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浙江大学医学院:《人体寄生虫学 Human Parasitology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)绪论

浙江大学医学院:《人体寄生虫学 Human Parasitology》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)绪论

Human Parasitology (人体寄生虫学) Liwei li Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology College of Medicine, Zhejiang University

Liwei Li Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology College of Medicine, Zhejiang University Human Parasitology (人体寄生虫学)

You need to know in the course of human parasitology What is parasitology What are parasitism, parasite and host What is the life cycle of a parasite? How is the host-parasite interplay How do we diagnose the infections with parasites? e What do we need to understand in the epidemiology of parasitic infections? What are principles of control of parasitic diseases?

You need to know in the course of human parasitology • What is parasitology? • What are parasitism, parasite and host ? • What is the life cycle of a parasite? • How is the host-parasite interplay ? • How do we diagnose the infections with parasites? • What do we need to understand in the epidemiology of parasitic infections? • What are principles of control of parasitic diseases?

Pathogens microbes parasites bacteria viruses fungi protozoa helminthes arthropods

microbes parasites Pathogens bacteria viruses fungi protozoa helminthes arthropods

THE ORGANISMS 吧 Tapeworms Pathogens worms Adult 102 s schistosome Adult Trichinella Larval worm light microsco Infectious or Amoeba communicable Malaria diseases 8Bge Staphylococcus bacteria Pox virus Influenza virus vIruses nicroscope Polio virus Fig. 1. 1 Relative sizes of the organisms covered in this

Pathogens Infectious or communicable diseases! Mosquito

Definition of Parasitology Parasitology is a discipline dealing with the biology of animal parasites, ecology of parasitism with emphasis on parasite--host and parasite--environmental interactions Human parasitology or Medical parasitology is restricted in studying those parasites that are of importance in medicine Protozoology, helminthology and entomology Parasitology is usually in the scope of preventive medicine and the foundation of clinical parasitic diseases

Parasitology is a discipline dealing with the biology of animal parasites, ecology of parasitism with emphasis on parasite--host and parasite--environmental interactions. Human parasitology or Medical parasitology is restricted in studying those parasites that are of importance in medicine Protozoology, helminthology and entomology Parasitology is usually in the scope of preventive medicine and the foundation of clinical parasitic diseases Definition of Parasitology

Subject outline In this course we will concentrate on 3 major groups of parasites 1. Medical protozoa -flagellates, amoebae, malarial organisms 2. Medical Helminthes- parasitic worms such as the flukes tapeworms and roundworms 3. Medical Arthropods-insects and arachnids that are ectoparasites and carriers(vectors)of diseases

Subject outline In this course we will concentrate on 3 major groups of parasites: 1. Medical protozoa - flagellates, amoebae, malarial organisms 2. Medical Helminthes - parasitic worms such as the flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms 3. Medical Arthropods - insects and arachnids that are ectoparasites and carriers (vectors) of diseases

Why do we study parasitology 1. Parasites provide unique examples of biological phenomena not found in free living organisms 2. ● Medical importance Veterinary importance Economic importance

Why do we study parasitology? 1. Parasites provide unique examples of biological phenomena not found in free￾living organisms 2. _ • Medical importance • Veterinary importance • Economic importance

Medical Importance of Parasites Humans are hosts to over 100 species of parasites. Many of these parasites are causative agents of major public health problems of the world

Medical Importance of Parasites • Humans are hosts to over 100 species of parasites. • Many of these parasites are causative agents of major public health problems of the world

Medical Importance of Parasites Ten major tropical diseases (UNdp/World bank/TDR, 2000) Malaria(疟疾) Shistosomaiasis(血吸虫病) Filariasis(丝虫病, Lymphatic filariasis and Onchocerciasis) Leishmaniasis(利什曼病) Trypanosomiasis(锥虫病, African trypanosomiasis and chagas disease) Leprosy(麻风病) Tuberculosis(结核病) Dengue fever(登革热)

⚫ Ten major tropical diseases (UNDP/World bank/TDR, 2000) • Malaria(疟疾) • Shistosomaiasis(血吸虫病) • Filariasis (丝虫病,Lymphatic filariasis and Onchocerciasis) • Leishmaniasis(利什曼病) • Trypanosomiasis (锥虫病,African trypanosomiasis and chagas disease ) • Leprosy(麻风病) • Tuberculosis (结核病) • Dengue fever (登革热) Medical Importance of Parasites

Major human parasites Estimated World Prevalence of the major Parasitic Infection of human Malaria 300-500 milion Schistosomiasis 200 million Lymphatic filariasis 120 million Onchocerciasis 85 million Leishmaniasis 12 milion Trypanosoma cruzi(South America) 18 million Ascaris infection 1300 million Hookworm infection 1300 milion Amoebiasis 60 million Trichuriasis 900 million Giardiasis 200 million wHo,1999

Major human parasites • Estimated World Prevalence of the Major Parasitic Infection of Human: – Malaria 300-500 million – Schistosomiasis 200 million – Lymphatic filariasis 120 million – Onchocerciasis 85 million – Leishmaniasis 12 million – Trypanosoma cruzi (South America) 18 million – Ascaris infection 1300 million – Hookworm infection 1300 million – Amoebiasis 60 million – Trichuriasis 900 million – Gardiasis 200 million (WHO,1999)
