浙江大学医学院:《组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology》课程教学资源(PPT课件)Chapter 1 Introduction

Histology and Embryology Jicheng LI Zhejiang University Medical School
Histology and Embryology Jicheng LI Zhejiang University Medical School

Reference books 1. Jun min T, Ji cheng L. Textbook of Histology and Embryology Peking University Medical Press, 2011 2. William k. Ovalle Patrick C. Nahirney Netter's essential histology, Elsevier Health Sciences, 2007 3. Gaetner MP, Hlatt JL. Colour Textbook of Histology Williams Wilkins. 1997 Course web http:/m-learning.zju.edu.cn 2016 Histology and Embryology)
Reference books • 1. Jun min T, Ji cheng L. Textbook of Histology and Embryology. Peking University Medical Press, 2011 • 2. William k. Ovalle & Patrick C. Nahirney. Netter’s essential histology, Elsevier Health Sciences,2007 • 3. Gaetner MP, Hlatt JL. Colour Textbook of Histology. Williams & Wilkins, 1997 Course web: http:/m-learning.zju.edu.cn (2016 Histology and Embryology)

The composition of final score 1. Lecture and Lab attendence: 10 2. Quiz: 15%(3 quizes, each quiz 5%) 3. Lab test: 25% 4. Final written examination: 50% Histology: 35-40%0 Embryology: 10-15% 8. If you want to pass this course 1) final written examination score must be more than 50 and 2) final score>60 Preparation of laboratory work Have the tools ready: 1)Pencils(red-blue pencil) 2) rubber, ruler and so on
The composition of final score: 1. Lecture and Lab attendence: 10 % 2. Quiz: 15% (3 quizes,each quiz 5%) 3. Lab test: 25% 4. Final written examination:50% Histology: 35-40% Embryology:10-15% *. If you want to pass this course: 1) final written examination score must be more than 50 and 2) final score>60 Preparation of laboratory work Have the tools ready: 1) Pencils (red-blue pencil) 2) rubber, ruler and so on

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction

What' s histology ? lL. Why we study it? ll. How to study it? Histological methods
I. What’s histology? II. Why we study it ? III. How to study it ? -Histological methods

1. What's histology ? Histology (greek words) /histo-tissue Mlogia-study of, or knowedge of Histology means the knowledge of tissue, is a branch of Anatomy
I. What’s histology? Histology (Greek words): /histo-tissue /logia-study of ,or knowledge of Histology means the knowledge of tissue, is a branch of Anatomy

Anatomy∷ ---gross anatomy microscopic anatomy/microanatomy Structures related to function Histology is a science which study the microstructure and the relationship between the structure and function of human being
Anatomy: ---gross anatomy ---microscopic anatomy/microanatomy Structures related to function. Histology is a science which study the microstructure and the relationship between the structure and function of human being

Cell: smallest unit of structure and function of body tissue: group of cell and extracellular ground substance four basic tissue --epithelium ↓- connective tissue ---muscular tissue nervous tissue organ: made up of tissue, have special shape structure and function shen: organs which have related function get together
Cell: smallest unit of structure and function of body ↓ tissue: group of cell and extracellular ground substance four basic tissue: ---epithelium ↓ ---connective tissue ---muscular tissue ---nervous tissue organ: made up of tissue, have special shape, structure and function ↓ system: organs which have related function get together

lI. hat' s Embryology ? Embryology is a kind of science which study the processes and the regulations of the development of human fetus 1. Preembryonic period: 1-2W 2. Embryonic period: 3-8W 3.Fetal period: 9-38W
II.What’s Embryology? Embryology is a kind of science which study the processes and the regulations of the development of human fetus. 1.Preembryonic period: 1-2W 2.Embryonic period: 3-8W 3.Fetal period:9-38W

ll. How to study it- histological methods Development of histology depends on the development of technique Histology studies the microstructures. So, We should have the aid of microscope to study. Several types of microscopes are available
III. How to study it- histological methods ---Development of histology depends on the development of technique. ---Histology studies the microstructures. So, we should have the aid of microscope to study. Several types of microscopes are available
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