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浙江大学医学院:内分泌系统(PPT讲稿)Endocrine System

浙江大学医学院:内分泌系统(PPT讲稿)Endocrine System

Endocrine System

Endocrine System

下丘脑 松果体 人 脑垂体 体 内 甲状旁腺 甲状腺 分 系 统 肾上腺 胰腺的的 胰岛分 布 卵巢的 黄体 睾丸中的间 质细胞

松果体 下丘脑 脑垂体 甲状旁腺 甲状腺 甲状腺 肾上腺 胰腺的 胰岛 卵巢的 黄体 睾丸中的间 质细胞 人体内分泌系统的分布

1. Components ---small gland or endocrine cell: islet of pancreas and corpus luteum --endocrine gland Thyroid gland Parathyroid gland Adrenal gland Pituitary gland(hypophysis · Pineal body

1. Components: ---small gland or endocrine cell: islet of pancreas and corpus luteum ---endocrine gland: • Thyroid gland • Parathyroid gland • Adrenal gland • Pituitary gland(hypophysis) • Pineal body

2. General structure capsule: CT parenchyma: endocrine cells arranged into nest, cord. cluster or follicle secrete hormones interstitium: CT, rich in capillaries

2. General structure ---capsule: CT ---parenchyma: endocrine cells arranged into nest, cord, cluster or follicle, secrete hormones ---interstitium: CT, rich in capillaries

O Capillaries Secretory cells 3. Characteristics of endocrine glands A Ductless Cells are arranged in cord, follicle, aggregation or net-like structure, among them are spaces containing rich blood and lymph Caps

5 3. Characteristics of endocrine glands: A. Ductless. Cells are arranged in cord, follicle, aggregation or net-like structure, among them are spaces containing rich blood and lymph Caps

B Secrete hormone at a specific time and in direction of blood flow extracellular hormone fluid small amounts, which act on target organ, tissue or cells C. The secretion Endocrine gland activity is often ∴ requlated by other hormones or nerve impulses D Make up an hormone endocrine organ or oducing cells exist in other organs capillaries as tissue or dispersed cells

6 B. Secrete hormone at a specific time and in small amounts, which act on target organ, tissue or cells. C. The secretion activity is often regulated by other hormones or nerve impulses. D. Make up an endocrine organ, or exist in other organs as tissue or dispersed cells

oOA E. Two types of endocrine cells 1. Peptide-secreting cells: Well developed G, ReR and secreting granules. Release hormone that chemically contains amino acids

7 E. Two types of endocrine cells: 1. Peptide-secreting cells: Well developed G, RER and secreting granules. Release hormone that chemically contains amino acids

2. Steroid-secreting cells; Foamy cytoplasmic appearance under LM Rich in SER, lipid droplets andMT containing tubular-like cristae. Secrete hormone that chemically contains steroids

8 2. Steroid-secreting cells: Foamy cytoplasmic appearance under LM. Rich in SER, lipid droplets andMT containing tubular-like cristae. Secrete hormone that chemically contains steroids

内分泌腺的结构特点 ①无导管 ②细胞排列成团、索、滤泡状 ③毛细血管丰富(有孔型、血窦) ∵…∴ : ,3 :

内分泌腺的结构特点 ①无导管 ②细胞排列成团、索、滤泡状 ③毛细血管丰富(有孔型、血窦)

激素( Hormone) receptor 作用 机理」与受体结合,引发细胞反应 作用特异性;高效性;交叉性; 特点 远距离作用和旁分泌 性质 paracrine 分类含氮激素和类固醇激素

激素(Hormone) 作用 机理 与受体结合,引发细胞反应。 作用 特点 特异性;高效性;交叉性; 远距离作用和旁分泌 性质 分类 含氮激素和类固醇激素 receptor paracrine 荷尔蒙
