浙江大学医学院:螺旋体 Spirochete(PPT讲稿)

1 Spirochete

Medically Important Bacteria Lacking Rigid cell walls Flexible cell wall (Spirochetes) Borrelia Leptospira Ureaplasma T Simple unicellular Filamentous Actinomyces Mycobacterium Nocardia Obligate intracellular Free-living parasite Chlamydia Coxiella Ehrlichia Gram-positive Gram-negative

Gram-positive Gram-negative Cocci Rods Cocci Nonenteric Enteric rods rods Enterococcus Bacillus Acinetobacter Bacterioides Peplostreptoe Clostridium crayola Bartonella Campylobacter Staphylococcus Corynebacterium Neisseria Enterobacter Bordetella Streptococcus Erysipelothrix Eschenchia Brucella Lactobacillus Francisella Fusobacterium Listeria Helicobacter hemophilus Propionibacterium Klebsiella Pasteurella Prevotella Proteus Pseudomonas Providencia Pseudomonas Salmonella Serratia vibrio Yersinia

Inroduction The spirochetes are a large heterogenous group of bacteria In some respects, this microorganism is similar to bacteria and protozoa. They have cell wall and propagate by binary fission and move vigorously by the rotation and twisting of the endoflagella. They are sensitive to antibiotic
4 Inroduction •The spirochetes are a large heterogenous group of bacteria. •In some respects, this microorganism is similar to bacteria and protozoa. •They have cell wall and propagate by binary fission and move vigorously by the rotation and twisting of the endoflagella. They are sensitive to antibiotic

Structural characteristics: o They are long, slender and spiral or helical-shaped Gram-negative bacilli
5 • Structural characteristics: ◇ They are long, slender and spiral or helical-shaped, Gram-negative bacilli

endoflagella terna flagella External flagella
6 endoflagella

Structural characteristics: o There are endoflagella located between outer and inner membrane (envelope) and running parallel to the microbic body. Protoplasmic cylinder Endoflagella Outer envelope
7 Protoplasmic cylinder Endoflagella Outer envelope • Structural characteristics: ◇ There are endoflagella located between outer and inner membrane (envelope) and running parallel to the microbic body

Flagella Outer Cross section view membrane spiral cylinder of spirochete

There are three genera whose members are human pathogens: I. Leptospira II. Treponema III, Borrelia
9 • There are three genera whose members are human pathogens: I. Leptospira II. Treponema III. Borrelia

I Leptospira Leptospirosis
10 I. Leptospira & Leptospirosis
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