolding
b. striated duct (secretory duct): intralobule • simple columnar epi. : • tall cell, acidophilic • round N, located at apical part • longitudinal striation: plasma membrane infolding
C interlobular duct and major duct: simple columnar epi. or pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi
c. interlobular duct and major duct : simple columnar epi. or pseudostratified ciliated columnar epi
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