《DNA生物合成》PPT教学课件:A nucleic acid consists of four kinds of bases linked to a sugar-phosphate backbone

A nucleic acid consists of four kinds of bases linked to a sugar-phosphate backbone. Base Base+ Base+2 Sugar s ugar Sugar Sugar Sugar PhosphatePhosphate Phosphate Phosphate Phosphate A monomer unit
A nucleic acid consists of four kinds of bases linked to a sugar-phosphate backbone. A monomer unit

The double-helical structure of dna facilitates the replication of the genetic material 34A 10 nucleotides)
The double-helical structure of DNA facilitates the replication of the genetic material (10 nucleotides)

The double helix can be reversibly melted Single stranded oog 1.3 o0 g Melting 1.1 temperature Double helical c1.0 60 70 80 220 300 Wavelength(nm) Temperature('C) Single-stranded DNA absorbs light The absorbance of a dna solution at more effectively than does double 260nm increased when the double helix helical DNA-----Hypochromism is melted into single strands
The double helix can be reversibly melted Single –stranded DNA absorbs light more effectively than does doublehelical DNA-----Hypochromism. The absorbance of a DNA solution at 260nm increased when the double helix is melted into single strands

Chromosome enes dna double helix regulatory exons introns sequence DNA Transcription RNA Splicing RNA i Translation Protein (c) Chemis In eukaryotes, the processes of transcription and translation are separated both spatially and in time. Transcription of dNa into mRNA occurs in the nucleus. Translation of mRNA into polypeptides occurs on ribosomes
● In eukaryotes, the processes of transcription and translation are separated both spatially and in time. Transcription of DNA into mRNA occurs in the nucleus. Translation of mRNA into polypeptides occurs on ribosomes

Lipids and cell Membrane
Lipids and Cell Membrane

Eukaryotic cell organization- Animals N ANIMAL CELL Nucleus nucleolus Mitochondrion ap Centriole Smooth Rough Peroxisome Plasma endoplasmic Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus and many other nelle with specialized functions

Prokaryotic cell organization Cytoplasm Ribosomes Nucleoid Plasma membrane Peptidoglycan Cell wall ∵∴ Outer membrane apsu Prokaryotic cells lack internal compartments no nucleus no membrane-bound organelles

Eukaryotic cell organization- Plants A PLANT CELI Nucleus Nucleolus Free ribosomes Plasmodesma Mitochondrion golgi apparatus Vacuole Rough endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Peroxisome Chloroplast Plasma membrane Plant cells have a rigid cell wall and a large central vacuole in place of lysosomes Plant cells have one or more chloroplasts - sites of photosynthesis

Fatty acid Head group Structure of biomembrane
Structure of biomembrane Head group Fatty acid

Electron micrograph of red blood cell plasma membrane
Electron micrograph of red blood cell plasma membrane
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