浙江大学医学院:神经组织(PPT课件)Nervous tissue

Nervous tissue
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教学要求 1、熟悉神经组织的组成。 2、了解神经胶质细胞的分类与功能。 3、掌握神经元的形态结构、分类及突触的结构。 4、熟悉神经纤维的概念、无髓神经纤维与有髓神 经纤维的区别。 5、熟悉神经末梢的概念、分类与功能。 6、掌握血脑屏障的含义
教学要求 1、 熟悉神经组织的组成。 2、了解神经胶质细胞的分类与功能。 3、掌握神经元的形态结构、分类及突触的结构。 4、熟悉神经纤维的概念、无髓神经纤维与有髓神 经纤维的区别。 5、熟悉神经末梢的概念、分类 与功能。 6、掌握血脑屏障的含义

An outline >Neurons > Structure >Soma >Processes(neurites) >Function >Neuron-neuron communication(synapses) >Classification >Morphology >transmitter >Glial cells > Classification >Function
An outline ➢Neurons ➢Structure ➢Soma ➢Processes (neurites) ➢Function ➢Neuron-neuron communication (synapses) ➢Classification ➢Morphology ➢transmitter ➢Glial cells ➢Classification ➢Function

Cerebrum Panetal lobe Frontal lobe Occipital obe The most fascinating structure Temporal in the world-brain! 3 Consists of nervous Cerebellum tissue Brain stem cord
The most fascinating structure in the world-brain! Consists of nervous tissue

Components of nervous tissue Components: nerve cells: neuron, 1012 neurons in the human brain Glial cells: neuroglia Astrocytes Oligodendrocytes Microglia Schwan's cells Function: Neurons: sense, receive, process information initiate and conduct the nerve impulse Glial cells: support, protect, insulate and nourish neurons
• Components: • nerve cells: neuron, 1012 neurons in the human brain • Glial cells: neuroglia – Astrocytes – Oligodendrocytes – Microglia – Schwan’s cells • Function: • Neurons: sense, receive, process information, initiate and conduct the nerve impulse • Glial cells: support, protect, insulate and nourish neurons Components of nervous tissue

synapse neuron neuron axon neuroglIa Axon termial
neuron synapse axon. Axon terminal neuroglia neuron

Neuron神经元 The structural and functional cellular unit By Ramon Cajal
Neuron 神经元 The structural and functional cellular unit By Ramon Cajal

Structure of neurons: morphology cell body(soma), 5 um-150um spherical pyramidal fusiform stellate in shape, Processes(neurites dendrites: like branches of tree axon: long thin cord-liked process
cell body (soma), 5 um-150um spherical, pyramidal fusiform stellate in shape, Processes (neurites) dendrites: like branches of tree axon: long thin cord-liked process Structure of neurons: morphology

Terminal branches of axon (form junctions with other cells) Dendrites (receive messages from other cells Axon (passes messages away from the cell body to Cell body other neurons ( the cell's life. muscles, or glands) support center Myelin sheath (covers the axon of some rons and helps speed Neural impulse neural impulses (electrical signal traveling down the axon

Structure of neurons the soma Cell membrane unit membrane-excitability, to receive stimuli initiate and conduct nerve impulse membrane proteins- rich in ion channels and receptors
Cell membrane • unit membrane-excitability, to receive stimuli, initiate and conduct nerve impulse • membrane proteins- rich in ion channels and receptors Structure of neurons-the soma
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